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Everything posted by Breakdancer

  1. that gave me a good idea, i should get a big tatoo on my back has the wu tan school symbol of learning, that'd be cool, in the locker room i'd take of my shirt and have this tuff tatoo on my back everyone will be like whoa that guy is a mean foo
  2. YAY I Gotta watch that i'm tired of watching bob sapp break his knuckles
  3. back in the day martial arts schools were almost like gangs... because you would spend so much time there and become good friends with the people, so yeah its kinda like that i dont kno about now tho
  4. no chinese martial arts is much different because usually an experienced wushu practitioner doesn't seek fame such as other martial arts, you learn to become modest and it effects your everyday life and your personallity, the kung fu people have a bad rep on being * in fights only cuz of UFC and other *
  5. ever try jumping quad kicks, they are VERY HARD you can never land them its almost impossible but if your good enough you get at least get the kicks but usually land on the ground, our teacher teaches quad kicks they are extremely powerful in any type of fight
  6. well actually chimps couldn't kick our *, they're teeth aren't sharp and they dont have claws, they may be agile but a good kicking to the face will put any chimp in his place
  7. chinese arts is known by america for acrobatics which is pretty deceitful true chinese wushu emphasize very effective techniques, but anyways dont wanna get off topic but chinese is known for acrobatics or having no power being too soft(which is not true...)
  8. double and triple kicks are very useful my grasshopper kung fu teacher says if you unleash as much chi as you can in a single movement of strikes it will be unblockable
  9. yeah but dont do it in school... you'll get busted
  10. same of the stance is Grasshopper stalking for prey
  11. Techno, classical music or any good trance music is good for training somethign without many words tho
  12. first of all u could die and u could not land it perfectly, do it on a trampoline a thousand times until you ahve no fear, You must not fight fear or you will fail, You must release fear... trust me. and splits you must stretch alot and even when u think ur finihsed your not... oh yeah always warm up ALOT before stretching and then stretch for a loong time. I just did horse stance for about 9 minutes wihtout getting up and than just finished 20 minutes of holding the splits..... So what i recommend is to do HORSE FOR a long time like 10 minutes or more, dont get up then go into splits for a long time. your muscles will be very tired from horse and splits will stretch them good!
  13. one leg slightly bent in front with your foot flat and at an angle about 45 degrees, back foot is at a 90 degree angle and is 90 degree angle knee also so ur kneei s pretty bent and the weight distribution is 70 percent on the front leg 30 percent on the back, your hands are in an open fist a very very relaxed fist and your head is looking at the way ur moving
  14. i think listening to inspiring music while running will make u keep going, i wish i had a cd player...
  15. u will all soon learn what my kung fu is all about when i win a chinese kung fu tournament thats really big!, Also today i just learned a triple leg jumping attack from grasshopper position, this wil seriously messs someone up
  16. 7 star praying mantis kung fu and i'm the masta, i'm the best at my school even better than instructor.... j/p naw its cool tho i'm still really new at it.... gotta get me some sticks for the stick form
  17. well my kung fu instructor is around 60 his instructor who is still alive is around 85 and its crazy that he still does kung fu and even the splits, just dont overdue it and WORK HARD STRETCH RIGHT and keep positive mind and you will always turn out as an equal
  18. no offense, but to the person above me i disagree, kung fu is much different than karate, not sayign karate is uneffective but kung fu applies MANY chinese theories and to truly get the form and technique right is hella hard, just to hold horse stance is hard as is without teachers fixing me like 20 times. kung fu is very different. All styles of kung fu are also very different, even different schools with the same style can be different, just because of the different philosophy. With more hard styles like kickboxing, karate or jujitsu, its very broad, and not much theorie is applied, they only applie which is most practical, one is idealistic one is realistic
  19. no tis not i'm serious i'm actually starting to get into it, i learned how to do a double leg attack today, but it kinda sucks i still got my * kicked couple weeks ago trying to use it.... but still i mean it seems legit, and theres only 3 other people in the class thats why i think they make me pay 120 a month
  20. this style rocks, its hte style i'm being taught right now, my sifu learned it from master su yu change in taiwain. Its the traditional lineage and style that focuses on very quick movents coming from your inner center or tantien, Its very aggresive but doesn't really specialize in muscle strength but more relaxed traditional kung fu strength, go to kickboxing.com and theres an article about traditional kung fu somewhere there. anyways its really cool, the movements and stances resemble the mantis more than the other praying mantis forms For a workout, it will workout your legs alot, i have alot of leg strength now, but it doesn't emphasize using tense attacks like karate, its very settle and explosive at the same time, some other kung fu practicioners may say otherwise, but many of the other kung fu mantis styles were ruined from the communists, thats why my sifu came from taiwain, the original style went to taiwain when the communists took over china to keep the traditional kung fu pure, many of hte kung fu schools now though are derived from china that were ruined by the communists and now focus on muscle strength more than anything else.
  21. dude your brother is a scary * mofo man
  22. YES I Finally quit the stupid school, I did what someone told me to do here, threaten him with a lawyer because i got my * kicked trying to use his unrealistic fighting methods yay!
  23. well i didn't pick up the language, of thai but i got the chinese accent, i say chinese as a generic term, because people say chinese as a generic term
  24. your asking for way to much, those camps are very rare and i doubt you'll find one anywhere near where you are if they even have them in the us, and if they do htey will be summer camps and god knows their authenticity
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