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Nidan Melbourne

KarateForums.com Sempais
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Everything posted by Nidan Melbourne

  1. They sound like some awesome Kata. Haven't seen a few of them before. but definitely worth going onto YouTube to see what they look like
  2. Mine are thr standard figure 4 arm bar, kimura, or the arm bar from mount
  3. Well i wear a standard karategi during class, but during kumite i wear a jujitsu gi that is a lot thicker than the karate gi. I mainly use my jujitsu gi during kumite because we do 'light' kumite where we are allowed to do throws, takedowns and fight on the ground if needed. Or when we are practicing groundwork.
  4. Personally as a student from a goju-ryu school in Melbourne, occassionaly we will do kata from another style and from shotokan my favourite so far has been empi
  5. Whats your favourite Kata be it from Goju, Shotokan, Wado-ryu, shito-ryu or any other style? And why is it your favourite? Mine personally is sanseru from Goju-ryu
  6. G'day all. I'm born and raised in Melbourne Australia. Ppl call me chop chop. I currently hold the rank of shodan (1st Dan) in goju-ryu karate
  7. I've trained with a bad knee for the last 9 years and I train 3 times a week often for 2 hours each session. I have a lack of meniscus in my knee. But nothing stops me. I can't do a Jodan mawashi geri but instead I do have a mean Mae geri and kin geri to compensate
  8. I do Goju-Ryu and have been a black belt since 2008 and recently been promoted to Shodan
  9. Hi Diana, Most schools that have websites usually have a history about how Shorin-Ryu came about and how their school was founded
  10. in my school we do: 9th kyu White Belt 8th kyu Gold 7th kyu Orange 6th kyu Red 5th kyu Green 4th kyu Purple 3rd Kyu Blue 2nd kyu Brown 1st kyu - 1st Brown Black Belt Ranks
  11. at my school we do Kurarunfa for our 3rd or 4th Dan. but we have been taught it from 2nd Kyu Level in the adults class
  12. I train 3 days a week but I do 'double-classes' in two of those days and a single class the other day. So I train for 5 hours a week in class and then a further 6-7 hours at home
  13. if that is only your class time then you should be training more often. I currently have my 1st Dan Black Belt and I was advised when i went for my shodan-ho (in 2008) i had to train on top of my classes for about 1.5-2.5 hours a day. When i was preparing for my shodan i was practising for 3 hours a day and 1 day off to recover.
  14. It isn't a McDojo. Many clubs wear gloves for safety reasons and to not injure their respective partners. Until students get to a high enough rank they should wear gloves. At my club (Goju-ryu) the black belts (I am one of them) don't wear protective equipment except for a mouth guard and groin guard (for the males) and still go full pelt and we still have control not to injure our partner
  15. They cannot have their rank stripped off them. As they have already shown that they have proven their worth of being called a black belt. Just some people who do attain their black belt and "let themselves go" just haven't shown their discipline in showing that maturity of what they have earnt. My Sensei doesn't let anyone go for a grading until they have not only shown that they are proficient with the syllabus but also they have to have shown some self improvement and maturity to earn a place at a grading. Obviously he only does this for the more senior students (i.e. blue belt and above). I have one kid at my school (he's 17) and a 1st kyu (or 1st Brown) and hasn't shown any maturity towards the rank that he wants to achieve or the fact that he doesn't take class seriously or want to take many of the drills of serious importance. Nor does he listen to what is required.
  16. I practice every kata 3-4 times a day from my syllabus in the morning and night (so twice in morning & twice at night). At my school (Goju-ryu) we do Taikyoku Jodan Taikyoku Chudan Taikyoku Gedan Taikyoku Kake Uke Ich Taikyoku Mawashi Uke Gekasai Dai Ich Gekasai Dai Ni Saifa Seeuinchin Sanseru Seisun Sanchin Kata Tensho Kata Every Kata (except Tensho & Sanchin) i do once slowly (to focus on technique) and once full power and timing. Also I film myself in the morning and night on the 2nd run through to help me see what mistakes i made
  17. On one side, i have my school name & style then on the other side i have my name
  18. you are not too old to commence! there are people at my school are well into their 70's who just commenced training and they are loving it. They go even harder than those in their 20's
  19. Hey mate, yes you can (as you put it) "Cross Train". For me, I do both Brazillian Jujitsu (i've done since 2008 through school and then on/off since 2010) and have been doing Goju-Ryu Karate since 2001 (recently became a Shodan Level Black Belt). And I have found that by doing Jujitsu it has greatly helped my standing fight game along with the groundwork. But for Aikido and karate they can go hand in hand so they work quite well. you will understand both martial arts at a deeper level. But you will want to practice at home for karate.
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