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Everything posted by DarthPenguin

  1. Congratulations! Hope you have been blessed with a good sleeper!
  2. Tuesday 15th November Lifting Session Bench Press 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 52.5kg x 5 60kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 KB Goblet squat 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 KB one hand clean (reps is total for left plus right) 16kg x 16 16kg x 16 16kg x 16 16kg x 16 16kg x 16 Biceps cable curls 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Triceps straight bar pushdowns 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Grippers S x 14 S x 14 S x 14
  3. Apologies for raising an old thread from the dead but it looked quite intriguing. Did anyone ever manage to pull together a list? I'm reminded of Stephen Kesting's 'roadmap for BJJ' and thinking that a list would be so useful for a lot of people. Having a list of some 'core' techniques to reference could be really useful for some people, especially those who are new. Was thinking about it this weekend when my 6yr old had a mini judo competition - i had told him in advance that it can be helpful to focus on one throw and one pin/holddown until really good at it and then gradually add things to your competitive game one move at a time. Having some kind of list/chart could help someone new pick a complementary technique to what they already know
  4. Was an interesting event : takeaways for me were : - Adesanya has just met a guy he can't beat. He is probably more skillful but Periera just hits too hard. He kinda makes a mockery of weight classes. Apparently he stepped into the cage at 220lbs, and made weight easily at 184.5lbs. That is roughly Jon Jones in cage weight at his peak! - Chandler needs to work on his cardio. He is very close to beating the top guys but keeps losing due to his gas tank. Great fighter to watch though
  5. Are you training the snatch lifts as a main lift or an assistance lift? If the latter then maybe worth increasing the reps before the weight and seeing if that helps with the grip strength too? It was always the limiting factor i found with the lift. Maybe add in some timed holds with the higher weight? Start with a rack pull height and hold it, or hold the final rep for time?
  6. Saturday 12th November Lifting session As before main lift is supersetted with alternating assitance movement. Squat 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 67.5kg x 5 77.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 Push ups 10 reps 12 reps 7 reps 7 reps 15 reps reps were taken from the hundred push ups programme. I am crap as push ups and thought that adding them in might be a neat way to do them 3 times a week and push numbers up One hand kb row (reps are per hand L and R done) 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 These felt fine. will up the reps next time i think unless the squats feel particularly brutal Biceps cable curls 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Grippers S x 13 S x 13 S x 13 poundage : 5401kg total time: 41.5min density : 130.14 (haven't used the push ups for these calcs)
  7. Very interesting. One thing that came to mind was, how similar are the techniques then in Tang Soo Do and karate? have they stayed similar or have they diverged over time? Reason for asking is it might be an interesting resource to look at for things that can be integrated into my karate - combinations, strategies etc. . I already find that i subconsciously do a few things a little differently due to prior training etc, which can sometimes through people for a loop when sparring / drilling (i use a front leg yoko geri keage to the stomach fairly often which almost no one seems to expect and i have been told before that when practising certain more freeform drills that i often step in closer as i am naturally going block -> possible strike -> takedown/throw, when a lot of the others are naturally keeping more distance. Is something i try to work on to more closely adhere to the style i am training but doesn't hurt to add more to the toolbox!
  8. Yeah is interesting the lifts that need to be practiced regularly to avoid them sucking. For me deadlift and squat are usually fine - worst one is the overhead press followed by the bench. Without regular work they quickly fall off i find.
