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Everything posted by jdash

  1. Hey everyone, so I remember taking martial arts back in middle school and while it's been almost 20 years since I did study I still remember the discipline and focus it helped me develop. I've now got kids of my own, and my 7 year old son could really use an outlet for physical energy and working on his ability to focus. My wife and I have been chatting about getting him into some kids classes, and I've batted the idea around of getting back into it myself. There is this school: https://kickconnection.com close to our house that I saw, but I figured if we're going to do this, I might as well actually really think about what's the right options for both my son and I. Thoughts? All that said too... 20 YEARS! Congratulations to everyone who has made this forum what it is over the last two decades, what an incredible accomplishment.
  2. Awesome! This makes me feel old, but it's wonderful to still see KF going strong!
  3. Congrats on the amazing milestone! What an awesome display of dedication to this community.
  4. So if you check the member list you will see that I was the second person registered on this forum (after Patrick). Most of you don't know me as I haven't been regular here in years, but I wanted to leave my thoughts as well (hope you don't mind Patrick). It was pretty amazing to see Patrick post the "10 Year Anniversary" of Karate Forums, as sometimes you don't realize how fast time has gone. I've known Patrick for quite a few years now, mostly online, and finally got to meet in person a few years back. Ten years ago Patrick and I were 16 and I'll never forget chatting with him about domain names. Patrick has a knack for finding decent names that are available (wish I had a transcript of the conversation). I had started training in the Martial Arts a year or so prior and Patrick mentioned he had found, karateforums.com. I thought it was definitely a "cool" name back then and said, "Well if you don't register it, I'm going to. :wink:" Well he did and as they say, "the rest is history." It's a good thing that Patrick was the one to register the domain as this places embodies all the qualities and strengths Patrick has developed as a community manager over the years. I was a very early staff member here and still remember so many early stories as we tried to go and establish our "place." It was always funny to hear someone try to "argue" with Patrick about something martial arts related (thinking they would make a point) only to find out later Patrick had never studied or taken a martial arts. That has been a good thing though. The one thing I will echo about KarateForums, that so many have before me, is that in a discussion area that is known for big egos and chest thumping KarateForums has succeeded in becoming a quality, friendly, open discussion without all the "visible" drama that occurs on other martial arts forums. That's in no small part to the impartiality and firm but friendly hand that Patrick has taken in running this community. That's not to say there hasn't been drama but it has been handled quickly, quietly and efficiently enabling this community to continue to grow. I'm glad I had at least a small part in creating this community. It's been wonderful to read the stories of people over the last couple of days about how KF has played a part in their journey. I had to stop studying the martial arts several years ago and slowly drifted away from the community. However I still pop in here and there to see how the community has grown. Here's hoping for another ten years of success for KF. Also kudos to the various staff over the years. It can at times be a difficult job so let this be the moment of appreciation that you don't always receive. Congrats Patrick on creating, managing and building one of the most successful martial arts communities online. Glad I could play a small role. It definitely is a marker in my personal journey and a time I remember fondly.
  5. May 6th, 2001. Now that really is a long time ago. It has been years. I joined before the community was even official.
  6. Thanks "The Saint" though if you look at my user ID it's a little late to "welcome me to KF" I was the second person to register here...definitely grown since then
  7. Thanks for "welcoming me back" good to see all the new guys on the block...We will see, might have to start browsing around here more often...
  8. Hey Patrick, Good to see you too...sorry about never replying to your second email been pretty busy this semester.
  9. Wow, that is so out of date it is not even funny...I haven't been on this website in a long time (moved on in life in a lot of areas) but I thought I would see what was happening in this place. Looks like you guys are definitely keeping busy, good to see some of the old guard is still in leadership! Patrick you seem to be doing an amazing job. To update my profile... Name: James M. Dasher (that hasn't changed ) Age: 19 Location: Currently Portland, OR going to school. Christmas break starts this Saturday for me though so I will be going home. What am I doing?: I am currently going to Multnomah Bible College in Portland, OR, USA pursuing a bachelor of science degree with a triple major in Bible/Theology, Speech Communication, and Music. I haven't been able to pick up the martial arts again for several years because of schedule/money/moving around but would love to again in the future. Well that's all great to see this community is still going strong, was fun to pop in now here I go back to homework (like I should be doing anyway).
  10. actually got to see a sneak preview of it last night at my theatre, greatly enjoyed it, would recommend it.
  11. thanks you guys!
  12. Wow, that is amazing lets see you usually train for 10-20 years before you would even consider starting your own school, then you probably train for liket 60-80 years or your entire life as a career before you even consider starting your "own" karate. Even then that doesn't usually happen unless something unusual happens in your career and here they are going to do it in about 1 1/2 weeks Have fun, lol, and I am kidding
  13. ummm...yeah, like definitely, however lets not talk to much or we will give stuff away
  14. just got back from seeing it, pretty good
  15. lol, YODA, watch it you are starting to release your anger, not a good thing I can't imagine if YODA gets converted to the dark side what will happen
  16. lol, and I am out, didn't enter (sort of on purpose, sort of ran out of time ) James
  17. Actually Ai Hate, sorry to disappoint you but YODA is no longer a puppet but CGI they worked as hard as they could to make him look like the original puppet did when moving, but there is to much action that YODA takes place in for him to remain a puppet, as he fights and more in the movie. James
  18. Finish lots of books as I go, read a lot, currently reading one a book that I would highly recommend (as I would recommend every book by the author) Failing Forward - By John C. Maxwell, one of the leading authorities on leadership, etc. you can apply his principles anywhere, just got to here him live yesterday, he is very good!
  19. jdash


    let's watch it on these types of posts/threads okay Radok, you want your belt to be well earned. These just clutter up the forum. Thanks! James
  20. Sorry everone, big time, missed this one (and the last one )! Been doing my best to get over a really disgusting virus for over a week now, fever around 104, and all the rest, been an absolutely horrid last 8 days still not over it but getting there. Also I am so crammed right now for finals, etc. coming up this week and next this has to take back burner or I am going to be in major trouble. James _________________ James Dasher - http://www.karateforums.com/forums/images/smiles/karate.gif [ This Message was edited by: jamesdasher on 2002-04-30 10:19 ]
  21. I will admit that I have absolutely no clue on most of it, quite the questions...
  22. and lol, I haven't read a single Harry Potter book or seen the movie, don't really have any interest in it so I will take your word for it that it is good (sort of looked a little 'stupid' to me, sorry ) Everyone to their own opinion I guess. James _________________ James Dasher - http://www.karateforums.com/forums/images/smiles/karate.gif [ This Message was edited by: jamesdasher on 2002-04-17 15:33 ]
  23. ummm...correct me if I am wrong but no, the hobbit was written long before LOTR was finished. James
  24. yes, you need to read The Hobbit, There and Back Again first I would say it gives you a better grasp of characters background and there are tons of 'hints' to it in LOTR.
  25. One of my favorite series of all time, read the books many times, the movie I saw twice (wanted to see it again, but didn't get the chance).
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