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Everything posted by Wasp

  1. Sorry I can't help you, but do you remember the conclusion by chance?
  2. That's a great question to ask in my opinion, it shows that you're thinking about what you're doing! Keep it up!
  3. Congratulations on getting your yellow belt!
  4. I once was already in the changing room, only to discover that the only thing I packed was my belt .. and training without a gi and just the belt on would be a bit too much.
  5. I probably wouldn't train at a place which forced me to call someone 'sensei' or 'master' instead of a regular name. You're still the same person whether you'll train (with) me or not, and I already respect you on an equals-basis.
  6. I've seen this especially happening during tests, when students are nervous and do the kata even more quickly. We sometimes do kata as if it was a Tai Chi class in order to focus on the movements and stances.
  7. So.. we basically want a So You Think You Can Mawashi Geri? Martial Artist Idol? Britain's Got Kime?
  8. So why then would you consider your school to be a McDojo?!
  9. I really liked the show since there were a lot of martial arts I didn't know much about on it.
  10. For all your Osu/Oss needs: http://www.karatebyjesse.com/meaning-oss-osu-japanese/
  11. That sounds ideal. Parents can view their kids through glass here, which is a pretty decent solution as well in my book.
  12. Love his enthusiasm in general, the video(s) are pretty inspirational.
  13. For me, I just went to the closest school - it looked professional enough based on the website and facilities, and I just the first free classes to determine whether the atmosphere and level of training were my cup of tea.
  14. Definitely! I know that some of our newest members joined because of a very good first impression with regards to atmosphere. They wanted to have fun while doing sports, credentials didn't seem to matter at all.
  15. I think most laypersons would just look at how busy the school is; the amount of students, classes, etc.
  16. We do have set dates for exams, but everything from the last exam to the current one is taken into account when evaluating.
  17. Agreed, Spartacus. Also, instructors should already know whether a student is competent enough for the next belt level at the time of the exam because of observations during regular practice, the exam is just the formal passing point.
  18. Seems like you've got the right attitude, Philx123!
  19. No bruised egos that way?
  20. Interesting approach! How do you deal with people who feel as if they should be in the more serious group but don't show it during training?
  21. We always train at the same time with all the different belts. Sometimes we split after warming up into lower / higher rank groups to work on specifics (for upcoming exams for example), other times we stay together with the whole group and just mix when sparring.
  22. I can get behind that line of thinking. Anything else than black (be it another colour or flashy embroidery) feels too much like showing off, I think.
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