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Nidan Melbourne

KarateForums.com Sempais
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Everything posted by Nidan Melbourne

  1. Spoke to his family earlier today by chance to see how they're going; and they aren't doing all the great. But his funeral is on Friday; which I'm planning on attending.
  2. So a few days ago, a friend of mine unfortunately passed away due to Cancer in his Spine which was diagnosed in 2022. He was a young 31 Years Old at the time of passing (1993 - 2024), and we knew each other in High School (2005 - 2010). He was what I learnt recently was an active Martial Artist from our time in school. It was a shock to hear, but he was also surprisingly reserved at the same time as he was incredibly kind and caring.
  3. For me I don't have a "team" for a lot of sports especially the NFL. But since posting this thread; I really got into Bananaball which is baseball with a few twists (like a 2hr time limit).
  4. isn't it basically Soccer and Golf over there? The only thing I don't like about NFL is how long it goes for; averaging 3 hrs 12 min. thankfully rugby is generally done in under 2 hrs (from kickoff to full time).
  5. Did the 12 lead ECG with 10 clients today, and had the PHD Students who were assisting do the placement of the electrodes. Male PHD Candidate with Male Client, and same for Female PHD Client. With the consent of all participants to have me in the room making notes and asking questions around their results and observing under exercise conditions. And was fascinating around how the results came out. Since I was doing the ECGs, to prevent issues surrounding interference of clothing. Males wore no Tops, and females for privacy and comfort wore a sports bra. I have the PHD candidates and the Researching Dr looking over the ECGs and giving me their input so I can be getting the best information possible.
  6. Thats awesome that you had the strength to say no and didn't give in those moments. Its going to be hard on NYE, but as long as you stick to your guns which I sense you will. Then you'll do great and will enjoy the party more and not have that regret the following day. I'm at the stage of my journey with alcohol that I have strict rules around consumption. but since I've had them for so long, I've had 1 beer in the last 12 months. And since I am working around around calls with my daughter these days before she goes to bed, it motivates me more not to drink. Because if I do drink, then it impacts my ability to talk to her and remember doing it.
  7. Did you see the IGK (International Goju-Kai) Group at all whilst there with John Ross Shihan?
  8. Out of curiosity, which tourament setup do you prefer to compete in or have your students attend? NASKA/ISKA (National Sports Karate Association/International Sports Karate Association) vs. WKF (World Karate Federation) type tournaments. When I talk about WKF Tournaments; I mean tournaments that are organised in some way through your Countries National Federation. So for here in Australia; they are organised either through Karate Australia (Formerly Australian Karate Federation) or one of the states federations. So for me I attend Karate Victoria Tournaments. So for the Question/s I put to you: 1. Which one do you choose to compete in? or if you don't compete; which one do you put to your students? 2. Is there any particular reason you choose that over the other? Be it availability, price, number of events you can do etc One of the things that put me off NASKA/NAS Tournaments is the apparent low standards from what I've seen online and in person. As they allow quite a wide variety of styles, which means that the judges can't properly evaluate the kihon or kata. Even comments I've heart from some who have competed have brought up how they had to "butcher" several of their forms to just to score points. But when they enter a Karate Victoria Tournament; the same "unaltered" form scores quite highly for an advanced form and done well.
  9. Out of curiosity, what sport do you enjoy that isn't a National Sport in your Country. So for instance Basketball is a National Sport in Australia, so NBA (USA) and Euroleague (Europe) are out of the running of the question involved. However Baseball would be a Valid option in Australia, as there is no real National League; even though we supply a team to International Events. Outside of Karate, I enjoy watching Gridiron (NFL).
  10. If your ever down in Melbourne Austrlia, I'm always happy to share my Goju kata whenever asked. All I ask is you teach me a kata in return as payment.
