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Posts posted by DarthPenguin

  1. Tuesday 13th August

    Lifting Session

    Bench Press

    20kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    60kg x 8

    60kg x 8

    60kg x 8

    60kg x 8

    60kg x 10


    20kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    62.5kg x 5

    72.5kg x 5

    82.5kg x 5

    Cacle chest flye

    20kg x 11

    20kg x 11

    20kg x 11

    Face pulls

    25kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    Cable lateral raise (reps = total L +R)

    10kg x 22

    10kg x 22

    10kg x 22

    Lying leg curls

    20kg x 9

    20kg x 9

    20kg x 9

  2. It's too bad those annoying guys show up in training. Sounds like you did his ego a favor, though. Hopefully he learns to shut up and train, but not likely.

    Yeah i am just avoiding him tbh and will try to do so as much as possible. Otherwise i am going to begin his introduction to pins (easiest way of avoiding either of us getting hurt!)

    One of two things happens to people like this; they learn their lesson, or they quit and forever tell stories of how they quit because an instructor held them back, or didn't realize their potential, or some such nonsense.

    Yeah very true!

  3. Great question. I'm already seeing things here and there that I can cross over. I think where I'd see the most carryover between the two is in applications. Unfortunately, our school doesn't cover a lot of applications. However, as I explore and do things on my own, I see things cross over.

    As an example, in TKD class during basics, we'll do a standard turn-in-place when in front stance to go the other way down the floor. I can apply that turn at times in Aikido techniques, making sure I use my hips to generate power in the turn and get momentum going, balance broken, etc.

    The more and more I see these things, the more I'll try to share my discoveries here.

    I look forward to reading it when you do :) Always good to hear what a high level practitioner in one style finds when blending with another style

  4. The BJJ sounds good! The fact you have a Black belt friend you can ask too will likely help a lot as they can give you excellent answers to any issues.

    The finishers thing is always interesting as it takes a long time. It is one thing i noticed has changed a lot though when i was away from it for years to when i went back. Older school it was very much you will spend a year getting crushed then you will be able to escape and get to neutral more then after months you might be able to get dominant position then after long time you will be able to start getting submissions etc etc. Nowadays everyone seems to expect to be able to finish people not long after starting!

    Working on takedowns sounds like a sound start though! Once your son gets used to the BJJ way of doing things too he will be an absolute monster with his wrestling!

  5. Yes, I can guarantee that there are those in SKA have the same viewpoint and are of a same mind set when it comes to seeing various approaches as distinct, separate skills.  Unlike some Karate orgs, they do not excommunicate members for engaging in cross-training.   Many members practice other martial arts, including grappling and kickboxing.  However, the SKA teaches its techniques in a similar manner to other shoto branches like JKA/ISKF, regardless of whether one chooses to use thrusting or hip rotation when doing a gyaku zuki,They would discuss the cons and benefits of blending approaches as you're learning the style, which could confuse or hinder your progress in learning for that system..  In kumite, I've seen fighters use both techniques. The hip rotation method has the advantage of allowing the fighter to extend farther and cover a little more ground with the punch. It's obviosuly powerful, effective, and common, and it can deal absolute damage or knock out opponents. On the other hand, the thrusting technique feels to me like someone hitting you with the weight of a train behind them so each has their pros.  As Ive heard it said before, different karate styles/ techniques are like different flavors of tea but are all enjoyable.

      The only way you could be expelled from the org is if you committed serious unethical acts (which is understandable) or went AWOL from special training, which I assume has to do with liability, Japanese traditions, or abandoning your fellow Karate practitioners during a serious practice.  But that seldom or never happens, and I think everyone finishes with a sense of accomplishment and realizing what your body and mind can do if you push through the intensity. They do allow people to leave for medical, family, injury reasons.

    One thing i am curious about - for the 'special practices' are they mandatory or the only way to grade? If not ,and they are just extra highly useful training sessions, then fair enough as everyone knows up front that they will be banned for leaving. Otherwise i can see some difficulties with them if they are a few times a year etc.

  6. Season 2 of the Fraiser reboot will start on September 19.

    Thanks for the heads up! I thought i was improving as the season went on so i am curious to see how the second season goes

  7. Thank you for the responses, Bob. I'm glad you liked the post.

    I should clarify, when sparring and defending in TKD, I typically pay attention to the center of the opponent's body. Trying to focus on one arm or one leg is sure way to end getting hit or kicked by the other. The direction of the force part of it is what was a little more enlightening to me. I've been doing TKD for so long that when say a round kick comes in, I just block it without much thought. I want to stop the kick. But understanding how the force is brought is really important in the defense or movement, which I will try to be more cognizant of.

