Those are good points, sensei8. Updating for the sake of updating is certainly a waste of time. On the other side of the coin, though, are you saying that your art can never be innovated on or improved upon in any way? After all, innovation or improvement is just another word for change or update. I'm not a martial artist, so I'm just asking the question out of curiosity and in the interest of discussion, but I don't know if I believe that a style creator launches a style and thinks "this is perfect, this is the best it is ever going to be and it can never get any better. I have created the perfect style without exception and nothing can ever be discovered that would improve it in any way." After all, would you want to learn from someone who held this view about him or herself? I'm not saying that age old traditions and techniques should be changed or anything, but I don't see a problem with having an open mind and considering the possibility of change or innovation. I'd agree with tallgeese, though, that I think the teacher should teach what they are qualified to teach and help the student apply it to their capabilities, limitations and environment.