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Everything posted by martialartist1

  1. beginners are weak, weak arent beginners. know the two, know yourself.
  2. finding a MA school is hard, hard is not finding a MA school. MA school is education, education is not MA school.
  3. kata and classical forms? kata is dance, classical forms is classical. kate practitioners have better technique, classical forms is old. kata is old. sparring is new. kata is ancient, yet deadly. use kata without forms and use forms without kata. or use kata soft, use forms hard to use kata hard and use forms soft.
  4. mike tyson would beat any of those UFC fighters of his same weight class with ease, as long as he doesnt get grappled with, but im sure if was grappled with, he'd be mad. mike tyson is one of the worlds greatest fighters, if not one of most vicious as well. if mike was put MMA, he would know what to do. mike tyson can use boxing perfectly, when boxing is common sense of martial arts, when common sense of boxing is the second greatest striking combat martial art. the first being muay thai. even though some disagree that boxing is not a martial art. its like no martial arts is martial arts and martial arts is no martial arts. simple as that buddy.
  5. Is Kali a good art for physical conditioning? well i think it is and is not, overall depends on the individual as always.
  6. "I have no "Training" In any formal art but i consider myself a decent fighter. Is it possible with self taught training to take on someone in a street fight with better trainging? Ideas?" i think the opponent enemy is the trainer with no formal martial art learnt and vice versa. it is possible with self taught training to take on someone is a street fight, but chances are anything could happen. yet the self taught stands a better chance, the chance beat the enemy opponent. its the fact that self taught self defence comes naturally to anyone, but ofcourse the person who knows martial arts, and knows that they know martial arts would beat the enemy opponent easily. as said many times the enemy opponents in street fights are the weakest.
  7. in my opinion, JKD was taught by bruce lee himself, but even though its not suppose to be taught, i suppose bruce wanted to say he did teach it and would then have his own thoughts and ideas. its like what he thought before he wanted to teach, then what he thought after he taught. its also the fact that during the time, JKD was still developing, and the only man who was developing JKD during the time was bruce lee himself. i suppose it was tough for him, thats why he was helped by any martial artist he met and got to know about, and his personal friend dan inosanto e.t.c.
  8. simple: to learn to fight is to fight to learn!
  9. working on improving techniques and moves. also anything i think i need to improve.
  10. i think bruce lee is definitely the first greatest martial artist of all time! the second i think is jet li.
  11. balance is one of the important aspect of martial arts performance. without it, one will lack skill.
  12. "No One seems to react to any posts listing boxing as effective. It seems to be constantly pushed to the back and not regarded as a martial art or even a fighting system. I think most of you are too scared of it. I think the rest of you cant face the fact that something that seems so simple is so effective. I would like to point out that boxing is highly complex and the most underated system in this forum appart from a few and they know who they are anyway." simply boxing is effective. simple fighting is effective. boxing can be complex to because there are many more moves & techniques one can learn. obviously the longer training time the better and more effective the techniques.
  13. simple: eight limbs makes muay thai effective combat striking martial art.
  14. bruce would of done really well for his weight class. infact he would of gone all the way and won it. its thats charisma and obsession he had, which is why he was the best martial artist and would of won. even though the chances are he would not of entered because he didnt believe in sport rules. infact bruce dislike the rules.
  15. yeh boxing and kickboxing are the marital arts that a simple. wana be simple learn those arts. its also easy for yourself especially if its your first martial art style.
  16. striker or grappler? well, its always depends on the individual. striking is more brutal and grappling is more difficult. striking throws hardest striking techniques and grappling traps. if striking fighter is very good at avoiding grappling, then striking fighting would win. if striking fighter is grabbed, but knows how to escape grabbs, then striking fighter would win. if grappler fighter just knows grabbling, then it 1/2 chance if he manages to grab or not, therefore 1/2 chance for both figheres of winning. the quickest and strongest striking fighters would overcome the strongest and bigggest grapplers. also the most skilled fighters would overcome grappling to, but to be skilled and more complete one must still train in grappling.
  17. Well my dojo also offeres a Kid Aikido class. This is pretty intresting to me. I want to take it some time later one when I can manage my time more correctly and all. I was wondering though. Is this is a good combination? i think if it interests you then do it when you have the time ofcourse to do both, therefore cross training. great combination.
  18. the real test is what the individual wants to test himself for. test for fighter in the ring, win for ring belt. test for kata performer achieve kata style belt. its as simple as that.
  19. Its been a while since i have last posted.i have been training kyokushin karate and wushu for a while now,and now i started thinking of leaving wushu for good.i am not saying that i hate wushu cause i was obssesed with it for a long time .so what do u think would i quit or i should continue my wushu traning???i know that it depends on me and what i want to do but if u were in my place,what would u do?thx all for ur time.waiting for ur replies!! well simple, if you love wushu and kyokushin karate, then my advice would be to do both, therefore your cross training, cross training meaning learning more, learning more meaning expanding more in knowledge, expanding more in martial arts knowledge meaning for yourself to be a better martial arts overall and more complete. its as simple as that.
  20. I think both sexs are equal no matter what Art, Style, or "animal" you are. We all are born to learn different things but yet learn some things at the same time: Respect, Disicpline, and Honor. So I have to give the GUYS and GALS yeh, i agree!
  21. muay thai practitioners think they are so confident in their art simply because muay thai is greatest combat striking martial art in the world! thats also the reason why they accuse all other martial arts, because when their training in muay thai, they think their indistructable and the best, only because of the martial art they train in.
  22. my site will eventually have takedowns pictures, so check regularly for updates if you like: http://www.geocities.com/leungtg/jasonleung.html
  23. "How effictive is boxing for self defence and street application?" boxing is effective when in close range fighting. the stronger in punching technique then the more effective boxing will be for self defence. i heard that boxing in UFC fights has changed a lot, because new fighters begin to use chokes and throw to their boxing techniques. if you put any martial art style in a freestyle combat tournament fight like UFC, then thats where one can expect martial arts change and development. every different martial arts style has its limitations, so in order to break them one needs to fight freestyle. its just like how bruce lee said way back in the 60-70s, "using no style as style" and to this day bruce is still correct. that is why any style of martial art can be rapidly developed and changed. "also, how does boxing compare to tkd, karate and kung fu." boxing and tkd uses punches, boxing uses footwork without elevating highly, but tkd elevated highly, boxing punches are more developed and specialises on a fighters punches, but tkd specializes more on kata movemental punches. karate uses more kata punches to, but kungfu uses more internally explosive techniques. kungfu effective kicks are low below waist height, but karate kicks low,mid and high just like tkd, but less kicks. therefore boxing is downgraded compared to tkd, but as always it depends on the individual who can only upgrade.
  24. well, man all you is kick the bottom of their hand, knife gone, then if the bad guy attacker still attacks, you need to takedown them down and perhaps injure them so they cant move normally. the rest let the cops handle it. alternatively as they attack you, you can take them down.
  25. yeh, ambition is one positive factor of the martial arts, because without ambition, one can never reach the desired targets. thats why one needs to be ambitious in order to suceed in their aims. for example if one has ambition for martial arts events then he will be the better directed person. martial artists who lack ambition will never get things done properly and or how they planned it to be. ambition also increases ones willingness to further learn and practice martial arts and one will also be maintained in the right directions.
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