  11. Your doing great Ken! How are you feeling since quitting?
  12. When it comes to a Roundhouse Kick (all levels) there is for me at least; 1. Top of Foot (Toes Pointed) 2. Ball of Foot (Toes back) 3. Heel of Foot 4. Shin Front Kick 1. Ball of Foot (Toes Back) 2. Heel For both Kicks it definitely depends on where I'm kicking and how much damage I'm trying to impart on my opponent. I don't have the greatest flexibility when it comes to roundhouse kicks, so I tend to go low and really sink the kick in. But on the same hand, I do a lot of fake kicks and strike with the heel into their calves or their hamstrings. Same evil idea with a front kick and I hit the back of the leg. The last round I fought, I threw both kicks and made them appear to have missed but struck their hamstrings instead and made them fight in Neko Ashi Dachi for the remainder of the fight.
  13. I totally understand of your heart not being in it. It has happened to me a few times, including throughout the course of this year. Sometimes doing less (aka taking a break) is doing more. Especially when it comes to karate. When I last took some time off training, I came back better and stronger with a much renewed interest in my training. Dedication - to me at least doesn't mean you have to drag yourself through something. Especially when it could potentially lead to further injury; which could easily happen if your not training with the right frame of mind. What I find interesting is how different people talk about how dedication is shown and how it can be tested. But at the same hand, dedication and MA training is really only shown when you compete or grade. For me at least; - Low Dedication + Training = I just can't focus, and tend to distract others. Eventually do something silly and get injured. - Low Motivation + Training = I readjust and find that focus that I was missing very quickly.
  14. Oh god I dislike the Throaty Kiai's very much so. And the number of times I've seen people bust up their vocal cords because of that is just ridiculous.
  15. I'm not a fan of the title master; as to me it indicates that the person has a level of mastery and abilityto work around all the different points and applications that could potentially exist. Look at Stephen Hawking; an PHD in his respective field, and he was still researching and learning.
  16. Today I was asked by my PT and his employer to do an Assessment of a few clients today; fortunately I had 6 trainers there to assist me with supervising the groups doing their assessments. And with consent of the Trainers AND the participants, I thought i'd share some info of today whilst withholding any identifying information. Split of Clients: 14 Female, 10 Male and 4 Inter-sex. 90% (25 Clients) were aged between 40 - 60, with the remaining 10% (3 Clients) were 18 - 24. So today I had a total of - 14 New Clients - 14 Existing Clients So with 7 of us total; I was able to organise everyone for 1 of 4 x 90 minute sessions for their assessments. I was the most "educated" of all the staff as I was the only one with a Bachelors Degree or Higher. The rest have Certificates in Personal Training, but one is actually in a position to be studying Exercise Science (which is my qualification) and their doing their placement hours now so they are getting good practice at what we had to do today. So between the 7 of us we did Height + Weight (= BMI even if not accurate) Resting Blood Pressure, Resting Heart Rate Girth Measurements (with tape) - Thighs, Hips, Waist, Chest, Arms Flexibility - Sit and Reach Mobility - Goniometer 3RM - Leg Press, Leg Curl, Chest Press, Lat Pull Down Bruce Protocol (Treadmill) (Sub-Maximal) or Beep Test (Sub-Maximal) Sit to Stand Then with their consent; I performed a Blood Glucose Test where I tested their Blood using the Finger Prick Method in a Sterile Environment (or as close to) and it was done over the course of 3 hours. Which separated them from those from performing exercise testing today, and their going to get their turn next week. All of which (10 participants) were clear with their resting Blood Glucose. As the gym didn't have the equipment to perform Maximal Aerobic Capacity; we went with a choice of Sub-Maximal Tests which allowed for a choice depending on the health of the participants. This was in addition to taking the time to talk to each person getting their history, or updating their history to keep the centers records up to date. What was interesting; those who were already signed up had mentioned that they had never done such an extensive Pre-Exercise or Exercise Assessment before in their lives or since High School. But at the end of the day, they learnt a lot more about their bodies than what they have done previously and where they are at physically. So I sat down after we finished, discussed results with the other trainers to see what we found and immediately contacted the relevant participants of their results and what steps should be taken next