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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. heh This thread is basically out of place... out of topic... and out of time. So, I am gonna close it. Thanks.
  2. Tobias, if you or anyone else really wants to have a go - go ahead. I will post your results here as well.
  3. Yeah... we were just having a discussion about this at: http://www.sportsforums.net/viewtopic.php?t=1046 Yeah, Giambi was great. And Soriano... his HR During the game.
  4. Yeah, I can't wait for those games either. I got Spiderman on the GC about a month ago and it is very cool.
  5. Thank you for going into detail. Your ideas will definitely be considered.
  6. Ok, here we go! New challenge. Another quiz. Created by KickChick. It is on KarateForums.com related items. Please PM me your answers and do NOT post them here. During this quiz, I believe it is more of a scavenger hunt, so if you want to do some search, go ahead. But, you CANNOT ask ANYONE for ANY info. 1. Patrick moved recently from _____ to Brandon, Mississippi. 2. “My name is Gehrig Justice. I have been in Martial Arts since 1993. I am a 2nd Dan in shotokan karate and have trained in several other styles.” What is my KarateForums.com member name? 3. Whose quote is “Just as the rose that symbolizes it, love can be beautiful, but you will eventually be pricked by a thorn. -ME “? 4. What member was PKA/PKC light welterweight World Kickboxing Champion in 1986? 5. KarateForums was launched when? (Exact Date) 6. What was written by Joseph Leung? 7. Who is Jackie McGhee and what is his association with KarateForums.com? 8. What is the most popular topic on KarateForums.com based upon total views? 9. What does a flaming forum icon mean? 10. What smilie is used the most? 11. “Kickbutt”/Lori trains in what martial art and in what school? 12. What award did KF win that is awarded only 12 times a year, once every month. And cannot be won more than once? 13. Name 1 of the 2 people who originally moderated the Health & Fitness forum? 14. Who has the most posts? 15 What is iamrushman’s first name? Good luck! The deadline to get answers in will be Saturday, July 13 at 10 PM CST.
  7. You have to make sure that you have them uploaded to a server somewhere online.
  8. Bad news. The person that was going to help us... his computer crashed and he lost everything. The forum upgrade is postponed indefinitely. I will post when I know when we are going to upgrade. Thanks.
  9. Ideas noted. Maybe you could elaborate on each of your forum ideas (what would go in each one, more indepth and how it would fit into the site). A classifieds section may be considered. Thanks for the ideas.
  10. Okay, Ti-Kwon's idea has been noted and will be considered. Deby - you suggested Training as far as I am concerned and not tactics. Training belongs in H and F. What "Member Feature" are you speaking of?
  11. Thanks for the responses. Well, couldn't a technique fit into a category of arts and then be asked in that apropriate forum? Religion kind of goes into Serious Discussion and is such an arguable debate that I would rather not let it have its own forum. Could tactics be fit into their respective art categories? Such as Grapping Art tactics, Karate tacticts, etc.? Just want to make sure that we have the most efficent setup.
  12. Saddening, it is. Derek Jeter. lol j/k Willie Mays? Hank Aaron? Roger Clemens? (Maybe too young. ) Rose is also good. I think with Mays a live there was question about Williams, though.
  13. Hello everyone. In the coming months, we will be launching new features, new sections and new stuff in general. We have many things planned. What I would like to hear is if anyone out there has a unique and cool idea for a new section/feature at KarateForums.com. I am open to any - don't be shy! Thanks.
  14. Yeah, I have received it and I think it works. I should have it posted within a couple of days!
  15. I moved it to General Chat because that is the forum it is most suited for. Thanks.
  16. Then ask your host for sure. They'll probably blame me. lol
  17. You should ask your host. Are on you cable?
  18. (This message is fine becaue SportsForums.net is an iFroggy Network website, as is KarateForums.com. So, we are all one family. ) If you like to talk sports, please check out SportsForums.net - http://www.sportsforums.net - which is a sister site of KarateForums.com. There you will find active sports discussion. I would love to see you over there as well as here. Thanks.
  19. Yes, we can do that. And it is an idea. However... there is a flaw or two. For one, we can't make the whole site look two ways. We can make JUST the forums have a different look or two though.
  20. I'd say that we are most likely sticking with our current look. Although, maybe we could change the background and the posting areas. Possibly... we'll see.
  21. Well, the belts may not be there right away, but they will be within the week. All forums, post counts and members will be perfectly preserved, yes.
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