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Alan Armstrong

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Everything posted by Alan Armstrong

  1. Yes the problem is me 100% as having zero experience in sports science.Also noticing that... I am the only one trying to fathom an interest in conversing on this topic. Having nothing near the necessary experience or knowledge on this "The Two Models... Is clearly above my comprehension and understanding; as am still not grasping the importance of this topic as yet, hence going off topic. If I have upset the apple cart here, be sure to recognise that it has been unintentional. I do question that if beening so sure on your opinions that why bother asking others for theirs?
  2. Disciplines and willpower are you feeling the benefits? Martial arts is full of discipline and willpower, yet it has to be one of the most difficult subjects to master. Discipline the one word that makes a big difference Is it really possible to teach discipline and willpower to another person? Here is are some inspiring stories It must be an obsession
  3. I believe this video settles that gaining strength can take more than one avenue; as there is no such thing as absolute strength.Yes it was a weird cross fit competition that is not a true test of their strengths, as a tug of wars or arm wrestling between them might be a better way. Let's face it, that people excel in what they train for, which includes all those that pick up weights also for those that use their own body weight. For me it is doing something (exercise) with due care and attention over a long period of time, as opposed to the contrary of doing too much in a short period. Listening to one's own body takes presidency over everything else, the problem arises when not in tune with one's self enough. The difference in using free weights and using one's self as the weight is that there is a lot more controlled use of strength in a variety of angles or ranges of motion, than there is with free weights, which is primarily going from A to B and missing the strength benefits inbetween. Combining the two types of using weights mentioned, just might be the answer, as they both have their advantages. As for the heart, let's face it, the heart is a muscle that is required to beat for an entire lifetime, over working it or under working it, both extremes don't seem likely to be reasonably sound solutions. Whereas finding the balance in the middle ground between over doing and under, seems like a reasonable solution to live by. As for the cardiologist, he or she isn't necessarily interested in patients winning short term races or trophies for athletes or obtaining a military career. Usaully more from a perspective of long term life expectancies for people, without creating or agrivating more heart complications, by over straining the heart beyond it's natural boundaries. Going beyond natural boundaries, in the military, tragic stories on their last day of training https://youtu.be/PUsbNxrt7GM As for not carrying on a conversation that you started, is your choice. Howerver this is a daily real life and death issue for me way beyond pleasant conversation.
  4. I have no goals to complete in martial arts, as this implies a destination. I have visited enough places to know that there is no place like home. The people I want to train with are my students. I want to learn at least one new useful thing every day and try to unlearn as much unnecessary things as possible on an hourly basis.
  5. Congratulations to you both, thanks for sharing
  6. If they stand behind you, give them protection, if they stand beside you give them respect, if they stand against you teach them a lesson, which could be martial art related, MMAQ mixed martial arts quote Teach the student the right attitudes then see the wondrous results Eagles don't eat fly's https://youtu.be/1P7cl5KxlRY The eagle has landed While Lions have the heart and courage of a lion Leonidas meets Xerxes https://youtu.be/1NV9DSykTbo Bruce Lee said it best about teaching martial arts Confuse them with your silence shock them with your results Be so good they can't ignore you I am not a survivor I am a warrior The point is this... That having the skills to fight is not enough, as wit, confidence and courage are also useful to have but when push comes to shove, to have a warrior's spirit could make all the difference when all things are created equal, this warrior spirit also needs to become part of your life, as without it you will surely lose to those that have it! Ultimately leading to self expression Pt1 Pt2 https://youtu.be/lzNMMoeVCOo Be Water My Friend https://youtu.be/0EygqL--RW4
  7. Thanks so much Alan! The 5 second rule really resonated for me, I'm going to apply it immediately!!!! No thank you Bullthar Another trick is, to get out of bed and stand up when the alarm rings; a type of standing to "Attention" if you snooze you lose! Stand at ease soldier Sleep 6hrs instead of 8hrs; it can be done, just sleep a little faster "The trick to getting ahead is getting started"
  8. Found a way to settle this topic man to man Calethetics vs Powerbuilding: Strength Wars Who do you think will be the strongest?
