Hello, As discussed, Shorinryu Sensei held a little (unofficial) get together for KarateForums.com users. Shorin Ryuu and Sauzin attended. He sent me the following pictures. For the sake of those with slower connections, I am going to link to them, as opposed to putting images in the thread. Captions provided by Shorinryu Sensei. Standing Around. Tough Guys. Shorin Ryuu (Right) Explains Extending the Bo For a Strike. Sauzin (Left), Shorinryu Sensei (Center) and Shorin Ryuu (Right). Shorin Ryuu (Right) Explains "Cradling the Bo". (Or is he really trying to put an end to Sauzin's day?) Shorin Ryuu (Right) Explains Moving Up the Bo Before a Curl. Shorin Ryuu Strikes! Shorin Ryuu Demonstrates a Kama vs. Bo Drill. Glad that you guys had fun. Feel free to use this thread to tell everyone what you did, etc. if you haven't already.