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Everything posted by Oshishinobu

  1. that breaks my heart my thoughts and prayers are with you guys.
  2. curious if anyone knows of any mixed weapon kata (not to deviate fro the op)
  3. honestly a lot of it has to do with availability but as I train shotokan now I can say I love the kata and the style of movement. nothing against TSD I have a good buddy who is a phenom but i like the more rooted movements found in shotokan. OSU!
  4. that is something i need to do is focus back on bunkai more love it.
  5. Absolutely that would be absolutely neat to explore that connection I wish you luck with that and that would be so neat to see some of anything new you learn! OSU!
  6. Kanku dai is a must, one of my favs! i love working on the double kick!
  7. Soo cool always thought it would be very inspiring as a shotokan guy to try out Shorin ryu. OSU awesome job brother!
  8. honestly my belt drys pretty quick and I am a terrible person but when i wash my belt i use the machine lol
  9. awesome!!! your name KEN!!! my name is Ken lol and so is my sensei lol but enough geeking out lol. yeah with the ISKF, Okazaki's group, we used to do the sweep but recently they made the switch to the quick open. Personally i prefer the sweep I image striking under the chin and and "cutting" at the eyes before i move in for the throw. I like that though just a simple punch the opening hand seems almost an after thought when a punch would do a fine job.
  10. Thanks you got it brother
  11. to me this almost sounds like a up hill both ways kinda story, but if true i would go with weird practice?
  12. Empi is one of my favs, i am a big guy so Empi is always a good way to surprise folks lol. here a question do you sweep the fingers or just open the hand after the age-tsuki?
  13. I love how you can completely change the way you look at a kata with just a couple simple little insights.
  14. I practice Hema as well as my karate. this is a common question and one that is a good one. I think and this is my opinion but using a weapon be it sword or staff will train the body and mind differently than using just fist and feet. You say i will never use it, but you will even in unarmed. Having learned to use a weapon will make you better understand how to move relaxed as trying to muscle a sword is like running in pudding. this will translate to everything even house work. in a way weapons training is like using a weight vest/bracelets, you have added weight where there was none this will effect how you move and your balance. Finally i think you can translate the sword to a stick, the slashes even with a stick will hurt and a good thrust is a great way to attack.
  15. Awesonme Yondan is a bit of a step from sandan, keep at it and rememebr to snap those kicks!! lol
  16. I would have to agree i love my wave master, a fantastic bag and pretty cheap if you watch your local sporting good shops.
  17. Honestly (in regards to the op) I would. If i had been head of said governing body and feel comfortable with my decisions I would step aside for the better opportunity for my family and give my successor the chance to have that responsibility.
  19. thank you so much guys OSU!!! look forward to many more months of awesome discussions!!!
  20. When i say neglect I mean more in line of being able to do said duties but putting them off for no good reason or simply sweeping responsibilities under the rug. when life gets in the way or you are unable to make said commitments i would say if the situation has worked and there are few to any issues with stuff getting done i wouldn't worry.
  21. 1) How did you first become interested in martial arts? I always loved JV+CVD movies as a kid especially Bloodsport. I think like all kids growing up in the late 80's early 90's action movies were a must have. 2) What discipline did you decide to practice? Shotokan Karate 3) Why did you choose that specific discipline over the other disciplines? I liked the traditional styles the kata was always a high point of interest and I think the mystic of karate really brought me in. The good training and the fact that there is always something new hidden around the corner keeps my fire alight. 4) What is your skill level within your martial arts discipline? Personally I always feel I have too much to work on but i feel confident in my skill. 5) What other things do you like to do? (When you're not in the gym/dojo, what else do you like to do with your time? This can be physical or nonphysical pass times) I like to make things mostly things relating to the martial arts, I also practice hema. 6) What are the first 3 martial arts related brands that come to your mind. (FIRST, not BEST). Ki, Tokaido,Hanwei 7) How do you decide what martial arts gear/equipment to get? (How do you select one type or brand over another?) I always look at the feel and design ki is a brand i found late and I tried so many other brands until I found it. For sword i stumbled onto my brand when I bought my katana. ever sense I have always loved hanwei. Roughly how often to you buy new martial arts equipment? less now than in the past after i found my brand, but i love buying something new. 9) Where do you get your equipment from? Is there a reason for this? Ki international, and Kultofathena.com
  22. A few guys I train with wear the KI Mugen Orange Label. It looks great for a 10 oz. gi. Actually, it looks good for any weight gi. KI stuff, especially the tournament cut stuff doesn't fit me right. Not much else does either though, gis or clothes in general. I've been searching for a 10 oz. gi that fits right and is high quality. The only one I can think of is the Shureido K-11. At $175 it's out of my price range at the moment. It would be nice if KI sold 10 oz black uniforms yeah I would love to have just a nice black top in the mugen style.
  23. I would say the party in control neglects commitments and or abuses their power.
  24. ya know I hav had a couple heavy weights and both the sleeves just plain fell off. one wasa century ( i know) the other wasa tokaido granted a low end one but still. my 10 oz mugen has held up fantastically and I am a big dude https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152401633013745&set=t.1703439257&type=3&theaterthis was taken in 2013 so the gi was only a couple months old
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