  9. Really interesting and well written article - must have taken a lot of effort to pull together! I was curious about one bit (apologies if this is a silly or obvious question!). I have heard a lot of people refer to Tang Soo Do in the past as 'korean karate' with some even referring to it as being Shotokan Karate based. Your article mentions that the founder of Moo Duk Kwan is mentioned as having trained in Shotokan in some sources but not substantiated. I'm curious on your thoughts on the linkages? Are the Korean Karate claims overstated / inaccurate or is there more to it? I know very little about Tang Soo Do so apologies if the answer is an obvious one and there are a lot of Kwans that make up Tang Soo Do
  10. Wednesday 9th November Karate Session Warm ups Bit heavier than usual, lots of push ups included. I hate pushups but think i did about 70 in total across a few sets. Was a struggle towards the end. We were paired up with someone and told to do 100 across the two of us. Unfortunately the guy i was with really struggles at them (he was really trying as hard as he could) so i had to pick up the slack! Kihon Little different today also. Slightly different combinations and practising them a lot faster in sets of ten reps with no rest between different combinations Drills We then worked on a few drills with partners : up and down the hall with a lae geri to the persons stomach (lightly), then a yoko geri to the stomach and finally a mawashi geri to a hand beside face. Then combined it and did all three in sequence. Did a few drills of blocking a punch and stepping into an upwards elbow; using a yoko geri or a mawashi geri as appropriate. Kata Several run throughs of the grading kata required. It's improving as the comments i am receiving now are less about the techniques themselves and more about the rhythm / pacing of the kata (which i do need to work on a lot!) Really good session. Enjoyed it a lot. Classes have been getting a bit more physically intensive recently which i like
  11. Always annoying when a workout gets cut short but one of the benefits of being consistent (as you are) if you can absorb the missing session. It's just a few more days recovery time
  12. It's a good thought. Issue is i have one rack to use and it will be set up for me to press from so can't use it to squat. Was going to try to add in some fb or kb leg work though: goblet squats; lunges or similar as i thought it made sense too. Am planning to err on the side of caution for the first run through of this routine though as i usually wouldn't superset much and i don't want to risk an injury! Good suggestion though
  13. No disputing that they are the best team in the world, as are the NBA champs, NFL champs etc. The best players also play in MLB (usually) but there can be shocks. Easy example is my soccer/football team. I follow Glasgow Rangers and last season they were the losing finalists in the second biggest european club tournament but they are nowhere near being amongst the best teams in Europe (as they showed with their poor showing this time). I've always quite liked the North American model where it in essence combines the two types of combinations we have over here: typically we have a long league season with one or two knockout competitions (cup competions). The regular season then playoffs covers that by saying that the knock out is most important but restricting it to qualified teams. The system itself says that in effect anyone can win (the whole any given sunday thing), otherwise the regular season winner would get the title awarded. Would the MLB winner beat the other winners? Yes in reality 99/100 but they still have to do it to be the world champion rather than just the worlds best team. To use a combat sports analogy: Charles Oliveira (pre recent defeat) was the best LW but not the champion officially; Jon Jones during his LHW absences was the consensus best LHW but wasn't the champ.
  14. Tuesday 8th November Lifting Session Seated overhead press 20kg x 5 25kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 32.5kg x 5 35kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 27.5 kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 These were pretty light so i tried to really concentrate on exploding and 'throwing the bar into the air' on each rep. could feel it taking off so i was pleased with that KB Swings - supersetted in with overhead press 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 KB cleans - supersetted in with overhead press 16kg x 12 16kg x 12 16kg x 12 16kg x 12 16kg x 12 Biceps cable curls 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 KB side bends 16kg x 20 16kg x 20 16kg x 20 Total poundage lifted : 4707.5kg time taken: 36min density : 130.8 kg/min
  15. Apologies, i can't resist this one, as a non American i have to point out that they have zero world titles, they have North American titles. Not disputing that they are the worlds best team but until/unless they beat the other international champs they can't be world champs. Is similar to the soccer/football Champions League winners. They are the worlds best team as the European leagues are the best, but they don't become world champ until they win the club World Cup, as no matter the skill disparity there is still always a chance for the underdog to win! (witness the dodgers losing pre WS!)
