Ask around, talk to people. You may be surprised to find more martial artists and ex martial artists than you thought. There are also boxers and wrestlers who may like to work out with you. It may not be what you do now, but it is better than quitting. If you can find one or two people that are interested and want to stay with it, you can work out regularly with them and share the expense of traveling to private instruction periodically. If there are classes reasonably close, even if they are a different style, check their walk in policy. You may be able to spar with them, which gives you and them experience outside your respective styles. If you like what you see there you could consider switching styles, or joining their class and working on the other on the side. As a last resort, you could build a dummy out of pvc pipe and carpet padding. I've built a few, and it is surprisingly easy to make a realistic human form with all the landmarks. If you are interested, let me know and I'll tell you how I do it. Maybe start a dummy thread. Good luck!