    I appreciate the transition into the Bruce Lee quote. Makes a lot of sense.

    I am curious to hear if you notice a change in your TKD as a result of taking on some of the Aikido philosophies - will you block slightly differently / move a little differently? Or in training will they be discrete entities?

  8. Thanks, Patrick! Unfortunately, our human bodies age like clockwork; we simply need to train smarter, add strength training to off days to continue practicing with less risk of injuries.

    Plus remember you aren't in a race against anyone.

    People are also more understanding than you realise - i was talking to my judo coach the other day (a relatively recently retired international competitor) and said to him that i need to get a lot stronger and bulk up more for Judo for gradings etc. and he said to me directly that, i'm mid 40s and it's totally fine to do the technical grading path and lots of randori in class. No-one frowns upon it as you are older and have kids / a life etc. If i was 30 then he would expect competitions for grading but not needed when older. Be realistic and don't kill yourself, who am i competing against - surely i am training for me?

    Surprised me a little but was reassuring to hear tbh. Still would like to try some of the comps etc (in the appropriate age groups) when i am ready but nice to know it won't be mandated!

  9. Thursday 8 August

    Lifting Session

    Trap Bar deadlift

    70kg x 5

    80kg x 3

    90kg x 3

    105kg x 8

    105kg x 8

    105kg x 8

    105kg x 8

    105kg x 14

    The requirement for the top set here is to leave 2-3 reps in the tank so stopped at 14. If going from AMRAP i could have squeezed out a few more

    Seated overhead press

    20kg x 5

    30kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    45kg x 5

    50kg x 6

    Cable chest fly

    20kg x 10

    20kg x 10

    20kg x 10

    Bulgarian split squat (reps are total L + R)

    12kg x 12

    12kg x 12

    12kg x 12

    slowly getting a groove down. Once i have the technique sorted and consistent i think this should increase a decent amount

    One hand gi grip cable row (reps are total of L + R)

    20kg x 24

    20kg x 24

    20kg x 24

    didnt use the handle and held the staps like a pistol grip as though that would be more useful for grappling - seemed like a good choice!

    Cable lateral raise (reps are total L + R)

    10kg x 20

    10kg x 20

    10kg x 20

    Triceps overhead extension

    30kg x 15

    30kg x 15

    30kg x 15

  10. Tuesday 6 August

    Lifting Session


    20kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    60kg x 3

    75kg x 8

    75kg x 8

    75kg x 8

    75kg x 8

    75kg x 10

    Bench press

    20kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    57.5kg x 5

    67.5kg x 5

    75kg x 5

    Sumo deadlift fat bar no belt

    40kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    Though i would start adding these in to work on strengthing my hips and hip mobility plus the extra grip work from the far bar means i can work grip too

    Lying hamstring leg curl

    20kg x 8

    20kg x 8

    20kg x 8

    This is plate loaded and a bench attachment and 20 felt surprisingly heavy - though i haven't done these in years. Don't think my hamstrings are quite that weak but maybe they are!!

    Cable face pull

    20kg x 20

    20kg x 20

    20kg x 20

    triceps rope pushdown

    25kg x 25

    25kg x 25

    25kg x 25

    cable lateral raise (reps are total L + R)

    10kg x 16

    10kg x 16

    10kg x 16

  11. It's too bad those annoying guys show up in training. Sounds like you did his ego a favor, though. Hopefully he learns to shut up and train, but not likely.

    Yeah i am just avoiding him tbh and will try to do so as much as possible. Otherwise i am going to begin his introduction to pins (easiest way of avoiding either of us getting hurt!)

  12. Strickly working from memory I think the I remember the JKA group on the West Coast (USA) having even further directives than this that pertained to any outside official training.

    I personally don't like it. It seems like they feel threatened for some reason, and I can point to some JKA leaders that do cross train publicly with no apparent punishment, so I'm not sure about the memo having any teeth or equal justice for all members.

    Yeah that is surprising - Sensei Naka publicly cross trains in a lot of styles and produces a lot of content of him doing so.

    I can sort of see the logic behind some slight restrictions eg. if you are below X grade in shotokan we don't want you to cross train in another karate style yet in case you mess up your techniques but once you are past that point then it's fine (and unrelated styles like judo etc are fine). But a blanket ban is for me a red flag

  13. really good write up on the games, we do them too (our coach calls them Ecological drilling).