  16. Out of curiosity is the range time work related or recreation related?
  17. There was an interesting article on ESPN.com about them being a dynasty which is why i mentioned it. Personally i think the last dynasty was the Yankees one around the turn of the millennium, though an argument could be made for the Giants 3 WS a few years ago. Personally i don't think the Giants were dominant enough to be a dynasty. Astros are on the cusp of one though. WS next year and i would be swayed towards it tbh. Though hopefully next year is the Mariners year!!!
  18. UFC 281 this weekend and is quite a card! Several good fights and a lot of them seem to be pick'ems. Who do people have winning? Personally i have Adesanya losing his title - he lost to Pereira twice in kickboxing and Adesanya has never looked the same since he went up to LHW and lost. I wonder if that had an impact. Reminds me of Roy Jones Jnr after he won a HW belt and then got beaten by Tarver when he went back down. Poirier vs Chandler should be a great fight. I'm slightly favouring Poirier but i think that Chandler has the best chance of anyone to beat the new champ. Has great wrestling and one punch ko power - if he gets past Dustin that could be a good fight. Esparza vs Zhang should be a close fight too - totally undecided on this one Frankie Edgar in his retirement fight will be interesting. In typical style he has taken a decent opponent and not just a glorified exhibition to go out on. An excellent fighter who is a definite Hall of Famer i think, All in all it's a great card - you know a card is deep when Dominick Reyes is on the Prelims!
  19. Excellent. I have the same focus on squats too - i have absurdly long legs (i have a 36" inseam) so i've always had to put a lot of effort into form / depth on a squat. I find that pushing knees out seems to work, i also have feet slightly turned out,approx 10 degrees or so, and try to hit hamstrings touching calves on every rep. That is the key for me to make sure i hit depth! Well done on the snatch grip deadlifts too - is a really good lift and you will likely find that your standard deadlift poundages have taken a massive jump too as a result
  20. Yeah i quite liked Picard too, though i don't think it has much more of a shelf live. I thought the ending of season 1 gave them a clear opportunity to add a refresh that would have let them get to a much higher number of seasons. Ahsoka wise, it is heading into the unknown regions so they have a lot of freedom. The her and Luke bit is actually one of the bits that has never made sense : she didn't get involved at all with teaching Luke - his teaching was all from Obi-Wan / Yoda / self-taught, which a lot of fans think is a bit silly since she is one of the most powerful jedi and is around. She pops up in the Mandalorian for an episode to show they are friendly. She didn't even get involved in teaching Ezra much but that might change in the new show. they have cast a lot of the Rebels characters for it
  21. That sounds really good on the teaching licence. Sounds like you are doing a fair amount of teaching already and that it is going well so it seems like a logical progression. I know it is going to require a lot of work to get the licence granted but it sounds like you are on the right track!
  22. Saturday 5th November Lifting session Following new programme still where every set of main lift is superset with one set of an assistance lift so main 1 + assit 1 -> main 2 + assist 2 -> main 3 + assist 1 etc Deadlift 70kg x 5 75kg x 5 80kg x 5 92.5kg x 5 105kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 These felt good, the weights weren;t too heavy so can really focus on technique plus got a decent amount of volume in. As this is the first run through decided to use some arm exercises for the assistance (is in the list for the programme) as wasn't sure how tough the DL would be E-Z Bar curl 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 These were light so concentrated on good form and just getting some additional volume in Triceps straight bar pushdown 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Standing KB overhead press 1H (reps are total of L + R) 16kg x 12 16kg x 12 16kg x 12 16kg x 12 CoC Grippers S x 11 S x 11 S x 11 Total workout time : 41m total poundage lifted: 6880.5kg density : 167.82 kg/min
  23. Most definitely, i've always liked them. They often remind me of simple things i could be doing : eg i have a long reach and a relatviely quick kizami-tzuki / jab. I should use it more!
  24. Congrats to the Astros on winning the WS and becoming North American champions! Good to see Dusty Baker get a WS as a mgr (he definitely was overdue) and to see Verlander win a WS game too! The debate now is do the Astro's count as a dynasty? titles are several years apart but they have gotten to the ALCS every year if not the WS
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