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Everything posted by mikS

  1. You know, if these people can't understand your point (and they obvoiusly CAN'T), then who cares? Let them revel in their ignorance.
  2. Just because YOU don't know what YOu are doing fighting doesn't mean that he's at fault at all. Sounds you got your butt kicked because you didn't know how to separate the street worthy techniques from the showy techniques. Lastly, i'm not sure if you can threaten your martial arts teacher because you got your * kicked using his techniques.
  3. We have a partner jump on our backs, then we sprint across the dojo and back as fast as we can until the teacher says to stop
  4. I never kick above the waist, and i often use palm heel strikes to the face.
  5. I think you should re-think your methods of attack. First of all, i suggest you stick to punches to the chin and jawline, and low kicks to the legs. How long have you been training, and how old are you?
  6. It sounds like you should increase your awareness first. If you don't even know you're in a fight, then u must be day dreaming all day. If you are aware, you should be able to set the guy up for a pre emptive strike.
  7. I got just one question.........is she good looking (the girl in your karate class, that is)?
  8. I hate to say it, but it would take WAY longer than a couple weeks of firearm training to be able to effectively shoot a moving person with it. Shooting a gun is not exactly easy, i suggest you all try it sometime .
  9. Um, i think his teacher is probably the one to help him. If you want to help him, learn it yourself.
  10. Now tell me exactly the point of creating this thread.
  11. yellow belt- ten no kata blue belt- chi no kata purple belt- heian shodan green belt (1st degree)- rohai shodan greenbelt (2nd degree)- niseishi brownbelt- ananko, shihon kosokun, bassai dai shodan- bassai dai Then we learn billions of other ones, i'll try and remember as many as i can: Senchin, tomari bassai, matsumura bassai, tensho, supa limpe, kusanku, paiku, nipaipo, rohai nidan and sandan, heian sanda-godan, i believe theres like 80 kata we learn, and i can't remember their names.
  12. Can we please spell seinchin right?
  13. Says who? Wushu isn't TKD ya know. I always thought the chinese arts were supposed to promote health, which doesn't include ruined joints.
  14. That is where I disagree,because it doesn't take much to break bones.Little effort is needed.Does it take martial arts and power to break someones nose? Of course not,if you know where to hit or kick,then you could easily break someones bones. It doesn't take much to do a side kick to a person's knee caps,even though in karate they try to make it look like it would take alot of effort.You bring your knee up high enough and drop your kick in a person's knee it can automatically break with no effort at all. Um, sorry, but the truth is that someone knee is a lot harder to break than people think. When was the last time you broke someone's knee? The knee is surrounded by a lot of muscle which makes it difficult to break. And add on the fact that the person is probably moving while ur trying to kick them, and it makes it very difficult indeed.
  15. Yes, breaking boards is a waste of time. BTW, only certain styles of karate break boards, not all of them. I do shito ryu and i've never broken one.
  16. Come on, i know that SOMEONE HERE goes to minakami Sweden.!
  17. Did anyone else here to go that tournament? The Minakami Sweden team won second place in female team kata and i saw it. Was the posting member here that is at MKD Sweden there? I won 1st in 16-17 years old male 80kg+ sparring, 3rd in 16-17 male kata, and second in male 16-20 weapons kata. If anyone else went to this tournament, do tell!
  18. I go 5 days a week, 2 hours every day.
  19. Yeah, i think it resembles kung fu in some ways. It focuses on both quickness and power. Minakami Karate Dojo ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! Wohooo MKD Seattle.
  20. I LOVE sparring!!!!!! it's just great!!!!!! here's a good trick. As a person comes in to attack put your weight on your back foot as if you were going to retreat, then push all of your weight forward into a front hand punch.
  21. Supa limpe, Kusanku, senchin.
  22. Sorry, but there's no way bruce lee was the greatest martial artist of all time. THere are still better living, and there were MUCH better alive hundreds of years ago. Think about it.
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