Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. On this day, eight years ago, KarateForums.com launched. It's funny to think about where time goes and how quickly it flies by. 8 years, 3,063 days, 422,691 posts, 34,596 topics and 10,717 registered members. As corny as it is to say... it feels like we just started yesterday! At any rate, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported and positively contributed to this community. It'd be impossible to name everyone - but, if you've contributed, if you've kindly helped someone or respectfully answered a question, please know that you are appreciated. I'd like to thank my staff, past and present, for their work in helping me to maintain the community and execute on the vision. Currently, this includes Heidi, Brian, Danielle, Ed, Alex, Rusty, Brenda, Jennifer and Dave. I'm proud to have all of you on the team. I hope that you will join me in recognizing this accomplishment and in continuing the tradition as we continue to grow and improve in our ninth year! Thank you for reading and, again, for your support. Sincerely, Patrick