  9. Here are some helpful reason why to get off the couch and get training The cure for laziness
  10. Starting this topic has been immensely interesting from the standpoint of it not being objectionable, to teaching martial arts without being sanctioned by an organisation of one kind or another. There was a time in my past, 50 years ago, that this would be considered a very serious issue by those that are black belts, that earned theirs over a long period of time, with sweat, dedication and determination. Could it be that what was once very much respected and highly regarded, as being a black belt, has now been downgraded to something similar to mediocre? My martial art journey started off with the right intentions of earning a black belt one day, but over time this goal has become less important than it once was. As the first Dojo I belonged to closed it's doors, that the students help build, (with hammer and nail with free labour) which was sold for profit leaving a sour taste in one's mouth, for trusting the CI that sold everyone out. This was the reality for me and others, to take a path of not becoming burned again by a CI. Now distrustful due to this Ci, that put himself ahead of others for selfish personal monetary gains. As naive martial artists, thinking that CI's were supposed to be better than that, which contained and upheld some integrity was further than the truth for me and class mates all those 40 something years ago. As perhaps this has shaped my destiny to teach for free without a Dojo or black belt credentials or to belong to any martial art organisation.
  11. Insights from a Spartan warrior. https://youtu.be/IUApzPy6USU A historian once told me that we do not learn from the past then it is similar to having amnesia. Spartan warriors I am told were not athletes, as this way needs proper diets and rest, whereas the warriors standpoint was eating scrapes of food with hardly much sleep. The way of the warrior is based on hardships, this is just a reminder that athletes and warriors are very different.
  12. Here is your answer from a cardiologisthttps://youtu.be/pzwsJG0rtKo Here is something (I do) that might interest you, that helps with prolonging youthfulness Collagen with vitamin C and magnesium supplements
  13. As not wearing a black belt and Instructing black belts, I need to be continually demonstrating something that can improve their abilities or performance, otherwise I am sure no one wants to waste their time with me. As they are already black belts (usually) then working towards getting one is not their aim; where getting some one on one instruction usually is. I don't teach a specific system, instructing can bounce around depending on their needs, that most often comes down to becoming more effective and efficient. I don't touch on sport martial arts everything else instead. Silliness or immature behaviour is never present, as there is no room for it, in what I present or convey. As what I do, is quickly evaluate their skills and offer them subtle ways towards improvement; catching their attention to want to learn more, I will demonstrate something relevant at the time. It could also go the other way, as they could be the one to teach me how to do martial art concepts, but it just doesn't work out that way and I become the instructor, due to being a more seasoned fighter type. There is no standard formula or agenda to follow, only working on enhancing their martial art movements and understanding of aspects, that perhaps they have never experienced. Sometimes at the beginning there are "competitive moments" as they believe this is how to behave; needing to set them straight that to learn first, they need to be cooperative and later on we can beat the hell out of each other LOL Some I meet up with on a weekly basis others almost daily for about 20 minutes giving them tips; while others I let them train with me; all done in a casual manner with no long term commitments. I try to keep things fresh by staying enthusiastic about what I am explaining and demonstrating, sometimes I ask them on what they would like to work on, which is always turned to what ever I want to teach. I get asked (occasionally) to join other groups of maists and boxers, I don't join up with them for the simple reason, I might get into a power struggle with the dominant person there. For all of my teen years, were full of gang connections, as I don't want to get strayed into that scene, no matter how innocent it is or seems. Having been involved with many gangs for so many years, it actually caused me to have post traumatic stress, when reaching adulthood. https://youtu.be/rvmQFhXMwQI
