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Everything posted by JawD

  1. We do Kihon for a good 15mins or so most classes. We use the time to run through techniques relevant to our grade and typically focus on form and intensity. Following that and the warmup I've usually a pretty good layer of swear over me!
  2. Toe is on the mend, just need to be more careful. Now I've gone and damaged some ligaments in my left middle finger. haha. Never ending isnt it! (this after preaching to my 6yo son to keep his fists tight and loose singers get hurt...)
  3. Basics are crucial. Also many advanced combinations are built on the basic movements and contain them. Dont be in a hurry, and as said, 6 months is perfectly normal
  4. Good comments all. Thankfully I do train a lot outside of the Dojo. I taped the toe last session but as soon as I started kata it came off. I'll maybe try something else (I used padded tape designed for sprains).
  5. Any tips from recovering from Toe injuries? I thought my big toe was just bruises etc but Im suspecting worse at the moment. Still slightly swollen after two weeks and while I can bend it back ok, not so much forward and can be painful to the touch. Im still training but in sparring Im not using that leg at the moment. Prob going to get an xray just to be sure but looking to see how help it along. Im guessing just time and keeping it safe.
  6. For normal hanging pull ups I do two variations. Overhand grip (palms facing away) which is a wider grip and hits the lats more or the narrower palms facing you grip which puts more emphasis on biceps.
  7. Amen to that.. I'm 42 this month and only took up Karate again since 30 years ago. Since starting again I've had swollen and bruised wrists and shins a plenty but thats pretty much "grin and bear it". I got a pulled groin in Oct (my own daft fault for not warming up properly) and thats still healing now. I already have a dodgy knee (wear and tear) and two weeks back I done the old toe to elbow kick and my big toe is still swollen. That one I might have to get scanned soon. Im currently not kicking with that leg in sparring.
  8. Two things I guess. First, are you not for a reason? Does it not sit comfortably with you, are you embarrassed perhaps? Or something else? We Kiai often. In Kihon we kiai every time we turn for example. In Kata as you say there are various points to kiai and in kumite we are expected to kiai (one step or five step we do and in sparring you're more likely to score a point if you kiai) you likely know, but doing a kiai, the act of it itself is a release. Its a shout and importantly doing so will make you tense your stomach. An example is if you are doing one step and you attack your opponent and kiai, he blocks and counters, with a tensed stomach you can take his counter (if aimed there). I use the kiai to increase the intensity of my move. Controlled aggression you might call it. If you see it as this, you can learn to use the kiai to your benefit. If it is just that you are not comfortable doing it, just realise that everyone is doing it and no one really pays any attention to the kiai someone makes. Just remember, dont actually shout the word "kiai". I myself (I think!) sound more like "die" though thats not what Im saying, its just a yell.
  9. Thanks for the replies. Understood, so really the use of Ren-Geri for example, may be somewhat flexible depending on the Dojo interpretation.
  10. Hi All, Just signed up to the forum. Been learning Shotokan since last year, going for my yellow belt soon. Since I began I bought two books as I learn well outside of the dojo reading and watching YouTube videos and so on. The two books I purchased as reference were : Shotokan Karate Bible Shotakan Handbook Now both books have been interesting and informative however I find that they do not include all movements. I appreciate that some clubs may approach things differently but as an example, I'm currently learning two particular kicks and have been trying to pin them down. So my question is two fold. Can someone please name these two kicks please (or combinations) a) From Jiyu Dachi left leg forward. Step forward front Kick Chudan (Mae Geri) and same leg immediate kick Jodan. b) From same stance, step forward Mae Geri Chudan then step forward again Mae Geri Jodan (two different legs) I think b) might be Mae Ren Geri though looking online suggests a) would be this. Not sure if different clubs use the term differently? Next question would really be to see if theres a book that might include these as the ones above do not. Thanks for any input given.
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