    Am curious what you think of them?

    My personal view is they are great for troubleshooting and learning how to solve problems but i'm not sure what they would be like for people newer to grappling as they don't know a lot of the base techniques to start from when solving the problem.

    Read the side control bit that you mentioned and don't let it get you demoralised - as you said it is a totally different thing, you have to get used to feeling people's weight in spots rather than seeing them and responding accordingly. No way to short cut it really as it takes time.

    For rolling one thing i have found recently that has really helped me is to have a technique / sequence of techniques to focus on and work on that: helps streamline things mentally and make them more viable. As an example, i spent ages working on cross collar chokes from guard. First stage was do i get first collar grip in? If so then that is a 'win' to take from session. Once i start doing that regularly then it is the next step: start getting that and that is a win etc. Then add in some related techniques eg. for me currently i go step 1: did i get cross collar grip with my right arm; step 2: can i get an overhook grip to lapel with left arm: if yes can i finish cross collar, if no did i get lapel and can go for triangle or is just got sleeve can i shift to scissor sweep etc. etc.

    Granted i am great but that seems to work for me anyway and leave me feeling like i am progressing

  14. I have trained multiple ways to perform the punching techniques for example. Trained by multiple instructors from multiple styles that said their way was correct.

    I don't agree with that. I treat it as separate techniques for separate situations and applications. If I am in close quarters and I want less exposure to risk I will do a reverse punch more like you would see from Kung Fu, where I can stay in contact (frame) and then blend into grappling if that opportunity presents itself especially as I get older, slower, and less powerful.

    On the other hand, if the situation allows me to perform a reverse punch from distance with power generated from the ground up using hip and shoulder rotation to end a fight directly, I want that ability also. So, I train both as separate techniques for separate situations and as I age, I train to get into the situation that's more advantageous, appropriate and realistic for my current skill set.

    totally agree with you. Is one reason why i treat people who forbid cross training etc with caution. Most arts have something that can be taken with them and even if you don't perform the technique exactly as learnt there they can have benefits that you can apply to another : the sheers variety of kicking techniques in Taekwondo; the counter attacking of some karate; the sheer power of muay thai etc.

    I have trained with people in the past who forbid cross training, and put up with it as i was a lot younger and couldn't see the issues at that time, but nowadays it would be a major red flag to me!

  15. Thursday 1st August

    Judo session

    Back at judo after the judo summer break :)

    warm ups were the more technique focused one (rather than firemans carries down the matted area) which i much prefer though i am truly awful at handstands and cartwheels - the handstands are meant to be a handstand into forward roll, mine is pretty much just a forward roll!

    Plenty of working drills down the mat to create some kuzushi for either forwards or backwards throw then did some uchikomi drills.

    Main throws worked were we got shown Sasae (hadn't seen it before) and then combining that with Osoto Gari if the opponent pulls back out of the Sasae. Main annoying part was i got paired up with a new guy i hadn't met before who constantly was stopping things to tell me how to do it (and pretty much 100% of the time he was wrong - they would say to lead with right foot he would insist it was left etc.) and would stop me every time. Got extremely annoying but at least i now know someone not to pair with for technique work in future!

    Then did some newaza rounds. Got paired up with the annoying guy to start who very smugly notified me that he "had done a bit of ground work" with a smug grin, i told him that i train bjj too so if he had experience was it fine for me to actually roll with him properly then (am ultra careful with other new people at judo). His response was quite like someone who is decent so i thought he might well be more experienced than me but that is always good learning. Reality was he is strong but a 1mth white belt in bjj at best! After quickly subbing him a few times (which annoyed him no end) i settled for just getting him into pins and holding him in mount or standard side control or kesa (would have let him work more but he was getting extremely aggressive as he wasn't winning so i thought control was the best option for both our safety!). Other rounds were fun and a lot more useful as didn't feel like it was someone trying to make a point!

    Overall a really good class - plus the extra fitness work involved in judo is really going to help me longer term i think!

