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Everything posted by cheesefrysamurai

  1. i cant really find too much on him besides the same thing thts everywhere - trained with kanyro, trained with miyago, some say he was kicked out. - thats it. did he teach?
  2. from what I have read, Yamaguchi sensei was not the heir to system, He was a student, not his disciple though he had Myagis blessing for the divergence. Eichi Miyazato was his successor. Okinawan (Miyagis) Goju Ryu is centered around and taught at the Jundokan. From what I understand, Higaonna Sensei and Taira sensei both were formally with the Jundokan, left for political reasons, and still claim to teach traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu as does the Jundokan.
  3. The updown blocks I am talking about are what you are doing at about 25 seconds. Please excuse my lack of knowledge of the name of the movement. We go into that a bit more violently My vocabulary stinks.
  4. Were you referring to the nukite?
  5. Make one for goju ryu pleasssseeee lol Good luck!!!!
  6. Very nice! We do shisoshin with very slight variances. We shoot out those spear hands in the beginning. (Go, not ju) The up down blocks with the arm break (sorry I don't have a name for it) gets a bit more of our body behind it as does the arm break. That empi before the turn around looked off too the side. The kakie are slower like in gekisai dai ni (ju not go) It was nice, sharp.
  7. I agree - not the refs job to determine who trained harder. One wins and one looses all bouts - sometimes is less clear cut then other times. That guy is a good sport - he proved what he wanted to, and he was done. wow I think he should be praised to not literally beating the guys head into the floor for the sake of doing it. Like Sensei8 said, bushido to the max, a martial artist in the truest sense
  8. I've trained a lot this week. Lots of aches and pains As time goes on I feel the development, I feel myself getting deeper, scratching the surface of the subtleties and the depth of my system. Needless to say I'm enjoying it. How much is too much though? How much do you people train & think about martial arts? How often do you run through kata even if its slow for form, or thinking about your weeks training.
  9. Wow tons of great advice here! In this day and age - in the eyes of the court you may be seen as a bully if you force the confrontation. he will have a black eye and you will be presented as the trained karate fighter looking to beat people up. I came very close to a confrontation recently. He was baiting me into hitting him in public and I was closer then I had ever been. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE TO ANYONE. Like everyone else said, if he lays a hand on you, take it easy, remember your training Im not sure if its wrong to say this and if it is, I apologize and contact a mod to delete BUT do everything you can to avoid the fight, if he corners you and forces you to use your karate, only then make him sorry
  10. Absolutely NOT. Its about the practitioner, the Sensei, not the art. I used to believe that jujitsu was the ultimate art, used to think kata and karate had decent striking but was kept alive for nostalgia reasons. I had low opinions of TKD and pretty much anything else that wasnt my art. I thought if you didnt agree you were not "in the know" I was wrong. Very wrong. The art DOES NOT WIN THE FIGHT, the practitioner does. I sparred with a woman who had a 2nd degree in TKD half my weight and much shorter. Everytime i tried to enter, she would do a spinning back kick so fast, and it would stop me in my tracks. Yes I could have overpowered her but her training in other arts would have kicked in and I would have been picking my ears up off the floor. also I know she was pulling those kicks. She would have done damage if she wanted. I felt the blunt force of her whole bodies momentum focused on one point - like a sledgehammer, properly executed and impressive. I Can't help but feel that people who speak of an "ultimate art" are small minded. I don't mean to insult anyone. But I won't underestimate anyone based on what they train.
  11. Unless I misinterpret the situation it sounds like: Just because your time in rank is being accelerated, and there seems to be writing on the wall, doesn't mean that he wants to treat you like someone who is 18 months from shodan. I am not sure I blame him. It breaks the structure, though as he acknowledged, it's a temporary restriction. You are easing Into the new school, learning their ways. It's only a matter of time. Besides he knows you know the technique and maybe wants you to see how he teaches it so you can teach his lessons. I would hope the other students would trust the instructors discretion in speeding up your time in grade. I know for sure, that I would assume my instructor had a good reason, that obviously that person proved something. I say, relax, learn, enjoy learning the art, compare the arts. You are in a different category then the other students and your instructor is wise enough to see it. As said before, instructors often call people that they are comfortable havig as an uki. Try not to read Into things. He is your guide on his journey. Good luck
  12. I agree with hammer. I do go slow for form but when i do i visualize where im putting the GO and where i am putting the JU. I also practice everywhere so it doesnt matter which way I face in any room.
  13. I can say with certainty that this extended detour will bare great fruits. Your existing understanding of the technique will give you a unique perspective. I understand your frustration better then you know, but there is a real value in finding that gap in your knowledge and having a Sensei who can fill it to your satisfaction. It also demonstrates that your ego is in check and your willingness to learn is unfettered. Good luck and please share insights as you go on this journey.
  14. Goju Seiyunchin or other? Oh man shisochin can be a pain in the butt to get right, but a fun one to do. Especially to make students to go "WHAT THE!!!!" I don't train any other versions, just Okinawan Goju ryu It does look mystical almost. I really do enjoy it- mixture of delicate movement and violent strkes
  15. This is very relevant to my goju training. That describes the fire in the performing karatekas eyes.
  16. Is there a good goju ryu glossary out there? Does anyone know the etiquette for IOGKF class structure? Thanks
  17. My favorite is seiyunchin, though i am really enjoying shisochin.
  18. Please send a link when its available for purchase! OSS
  19. I strike doors if they are ajar sometimes, i also catch things very well when they are falling
  20. I completely is disagree with these statements. IMO Bjj is great and has it's advantages in the octogon but JJJ is hand to hand combat. Bjj is a submission based system with some basic effective self defense peppered in as I've seen it. Explosive athleticism is essential. JJJ I the application of physics, using momentum, levers and knowledge of the body- proper technique wins. - think aikido and judo with punches and kicks. We had to show intent on dislocating the joint, not just getting a tap out. I believe BJJ is an evolution for competition, at the same modifying level as judo, but does not replace JJJ for real life situation. - these are my opinions of course and I've argued this point before. It's usually with people that feel like bjj is the ultimate evolution of martial arts and usually these same people have pretty terrible things to say about kata and pretty much everything that doesn't compete with BJJ in the octogon. Just my 2 cents, and I am no expert. And btw I've seen some damn tough jjj green belts. maybe they won't get the tap out, but then again they aren't training for the tap out. The bold section highlighted above is the same for BJJ. It isn't just about the tap out. BJJ is based on leverage and technique, just like JJJ is. Explosive ability isn't necessary to do the style. If it was, I couldn't do it. You are right of course. but in jjj, We apply these principles standing also. And Its not a sport,or competitive. Like someone else said, BJJ has more in common with judo then jjj. Its hard to really compare a competition based system and a traditional fighting art. But I often find the JJJ practitioners arent doing the comparing.
  21. I have light gis and heavy. I prefer the heavy but i introduced lighter cheaper gis to extend the life of my favorite. This is my favorite http://www.kinjisan.com/robrsuhe16ka.html
  22. Why not work on not leaving yourself open, be more fluid and move. Don't be a target. I have the same issue, causes me to alter what I am doing, to move more, adjust my arm position, move my arms as so not to make my gut such an appetizing target, also, feign, and move.
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