  14. Do you tend to undervalue facts that contradicts your beliefs? Or overvalue evidence that confirms your beliefs without question? Do you consider yourself to be open minded? Is being open minded over rated? Do you have a belief system that you live by? How open minded are you compared to the people you are close to? Is being open minded important to you? Is being asked, are you an open minded person, a difficult question for you to answer? Perhaps you are wondering by now, why all the questions on open mindedness. A situation arose where I was teaching in a martial art gym where many different systems were practiced. I was teaching Wing Chun, anyhow, there was a student hanging out, waiting for his Kajukenbo class, he looked interested in what I was showing one of my student's so I offered to show him what it was about. To my surprise, he backed off, as if I was going to contaminate his mind. Then he explained that he didn't want to know anything else about any other martial art, other than the one he was presently in. His words did not match his actions, as he would constantly be sitting in on my class. Then he started asking me questions while I was teaching my students. He being a lot bigger than myself and being a disrupting influence also disrespectful, I asked him if he wouldn't mind helping me out with a self defence demonstration. He agreed, as being confident that he wasn't going to be so easily taken down to the ground by a smaller person than himself. First I showed why self defence scenarios don't usually work on bigger people; then switching to how it should be done. I had him grab my left wrist with his left hand, then immediately circling my left hand under the grab and reversing the grip on him, with my right hand I grabbed the skin under his right tricep and dragged him down to the floor. To everyone's amazement including his. Going on to explain, that this Is how you take down a bigger opponent (using pain compliance) by grabbing their skin. The next week he showed me the bruising under his tricep, that the skin grabbing made, he was very proud of it, as it looked like a tattoo of a Yin/Yang symbol; how profound it looked. He never interrupted my class from that day forward. Hopefully he has changed to be a little more open minded than he was in the beginning. As martial artists there is too much to know, doesn't mean that to accept it all but at least be open enough to know that other ways of doing things including training exist.
  15. No matter what your training methods, there is always something new to be learned. Here a few examples below from different martial art disciplines. How do these training examples compare with yours? Karate Boxing https://youtu.be/iqiF6V4v5zI Kick boxing https://youtu.be/ug2fpkmbw-c Muay Thai https://youtu.be/aLixG7wtQH4 Judo https://youtu.be/v_jwD0ArXcc Wrestling https://youtu.be/iK7gbkWnfhM MMA https://youtu.be/bm8LAkULwBc Jiu Jitsu Warning signs of over training https://youtu.be/kwKcayYkyAc Do you agree with these warning signs of over training?
  16. What is Sambo? Sambo the most powerful martial art https://youtu.be/vi6NVjcIUfw Perhaps looking at some Sambo moves might help in seeing the realistic potentials of this topic. https://youtu.be/m4_AEhV0Ayw What makes Sambo so different?
  17. I asked him if boxing is okay and mokey bars, he said yes.Two factors he is concerned with, is not to over strain the heart or make it thicker; as I know that heavy weights will do that, whilst cardio exercises will make it bigger. I get most of my cardio from boxing footwork. Update: (I train about 36hrs per week, may be this guy will clean the floor with me or perhaps not, I'll keep you posted, unless I'm hospitalized) He doesn't want to spar with me now, just to work out
  18. Reality check! Internal arts is nature, it isn't anything mysterious or super natural, unless considering that nature is super natural. If you understand this aspect and don't add anything else to this simple concept, this includes tooth fairies, then you will be on the right track. As for many that cannot see the forest for the trees, thefore instead they invent new types of mythical forests that contain magical trees. For martial artists getting caught up in the debate of internal martial arts and external methods is just selling air in a bottle. Internal martial arts is based on scientific methods that are from nature nothing more complicated than that. So let's stop the silliness right here right now and see that nature is the way and the one to listen to and not to invest in anything else but the natural world. Internal martial arts is the natural path, with down to earth methodologies, for example understanding body mechanics. Internal martial arts is biology, chemistry and physics based on scientific knowledge and the study of nature. Applying natural science in to your martial art training is internal martial arts. All I am doing here is showing you the window, now it is up to you to see things correctly through it, to simply see things realistically the way they are, nothing more. The better practice and skilled at becoming in harmony with nature, will show in your martial art abilities. Thereby tuning in to your natural instincts, guiding and show you the way that nature intended. Here is a video by someone who has figured it out for himself