if required. So of the 28 Clients we tested today, we found the following; 6/28 were "Exceptional" in several components 18/28 were considered "Average" in all areas Safe to exercise; No Absolute Contradindications to Exercise There may be some "Relative" Containdications; but with observing those issues and appropriate management it is ok to work with. Speak to Doctors about these issues either way 4/28 were "Below Average" in several areas, these 4 were referred to their General Practitioners for further treatment All had "Absolute" Contranindications = No Exercise till further advisement Cardiovascular Health was of the highest priority. Abnormal sounds were heard - Recommendation - Cardiologist Now you might be asking "how did you get uniformity across all trainers?" - that was actually quite easy because we went through all tests prior to the first group and I showed them where to collect the data from and how to do it. Along with providing Information Sheets/Diagrams of where to collect the data from. I've collected some interest from those participants and trainers to assisting me in doing to 12 Lead ECG Practice; as I am preparing to applying for my Masters Program once things calm down from my personal life. Which means now I just have to organise a time at my old University to book one of the rooms and have people come in over a period of a few weeks to practice and collect data. Then I'll be doing the same type of thing with Karate Practitioners at different levels, with the help of the university (Sports Physiologists and Exercise Physiologists as I will be dealing with Athletes and the General Population) as I am looking at doing some research into Karate Practitioners at different levels.
  17. Its actually quite fascinating when you look at movement patterns and some movements from some martial arts how similar they are to each other. When you look at Shiko Dachi; it is similar to a squat movement (regardless of foot positioning) - which in the real world equates to picking things up from the ground, along with sitting down/standing up from a seated position. An interesting one is a single legged position (Crane Stance; see Saifa Kata); now some say this is a stretch but climbing stairs, running, walking and climbing in general or being able to clear obstacles. Oh and the obvious great for working balance; which as we get older becomes more and more of an issue. Food for thought; Front Kick is a great one for building strength and endurance in the muscle for walking and having to carefully place for movement. So with that in mind; even if you don't utilise MA in your normal Gym Workout, but when you go to make a particular exercise more difficult or to target muscles slightly differently it comes in handy in knowing where to place them in functional places that will work.
  18. Whilst at the Gym doing your usual workout, who incorporates some form of their Martial Arts Training into their workout? Be it your stance, performing certain kihon whilst using certain equipment, Kata with resistance (weighted ankles/hands etc). So for me I do: - Sumo Squats (Close to Shiko Dachi) - Cable Machine w/ Rotation (Simulates Mawate) - use different stances and transition into other stances - Cable Rows (Pulling back like Hikite)
  19. I'm ok with students going to enquire to other clubs/styles to learn a kata or train. But I do say to students, that some instructors may not be comfortable having students come in just for that or coming without their chief instructors approval. WHen students come to me to learn a Goju Kata, I ask about their knowledge of Goju Kihon and all that fun before taking them on board.
  20. So for context, I wouldn't say camps wouldn't promote someone if they didn't have a "representative" available from their style. That being said, if I ran a camp and didn't have a KishimotoDi Instructor Present. i'd say to the student "sorry we can't hold a fair grading for you, as we don't have someone suitably qualified from your style to assess your skill"
  21. I don't remember my other gradings except for my White Belt Grading, and all my Dan Gradings. Otherwise its just nervous excitement.
  22. Out of curiousity to the bolded part in the quote: Do you have many students that for whatever reason unable to regularly train 3 classes/week? So they would automatically be discounted for being considered for promotion? Like when I run my own classes (so not via my shihan's club), I do look at their account; what I do look at is that they are consistently training each week.
  23. NIghtclubs are definitely a big one, i'd say some choice words but I don't want to get in trouble here. lol
  24. I'm glad that majority of the time Martial Arts Clubs (or at least in my experience) we're pretty lucky that we rarely have this. I've had more Wrong Customers when I was a Stadium Supervisor for my old basketball association than my karate club.
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