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Everything posted by WolverineGuy

  1. Yeah, what they said. You want something that is going to last.
  2. Excellent post. Thank you.
  3. I should also add, my best friend from college is very close to his black belt, so I've been putting in overtime on helping him get there. Its an awesome feeling watching him really come into his own as a martial artist.
  4. Loved it! Thank you!
  5. In a self defense situation, the only fair fight is the one you win.
  6. The stretches I did in my normal class warm up worked well. I also would put my foot on a partner's shoulder while they were squatting, then have them slowly stand up
  7. One thing that keeps me coming back to teaching is that it actually strengthens my OWN technique. Teaching fundamentals is a great way to shake off rust.
  8. I know right. She's a black Lab...it matches her.
  9. Saturday night, and here I am on KF. Livin the dream, boys and girls, livin the dream.
  10. Exactly. We have a couple like that in this area. I'd rather train on my own than deal with their egos.
  11. Quoted for truth. Kids and Cardio Kickboxing pay the bills. There's nothing wrong with making it fun (and kids will learn better that way). But you have to balance that with preventing bad habits.
  12. Never mind reputation and questionable things you've heard. That's downright creepy. Its one thing to ask you questions about training, but that sounds like borderline crazy ex behavior lol. I usually go with my gut.
  13. Ordered a new black belt because I've gained about 50 lbs since I received it. Got shipped to me, I set it down...and my dog tore it up. My lab is so grounded.
  14. A simple google search turned up a ton of info. I'd start there.
  15. I'm not necessarily saying that she had reason to get worked up, but understanding why she did is important, imo. Without a "why," you're just dealing with a d-bag.
  16. Bonus points to Liver Punch for being located in Stu Hart's dungeon.
  17. Welcome!
  18. Agreed. The tough part is sometimes striking that balance so that you don't tangent off somewhere, and you're still learning.
  19. I guess, playing devil's advocate, it may have been a little embarrassing coming into a new dojo as a nidan where nobody knows you, and having an underbelt correct you. I don't think it was handled well, mind you, but I can see where it could be embarrassing. We can say "egos are checked at the door" all we want, but until the comfort zone is there, its still human nature.
  20. Agreed, I loved the history section as well!
  21. Lately I get really tired and head to bed. The instant I lay down my mind starts racing.
  22. Nice. Thanks for the info guys. What weave do you typically go with? Single? Double? etc.
  23. lol you guys are very helpful
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