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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Going to close this thread, a reminder that you should all act with civility. Thank you. _________________ Patrick O'Keefe KarateForums.com - Administrator/Grandmaster iFroggy Design - Affordable Web Design and Development [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-04-05 19:38 ]
  2. That site was created for the purpose of humor.
  3. Ok. This challenge is over. The Winners are Mag Six! Here is the order of correct entries: SaiFightsMS (Mag Six) jamesdasher (Mag Six) ZR440 (Sharks) KSN Doug (Mag Six) So, first team to have 3 correct wins. Also, Kicker I see your entry was in my box. I am sure it was right just a little late to be included. Anyway, Mag Six wins their THIRD immunity. That means that someone from the Shark Tribe must be voted off. Please PM me with your vote and rationale. The Shark Tribe: Karateka ramcalgary ZR440 spinninggumby The Magnificent Six Tribe: KSN Doug kicker *Joanne Siddall* jamesdasher SaiFightsMS YODA The deadline for votes will be April 7 at 10 PM CST.
  4. Ok, ready everyone? Team Challenge Three: Animal Location Scavenger Hunt KickChick helped out with this one. DIRECTIONS: In which part of the world do some animals live? Look at the list of animals below. Some will be familiar to you, and others will not. Use the Internet to find where these animals live. To help you, we've provided you with the URL address for a Web site where you will find the information you need. You might need to wander around the Web site a bit to find the page that has information about each animal's natural habitat. Write the name of the country or continent where you find each animal. ANIMAL ZOO NAME/WEB SITE URL WHERE IN THE WORLD? white-faced saki Pittsburgh Zoo http://zoo.pgh.pa.us/wildlife.html King penguin Pittsburgh Zoo http://zoo.pgh.pa.us/wildlife.html silver langur Cincinnati Zoo http://www.cincyzoo.org/index.htm Gila monster Cincinnati Zoo http://www.cincyzoo.org/index.htm wallaroo The Oakland Zoo http://www.oaklandzoo.org bison The Oakland Zoo http://www.oaklandzoo.org meerkat Birmingham Zoo http://www.birminghamzoo.com muntjac Birmingham Zoo http://www.birminghamzoo.com black rhinoceros Lincoln Park Zoo http://www.lpzoo.com/menu.html green tree python Lincoln Park Zoo http://www.lpzoo.com/menu.html Now because this is a TEAM challenge, I have decided that we will go with the team that has the first THREE people submit a successful scavenger hunt is the winning team. You will PM me your answers/guesses and I will send you back the ones that are wrong. You then must make them correct. This still benefits the Mag Six because they have MORE people and thus more of an opportunity, but there is also a good chance that the Sharks could take it. This challenge begins - NOW.
  5. Basically, I pick the winner here. But, I am very heavily involved in the phpBB Community and I know what the best phpBBs are. I know quite a lot about it and my unbiased opinion is that this is one of them.
  6. That would be because I typed it wrong. Fixed now.
  7. Well, better get warmed up. Posting the challenge later today.
  8. Yes, I do. As I said above, the phpBBHacks.com Featured phpBB is only given to the best phpBBs. And this is a prime example of a great phpBB.
  9. Received from jakmak (Jack Makinson). http://www.karateforums.com/img/jack2.jpg
  10. KarateForums.com has been selected as the phpBBHacks.com Featured phpBB for the month of April 2002. This award is given to the best of phpBBs - 12 times a year, once every month. It cannot be won more than once. http://www.phpbbhacks.com/features/phpbb.php http://www.phpbbhacks.com/images/featured/april2002.gif _________________ Patrick O'Keefe KarateForums.com - Administrator/Grandmaster iFroggy Design - Affordable Web Design and Development [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-04-03 11:59 ]
  11. Well, I always open doors for ladies... "ladies first" is a common phrase, but I also hold the door for guys too. No biggie there. That is just being polite. Letting people go before you is polite, holding the door - polite. Saying please, thank you, your welcome, yes sir, no sir, refering to people you don;t know personally as Mr. or Mrs. - I do all of this and its all polite. That is what should happen.
  12. Posters please keep in mind that, like any thread, keep yourself in line, if you don't, we will not hesitate to edit your post, close this therad - or remove it completely. Thank you.
  13. This thread has turned to mean nothing. Closed. _________________ Patrick O'Keefe KarateForums.com - Administrator/Grandmaster iFroggy Design - Affordable Web Design and Development [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-04-02 13:05 ]
  14. We are basically set for the next challenge. It is going to be a scavenger hunt (Internet) and the subject will not really be exactly martial arts.
  15. http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=2301&forum=11&7 April Fools! We pulled a little prank on everyone. White Belts for the day! Hope everyone had a fun day, your belts will be all back tomorrow. _________________ Patrick O'Keefe KarateForums.com - Administrator/Grandmaster iFroggy Design - Affordable Web Design and Development [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-04-01 20:10 ]
  16. Here is a quote from your post: You said "werent justified" and "were wrong" and the "but" after that takes the meaning that they "were justified" and "were right." And the ways discussed in this thread (or "just go away and leave us alone) "doesnt always work." I did not put words in your mouth. My point is that you are defeating the purpose of asking people what they think, if in the end you are going to make a statement like that. _________________ Patrick O'Keefe KarateForums.com - Administrator/Grandmaster iFroggy Design - Affordable Web Design and Development [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-03-31 18:42 ]
  17. Ad, I am implying this: You ask what people think and then they tell you. Then you say "many of you think that my actions werent justified and were wrong, but trust me, i have been but into postions like thi b4, and if i didnt do anything, the guy would, and i didnt want to jeapordise putting my girl in that position, sometimes a "just go away and leave us alone" doesnt always work." Why did you ask if you were just gonna say "What I did was right and justified and your way doesn't always work." There is no point in asking really if you think you are right to begin with.
  18. McGee, I didn't lump you in with the people that gave him their opinion, you didn't give him a respectful opinion, you just laughed and talked about his age, I wasn't talking about biting you back.
  19. ad, Don't ask people what they think and then bite back when they tell you. That doesn't work.
  20. Naw naw... didn't mean to embarass you. People miss things.
  21. So, the teams are: The Shark Tribe: Karateka ramcalgary ZR440 spinninggumby The Magnificent Six Tribe: KSN Doug kicker *Joanne Siddall* jamesdasher SaiFightsMS YODA The next challenge will be a team challenge, so the Six will be benefitted... or will they?
  22. Ok, the votes are in! VOTE 1: three60roundhouse "there best player, but he didn't play...so I vote for three60roundhouse" VOTE 2: three60roundhouse "I vote three60roundhouse Gotta be a team player in this thing!" VOTE 3: spinninggumby "Well if I must vote someone off on the other team I want to vote off a significant threat. Hmmm serious thinking going on here......SpinningGumby" VOTE 4: three60roundhouse "360 is toast if you dont play you dont stay" VOTE 5: spinninggumby "spinninggumby - I'm a strategist and he's their strongest player." VOTE 6: three60roundhouse "Since 360roundhouse didn't play I have to vote him out." VOTE 7: three60roundhouse "I think all vote off three60roundhouse because she did not help out the team in the 20 questionaire." VOTE 8: three60roundhouse No rationale given. 6 votes for three60roundhouse 2 votes for spinninggumby three60roundhouse has been voted off of Survivor! I am working on an idea for the next challenge, please stay tuned to this thread! _________________ Patrick O'Keefe KarateForums.com - Administrator/Grandmaster iFroggy Design - Affordable Web Design and Development [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-03-29 23:01 ]
  23. I was there for most of it and waited quite a bit.
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