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Practice is the key _

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Everything posted by Practice is the key _

  1. Full contacts are every where in Thailand. I use to do Muay Thai Class 07774722930
  2. Go to google and type uk karate competion it might help.
  3. Thainland bangkok kowsan road or visit your local kick boxing agents if you really need.
  4. Chin roar or you mean shin hmmmmmm It will definetly hurts.
  5. I don't leve incanada sorry.
  6. Do whatever with her and dump her after wards.
  7. Ask them what they want to do,, or go to some website for fun games.
  8. My mistakes is tiring myself out now am practicing 3 or more technique and stay relaxed on my oponent.
  9. Get your parents and sort him out for good, or practice more martial atrs and do a axe kick in his face, am not 6 foot but I can kick whooo everybody in this world.
  10. Just contiue to excute a punch or few after that do a summer sult and do a side bubble axe kick.
  11. The story was so nice but a bit long.
  12. I think $28 - $35.
  13. The splits are not really safe, try making them doing strecth that feels easy and comfortable for them.
  14. Hi, Give them so tasty sweeties and let them play a game of folding their eyes and using their sense to touch other student. Let them played with some equipment etc. From a student that enjoys practicing with instructors.
  15. I eat all kind of food english,french,thai,chinese,turky etc and differnt diet so I don't really mind what I eat.
  16. I don't smoke nor drink, drink normally but don't over do it, just enjoy but don't go drunk. You should not drink alot of amounts of alcohol when goes lesson you might affect other student and harm yourself but just enjoy what you do.
  17. Get a membership in some sort of gym that do intensive hard trainning that helps you to incerd your muscle.
  18. Try to sit cross legged and get someone that weight less than you to stand on your knees and push you down do this rugulary, try sitting doing a vertical shape or even better a split and try to touch your nose with your knee. Am not sure if my advice is helping you, just do what you're comfortable in.
  19. aefibird is a very resonable member you better listen to him he gives great tips i know him for a long.............time.
  20. Ju-jit-su do katas as well!
  21. Wow am from thailand but I'd not have the chance to do Muay thai maybe i should try a few.
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