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Everything posted by tkdlegend

  1. i love training to music, really gets my blood rushing, and gets me training harder... alot of it has to do with my love for music though. in tkd we arent allowed to train to music, but in kickboxing we always do
  2. pace yourself well.... but it all depends on your style of fight really. like submissionfighter said, set the fight for you, make him fight to your style rather than you fight to his, stay in control
  3. extremely interesting... how long have you been doing this for?
  4. even though alot of the stuff is all wires now, jet li still knows how to impress. he has some excellent moves... not to mention he isnt a fake like so many today, he truly knows his stuff i cant wait to see cradle 2 the grave, and i cant wait to see more martial arts movies come out sometime soon
  5. im grading next week for my second gup on my red belt (although i could have been 2nd dan black by now, but i had to stop training for about 5 years..) our style is jidokwan.. my previous class was from chung do kwan as well
  6. haha sorry i confused myelf... yes we are affiliated with KTA, i meant it the other way around..
  7. thanx jerrylove nice of you to help, i appreciate it. also, is there any good websites that go through methods of tai chi, and other arts that help increase and harness ki?
  8. wellim all the way in aus, so its extremely hard to find any resource or someone who is experienced in manipulating ki... jerrylove, you sound like you know your stuff... any pointers for someone with a keen interest to get started?
  9. oh ok sorry i didnt realise.. well in any case, if anyone wants to itf forms thats where you can find them.. as for KTA forms, sorry i couldnt help..
  10. also what i try to do against bigger ppl, is i entice them to kick and step back a few times and let him airswing... then on one of the kicks i pounce str8 back into him to catch him off guard and hit with a few quick punches or kicks
  11. guys, if you need a little help, this might be handy i have dled ALL the patterns from https://www.tkdnsw.org.au they arent the best picture, and they arent frame by frame, but they helped me out a little
  12. haha yeh i have that problem... im always standing hands by my side as if class is about to start haha
  13. ive had a near death experience.. and before then, i never even thought about death. but my experience was very strange, i wasnt scared at all... hard to explain, but fear was totally non existant. as for now, im not afraid of death one bit. if im afraid of anything concerning death, it would probably be watching loved ones die, or dying before them (ironically) and ill probly miss them..
  14. same with our tkd school penguin, we learn all sorts of things, not only tkd. he also teaches us to fight from the ground (grappling), low kicks in self defense, quickest ways to immobilise someone etc etc. we try to broaden our horizons as much as possible. we even learn a little gymnastics and weapons also. tkd is widely taught as a sport rather than self defense, but alot of people forget that the reason alot of students join is to become better at self defense, so alot of schools are adapting to that.
  15. i train one body part hard a day, 5 days a week, and rest on weekends i find this works for me.. im getting good results, and ive been working out for about 10 months. also if you mix up the routine a little every now n then, that usually helps too
  16. ive read most of it, and i dont even study jkd, i study tkd. all the same, it is an excellent book and a must read for any martial artist, alot of philosophical points in the book not only help you better yourself as a martial artist, but also as a human being. i highly recommend it.
  17. one thing ive learned about a good diet is just to make sure you keep healthy, try to keep carbs to lunchtime at the latest, high in protein = good, and regular meals a day (for instance 5 - 7 smaller meals than 3 large ones) is alot better for your body.
  18. ironberg, it also depends on what and how many exercises you are doing for your arms. when i go to work out my arms, i do 3 different tricep exercises, and 5 different bicep workouts. since doing these workouts my arms have improved dramatically!
  19. that was an excellent read... thanx for that. ive always been a bruce lee fan, n ive also heard a few different versions of that story
  20. mm i dunno about what your mentioning, but in regards to Ki Energy, it is a proven fact that your body does generate an energy force, it all depends on how much you have.. as for super saiyan? lol somehow i dun think so
  21. i recently bought myself some nunchaku, and was wondering if there were any tips anyone has? even better yet, is there any good websites with basic to advanced nunchaku techniques?
  22. to tell you the truth, the only weapons i know for tkd are the hands and feet (hence the meaning of taekwondo, the way of hands and feet)
  23. ouch... im working on mine! i can nearly do the full splits now, hopefully a few more months and ill be there... any tips?
  24. mmm this is totally off topic... anyway back to weightlifting, i train weights 5 - 6 days a week, and im starting to show some real progress in my physical appearance, its great for strength training too
  25. exactly. with our tkd training, not only do we learn everything that looks pretty, but we also learn effective ways to apply tkd for self defense. im not bragging about my instructor or anything, but thanks to him ive gotten away from a few fights with minimal injuries, and also extremely quickly
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