Not to mention that a sword cane will do you know good if you do not have the training to use it. Or for that matter to use the cane as a self defense weapon to start with.
This is a very common question. And after you have been in the dojo a while you will begin to truly appreciate the difficulties, and the humor in learning to tie your own belt, watching others try to figure it out and seeing just how they managed to make it look like that. Here are some of the links to old threads on belts and their tying.
I think the work I have done using weapons in some of my empty hand katas have really added to my understanding of how movements might be applied. And that what we may learn in class in terms of application is just scratching the surface. A form does not truly become part of you unitl you begin to see your own interpretations of what the movements lead you to.
There was an old man and an old woman sitting on a bench at a bus stop. The bus was really late and getting later by the minute. The old man looked over at the old woman and said: "I have been sitting here so long my butte has gone to sleep." The old woman replied: "I know I have been hearing it snore." So next time you hear someone pass gas see if you can ask them if thier butte is snoring with a straight face.