  19. Thank you for the link; watched the:The athlete of aging What the cardiologist is saying with a little more in depth explanation is, regarding exercises to not exceed my own weight is to do, push ups, pull ups, dips... calethetics, walking and stretching. All of my latest tests with the cardiologist are showing up to be normal; also showing an increase in my cardio levels, as the latest treadmill test was more intense than the one before. Normal for everyone else is just normal, for me this is excellent news. Just recently came across this video of a martial artist is shutting down doubters for his speed, so he posted a video of himself running at top speed of 13 kilometres per hr. My top speed is 19 kilometres per hr and I am more like twice his age, same height perhaps less muscle. I have a kickboxing friendly with a super strong tuff guy sometime soon, perhaps tomorrow, that got his black belt 5 years ago, that has other MA experience also. He is about half my age but he hasn't realised that, as I don't look my age, as most guess me to be in my late 40's I train about 36hrs per week, may be this guy will clean the floor with me or perhaps not, I'll keep you posted, unless I'm hospitalized
  20. Proprioception is great when in contact with the opponent (gaining important intel) and is heavily utilised in Wing Chun, however wondrous it is, there is also a need for many to rely on it too much; which can be dangerous for the user. Balancing out this aspect of needing touch alone, with striking around those wanting that contact information aspect, can actually blind them, in this regard, by denying them proprioception information. Combining touch and not touch (leaking through defenses) is the key, as this enables using both sides of this subject more effectively.
  21. What I love about this topic is that it takes proper body mechanics to master. However once you get the hang of of, opponent's watch out. As maintaining balance and shifting foot work, then everything else falls in to place, the lead hook is no exception. How is your lead hook these days? If it is not as hot as it should be, then this tutorial should sort you out.
  22. I would also add that "going to the gym" is not synonymous with "strength training." But it is synonymous with health and fitness benefits. Actually to be more specific I am in the "Staying alive training" programme. Being advised by the cardiologist as to not exceed any thing over my own weight, as this makes the heart muscle thicker and puts unnecessary strain and stress on it. Yes heavy weights builds bigger muscles, however as not getting any younger preferably liking agility and flexibility over my piers that are for the most part from my perspective stiff, tight and rigid. If combat was based on strength alone, then there wouldn't be a need to fight each other, as there are machines available to measure these types of qualities.
  23. What plan of attack is your cardiologist/s going to take to get you well again? As I know there are a variety of different treatments for your heart condition, what is there plan for you?
  24. The people I have instructed and those at present are all males, from different martial art backgrounds from wrestling, kung fu, karate, MMA and boxing, usually at the 30 to 40 years of age range. All fighting fit types that are not looking for discipline, katas or belts, just some down to earth fighting tips and skills. I am comfortable Instructing physically fit tuff guys, they don't intimidate me, it has happened a few times however in reverse, where some guy's egos have gotten the best of them and they have muscled me to the ground; or competiveness impulses creeps in. Where they soon learn that there are more important things to focus on than muscling me or competing with me, as in learning something useful and worthwhile. Actually I don't try to turn a none fighter in to a fighter; to me this just doesn't seem righ, therefore I don't teach them; unless showing me something to consider towards changing my mind, which hasn't happened yet. I instruct in a calisthenics park and in an integral fitness gym (by invitation only to those that I believe to portray an above than normal intelligence and fitness level) or meet up at a coffee shop if the weather is not good enough to train in, where talking about anything that can help with increasing awareness and health benefits for example. When getting past my requirements the rest of the time is very active and sometimes intense but also a lot of fun, with a few bruises to show off with later. I get a chuckle when Instructing karate guys and they say Osss! As there is no bowing or formalities to uphold with me, but if those want to, I am not opposed to them doing it. Some of those I have instructed being black belts; some champions in there respected disciplines in MMA and boxing; which can seem a bit weird as not being a qualified CI. As "could" be wondering, how does an old guy in his sixties spar with younger ones in their 30s and 40s? Well here are a few tips on how
  25. Better to have a wake up call now than to continue on to never waking up; consider yourself fortunate.
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