  16. Tuesday 30 July

    Lifting Session

    Seated overhead press

    20kg x 5

    30kg x 5

    40kg x 3

    45kg x 8

    45kg x 8

    45kg x 8

    45kg x 8

    45kg x 10

    Trap bar deadlift

    70kg x 5

    80kg x 5

    92.5kg x 5

    105kg x 5

    120kg x 5

    bulgarian split squat (reps = tptal L+R) - superset with cable lateral raises

    12kg x 10

    12kg x 10

    12kg x 10

    Trying to find a good groove for these going forwards but think i am closer to getting it sorted out then can start progressing the weights

    cable lateral raises (reps = total L + R)

    5kg x 24

    5kg x 24

    5kg x 24

    Triceps rope pushdowns

    25kg x 25

    25kg x 25

    25kg x 25

  17. Friday 26th July

    Lifting Session

    Bench Press

    20kg x 5

    45kg x 5

    55kg x 3

    60kg x 1

    65kg x 13


    20kg x 5

    40kg x 5

    67.5kg x 5

    77.5kg x 3

    87.5kg x 4

    Cable chest fly (weight is per hand)

    20kg x 8

    20kg x 8

    20kg x 8

    Cable face pull (superset with cable lateral raises)

    20kg x 15

    20kg x 15

    20kg x 15

    cable lateral raises (reps are total L+R)

    5kg x 20

    5kg x 20

    5kg x 20

    triceps rope pushdown (superset with woodchoppers)

    25kg x 22

    25kg x 22

    25kg x 22

    woodchoppers (reps = total L + R )

    15kg x 16

    15kg x 16

    15kg x 16

  18. Thanks Darth, JJ is a great supplement to my karate, it makes me nervous me nervous jist thinking that I would have to hold off karate training due to injuries sustained from jj. Ill give your recommendation a thought for sure, I was attending a sport jj school and found sport schools lack emphasizing the fundamentals. Whole year was focused on the stuff like deep half guard sweeps Berimbolos, dela riva etc.. just lacked the fundamentals.. thats why I got interested in the Gracie university curriculum as its more structured.

    I was in very good shape aside from my injuries, which really puts me at a cross roads because I loved the work out from it.

    Every school is different tbh so doesn't hurt to see how some more do things. Personally though, while i agree with you about the berimbolo's bit, i would class de la riva as a fundamental myself (though this does vary for everyone!). My club has recently started on a lot more of the ecological drilling type stuff which has been interesting. It emphasises the fact that you can adapt techniques for yourself and lets you find solutions though i do think the downside is you have to have some knowledge to start!

    Nothing stopping you from working on your fundamentals etc. when rolling / drilling even if the others aren't though. you can just go for closed guard etc. and see how you do

  19. update: I wanted to provide a little update on my training, which I had been doing consistently until lately when I was forced to halt training due to a series of ailments. I suffered some significant injuries and recovered from them in the previous year or so. It's a great activity, incredibly addictive, but it comes with risks, particularly for anyone over the age of 40. I'm going to start Gracie University and practice with friends in the future because I can't risk any more injuries while having my career and family. The injuries occurred through no direct fault of my partners; there are so many variables and moving parts in bjj that make accidents happen..

    Sorry to hear that. Another thing to consider that might help may be a change in academy. I had trained in one school for years and got a very bad injury, then moved away, had kids etc.. Trained a little where i moved to but when i moved back to where i started i rejoined my old academy and kept getting injuries that put me out for months at a time. I gave it a lot of thought and changed academies to one run by a friend who had gotten his black belt in the intervening years and had left to start his own school. Been there a few years now (just realised that!) and (knock on wood) not picked up anywhere near the amount of injuries i did at my old school. My new one has an excellent competition team but also plenty of hobbyists and older guys (40+ too) so most people are sensible. If you want to go porrade people will but if you want to be sensible then people will do that too

  20. 7/30/2024

    Strength Training

    Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5.

    Lat Pull-downs: 112.5x10, 112.5x10, 112.5x10.

    Triceps Push-downs: 52.5x15, 52.5x15, 52.5x15.

    Valsalva on the press was fitful with pressure in my head, but I'm going to keep working at it.

    On a proud dad note, my youngest son, Kenneth, hit a 425 squat PR this morning. He's starting his freshman year in less than a month. :)

    Well done Kenneth!

  21. I just finished "in the shadow of kings" by Phillip Quantrill. Really enjoyed it. If you like fantasy novels his Echoes series is superb (this is a prequel series).

    Just started on one of the few Steve McHugh books i haven't read (the vampire one) - it has become quite obvious now though that the protagonist in his varying series is just the same character by a different name: Nate Garrett from the Hellequin books (which i enjoyed) is just Lucas Rurik (from the Riftborn books) is just Miles Watson. That is getting slightly old in this one so i will see how i go with it.

    Recently finished the 'wizardoms' books too which were an entertaining read

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