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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Welcome aboard, mitch. Best of luck with your test.
  2. The iPad definitely isn't meant to compete with the desktop. Mobility is what the device is all about. I think I might be interested in a Windows equivalent somewhere down the road, depending on how they develop. I could see a device like it being what I buy when it comes time to buy a new laptop, especially when paired with an external keyboard. Patrick
  3. We just had a fair amount of snow in North Carolina. It's a ton for this area. But, having lived in New England for 14 years or so, it's not that big to me. Here's the snowman we built: http://i50.tinypic.com/jhr5l1.jpg
  4. http://www.apple.com/ipad/ Are you planning to get one? It looks like a cool device. Patrick
  5. Thanks for sharing, everyone. Lupin1, it sounds like we've been in similar areas. I've lived in New England for about 14 years of my life, mostly in the Nashua, NH area. And now I'm at the top of North Carolina, about 45 minutes to an hour from the Virginia border. As for me, I loved sledding as a kid (still would, if it snowed here! ). I don't mind the cold weather, really. But, I'm glad it's not like that all year. Patrick
  6. Some people like cold weather - some don't. Some like to live in a climate that sees a full change through all four seasons. What's your preference?
  7. Yeah, we found out last night. She's in!
  8. Good that he's alright and everything worked out.
  9. Yeah, Jack is right as usual, but most of the people around him are wrong. What's up with Renee?
  10. http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1797595 Good stuff.
  11. Hello all, I apologize for the delay in getting these results posted. I just became aware of this today. We will be sorting out the future of this game shortly. I appreciate your time, patience and understanding. Sincerely, Patrick
  12. I went ahead and gave this it's own thread. Thanks. Patrick
  13. I went ahead and gave this it's own thread. Thanks. Patrick
  14. I hadn't seen that. Pretty funny, I think. Not spooky to me. I like the end of it when he's talking and then ... geearg. Patrick
  15. I would like to see Favre win it all, too.
  16. Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. Support Haiti (Haitian Relief Telethon (#HART) Begins Today) My prayers and thoughts are with the people of Haiti and everyone affected by this terrible disaster. What is apparent in times like this is that everything counts, no matter how small. Can you afford to donate $5? $3? $1? If so, that's great. It may be a small amount to you, all on it's own, but coupled with other small amounts, it becomes a big, powerful amount. You can find a list of charities on WhatGives!? Can't afford to donate? You can still spread the word. The power of online community and social media has afforded everyone a voice if they choose to have one. If you're on Twitter, Facebook, etc.; you have a community of people and connections. Share worthwhile initiatives with them and help bring awareness. It only takes a few moments to send a link or retweet something on Twitter, but it does help. An acquaintance of mine, Jim Turner of One by One Media, is taking action and has teamed with Cause Media Group, WS Radio and USTREAM to produce the Haitian Assistant Relief Telethon. Jim will be hosting a myriad of guests, including myself, for 24 hours beginning at 9 PM ET today, January 17 (that's 2 AM GMT tomorrow, January 18). You can watch on WhatGives?! and listen on WS Radio. I am scheduled to appear from 12:00 AM ET through 1:00 AM ET. I'd encourage you to tune in, not just during my segment, but any time during the show and to spread the word about it. If you're sharing it on Twitter, please add "#HART" to your tweet, without the quotation marks, but with the pound sign. This is a Twitter hashtag that stands for Haitian Assistant Relief Telethon and will help bring awareness to the event. But, whether you read this post before, during or after the show, please consider spreading awareness and information about the Haiti relief efforts in general. The WhatGives!? site is a great resource to spread through your social networks. Thank you to everyone who helps in this effort and everyone who has been helping Haiti already. I appreciate you taking the time to read this message. Sincerely, Patrick
  17. Welcome aboard, Chris. Glad to have you! Patrick
  18. http://www.onemoregadget.com/the-greatest-list-of-the-coolest-ice-cubes-around/ A bunch of neat ice trays. Via Esther Schindler.
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