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Everything posted by Sasori_Te

  1. I believe he's dicussing the rules under which a security guard acts. These rules are the same rules that the ordinary average citizen must adhere to since security personnel don't have any more use of force rights than an ordinary citizen. My advice to you is this, call the police unless you are working personal protection security. Then you have to make the decision whether or not the assailant means you or your primary any harm. THe basic rule is this. If you a valid reason to fear for your life you are authorized to use deadly force to control a situation. Other than that you are not allowed to use any more force than is reasonably necessary to control the situation. Most any jiu jitsu style can get you there. As much as I despise rcommending it to anyone, you might want to also check out CRT ( I think that's the name) training. IT specifically is designed to use pressure points and joints locks to control an opponent. I'll qualify this by saying that I never ever would recommend anyone going to one of these one or two week courses and thinking that you can actually walk away with the knowledge to defend yourself or someone else. IT takes lots of repetitive training to be able to respond to an attacker instantaneously. Good luck in your search for instant answers. If you find one that works let me know. I'd be interested.
  2. I would like to know when the chi or ki or bioelectricity, whichever you like, became an evil thing. I mean I believe in God but extremism is not in my nature. GOd gave internal energy to us to be used by our bodies to function properly. Why would it be wrong to strengthen and use this thing that we already have. I have never seen a requirement fo ranyone to become Taoist or Bhuddist or any other religion in order to be able to practice proper breathing and visualization. Not to mention this is very intolerant of other religions. I thought being a Christian was all about love thy neighbor and tolerance. I don't recall seeing anything in the Bible that says unless they don't think like you do. Sorry but I just don't buy into that whole attitude. As for any New Age movement, as the study of chi is several thousand years old, I'm thinking it's not so new.
  3. I've read and written several posts on this very topic. A black belt doesn't mean anything without the proper technique level coupled with a humble attitude. If you're studying to get a black belt, save yourself some time and money and go downtown to your local martial arts supply store and buy one. Without the things I mentioned above that's about all it will be worth anyway.
  4. If you are training your right and left sides to be equal (this usually involves doing twice the number of reps on the off side), then you don't have to worry about any of this do you? Not training your tools equally is in effect tying one hand behind your back and tying one foot to the ground.
  5. Whatever happened to the concept of "judge not lest ye also be judged" in Christianity? These sights sound like my Uncel could have written them. The only people worthy of love and respect are those that think exactly like him. It's a shame really. I feel bad for those folks.
  6. It depends on what you want them to get out of the martial arts. Do you want them to learn the arts and be proficient? Do you want to teach them to be more disciplined ( I always though this was a parents job and not an instructors ). I ask this because as a general rule kids under 12 or 13 don't really get anything out of their training as the only thing they know about the arts is what they see and want to learn from television. Don't get me wrong. Young children can have fun in a martial arts class as long as that's the way the instructor has it structured. Are you going to be doing the teaching? It depends on a lot of things. My best advice is to start them when you think they might be ready. Pay attention to how they handle it and then decide if they should continue or not.
  7. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the forums.
  8. I find this post interesting as well. Just make sure that you aren't mistaking kindness for weakness. I always ask my dan grade ranks to leave opening every so often for the lower ranks to take advantage of. You have to learn how to recognize these openings in defense and learn to exploit them.
  9. I'm curious as to how anyone could ever understand the proper power transfer of a punch from a photograph. Much like grappling, and I speak as a student of Danzan Ryu Jiu Jitsu, proper striking techniques no matter the weapon used, requires proper balance and power transfer. I don't see how either one can be properly translated from a book without prior knowledge.
  10. I agree with some of the other folks that have already posted. I think that you might be trying to use your cross across your body. Cross body techniques tend to lock your frame. This renders the technique powerless and usually slow as you try to boost the power by using muscle instead of snap. If you push and roll on the ball of the rear foot as Drunken Monkey has stated above, you will move your center line with the cross so that the frame doesn't lock up. If you relax and try what we're talking about here this should help.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Lots of good people here.
  12. Welcome to the forums.
  13. I will qualify add to my above statement by saying that I will not promote anyone under 17 to Shodan. All my younger students are aware of this up front. As such I usually don't keep younger students that long. They get bored and go away. I usually refer them to the ATA belt factory around the corner. I don't teach for the money so it doesn't affect me adversely to do this.
  14. I was wondering about the contact a little as well. I feel that contact is necessary at some point near the 2nd or 3rd kyu rank tested for. That's my standard. Actually we start controlled contact right away after learning the initial techniques well, with upper ranks paired with lower ranks. The upper ranks usually catch the worst end of the deal by far.
  15. Kempocos has made some excellent points in his posts. Check them again.
  16. I'm only familiar with Sensei Demura's Shito Ryu style. I'm not even sure what he calls his organization now since he was expelled from the Japanese organization he previously belonged to.
  17. The Southern White Crane style was a major influence on the Okinawan styles, especially Shuri Te. The Hakutsuru kata or White Crane kata supposedly comes directly from the Southern White Crane system. I have not researched personally the validity of that statement.
  18. Excellent clip. Thanks for posting it.
  19. Drunken Monkey has some valid points. More emphasis needs to be placed on individual performance than on the style of the individual. I respect these guys as athletes. They train extremely hard to do what they do. I still cannot say that I respect them as martial artists since I don't recognize what they do as martial arts. My opinion.
  20. Welcome to the forums.
  21. Welcome back to the forums.
  22. welcome to the forums.
  23. welcome to the forums.
  24. welcome to the forums
  25. I made the mistake of agreeing to teach the son of a friend that was 6. I will never do that again. I won't take anyone else under the age of ten.
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