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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Okay, you have made your case. 100% participation vs. 50% participation. The Sharks win the challenge. Now, no one on the Sharks can be voted off. Please PM me your vote for who to vote off with a rationale if you want. DO NOT POST IT HERE. PM it. You must vote for someone on Mag Six. The deadline for votes will be Friday at 10:00 PM CST. Thank you.
  2. The Shark Tribe: Karateka - 8 Correct Answers ramcalgary - 8 Correct Answers ZR440 - 8 Correct Answers Team - 24 Correct Answers The Magnificent Six Tribe: KSN Doug - 0 Correct Answers (Did Not Play) kicker - 5 Correct Answers *Joanne Siddall* - 0 Correct Answers (Did Not Play) jamesdasher - 0 Correct Answers (Did Not Play) SaiFightsMS - 10 Correct Answers YODA - 9 Correct Answers Team - 24 Correct Answers lol. My goodness. For the record, the answers were: b c a a c b a b b a. Now, how do we settle this tie? I could do a cointoss right here. I know that seems kind of a simple way to do it, but do you guys have any ideas of how we can get this simply resolved? (I am leaving for 2 days this evening and would like to set the votes to come in while I am gone - so I want to have this settled within a few hours.)
  3. I will be posting the results later today! Sorry for the delay.
  4. Easy on the caps there, Prodigy. Also keep in mind: this thread was ment to share favorite teams, not to say "this team beats the *beep* out of your team." Know what I mean? Thanks.
  5. I like many things... soda, water, other things.
  6. Anyone interested in sports can visit another one of my sites: http://www.sportsforums.net. Baseball: Yankees Football: Dolphins Golf: Tiger Woods
  7. Phantasmatic, We have a ways to go. This might be the last Team Challenge, then we go into Individual Challenges. If that happens, we have 6 (I believe anyway) challenges left.
  8. Oh and the deadline for this will be... Sunday at 10:00 PM CST.
  9. Next TEAM Challenge: Health Quiz (by KickChick) NO USE OF THE INTERNET ALLOWED. You must guess if you don't know. Please PM me your answers and do not post them here. Question 1: Which of the following types of yoga is favored by western cultures? a.Raja yoga b.Hatha yoga c.Tantra yoga Question 2: One of the latest yoga trends in the U.S. is a strenuous, fast-moving series of "posture flows." Which of the following is NOT a name for this type of yoga? a.Astanga yoga b.Power yoga c.Kundalini yoga Question 3: In yoga, what is the name of a spiritual guide? a.guru b.mantra c.mentor Question 4: Modern dance legends Martha Graham and George Balanchine both used what method of body conditioning? a.Pilates b.Nautilus c.Tae Kwon Do Question 5: Who developed the popular Tae-Bo workout, a program of aerobic kickboxing exercise? a.Suzanne Somers b.Sinbad c.Billy Blanks Question 6: Which of the following exercise machines are used in a Spinning® workout? a.Hand weights b.Stationary bicycles c.Stair-climbers Question 7: Endurance cyclist Johnny Goldberg, creator of the Spinning® program, is known by what nickname? a.Johnny G b.G. Love c.Gee-Whiz Question 8: What is the name of the world's largest extreme sports tournament? a.Extreme Olympics b.Summer X Games c.The Alternative Games Question 9: Kickboxing was popularized in the late 80s by what action star? a.Arnold Schwarzenegger b.Jean-Claude Van Damme c.Chow Yun-Fat Question 10: What is the emphasis of Tai Chi? a.slow, graceful body movements b.self-protection with swords and sticks c.wrist, elbow, and shoulder twists, and graceful falls. The most total right answers by one team will win. So, although I admit this doesn't look good for the sharks, if all three of their members submit and get most of them right and 1-2 of the MagSix don't submit and the other 4 don't do that great, they could be right in it. So everyone give it your best shot!
  10. I will be posting the challenge later today/tonight!
  11. Just a subtle reminder that as with all posts on these forums, you should probably keep your cool. It is just a discussion and everyone be careful what you say.
  12. http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=2433&forum=8&2 Since there already is one topic on this, I'll close this one and this can be picked up over there. Welcome to the site.
  13. Jack, We are not. Ad, No one said it did. Belts are in good fun. I believe that if you are just going to spoil the fun of others, the phrase "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" applies. It is just a novelty item and doesn't really mean anything. Some people enjoy them and that is a great. That is what they are there for, fun.
  14. Some people take the belts as fun, some do not think much of him. Either way, don't ruin the people's fun. The belts really aren't a big deal, but they are a novelty and reward people for posting a lot on our forums. Easy on the caps.
  15. The teams are now: The Shark Tribe: Karateka ramcalgary ZR440 The Magnificent Six Tribe: KSN Doug kicker *Joanne Siddall* jamesdasher SaiFightsMS YODA We are going to have at least ONE more Team Challenge, I will be posting it within a couple of days.
  16. Ok, Voting is closed. Here are the votes: VOTE 1: spinninggumby "gumby can not stand that little guy and his horse" VOTE 2: Karateka "My vote is against Karateka." VOTE 3: ramcalgary "my vote goes for ramcalgary..." VOTE 4: spinninggumby "Because I never liked his show. LOL" VOTE 5: spinninggumby "A great asset to the forum but one of the biggest threats on the other team." So, spinninggumby is now off of KarateForums.com Survivor.
  17. Nope. I don't think so. This thread was not for discussion in regard to that though. So since it is now off topic, I guess we'll close it.
  18. I have moved both topics to the most appropriate forum. And cross posting is not allowed, so I am closing this one. Anyone with stretching tips, please visit: http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=2410&forum=19
  19. Hey KarateMom, Thanks for telling me. That post was made on June 7, 2001. Here is the new link: http://www.karateforums.com/linktous.php
  20. Not at all Rush. phpBB is the forum software that we use. Hacks are a term for modifications made to improve the script. They are not illegal (a common thing with the word hacks). For instance, the thing to click on the smilies to put them in posts is a hack.
  21. Lets just remember to respect our fellow poster. Comments like "rrriiiigghhtt" are slighty rude and really not neccessary in this discussion. Everyone has an opinion, no need to disrespect each others opinions. Now, lets get back on topic.
  22. I wonder how this missed all of the Senseis and me and James. Well, we are only human. This thread is closed and there will be some PMs going out as well, so check your boxes everyone.
  23. We have many UK members. Tobias has recommended it to many people.
  24. And EVERYONE should vote, even if you didn't compete in this challenge for some reason.
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