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Everything posted by cheesefrysamurai

  1. I had the honor of meeting and working with Higaonna Sensei. A most impressive man. His technique is magnificent, reflecting the lifetime of dedication.
  2. I'm a member of a rather large organization and I could tell you I've never heard anything derogatory regarding stand alone dojos. Lineage is important. Integrity is important. People choose to unaffiliated or be stand alone and that's fine. I've never even heard a debate regarding this amongst our members.
  3. I hear they serve really great te(a) in Naha. I plan on sipping lots of te
  4. Next weeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!
  5. Very excited. Going to Okinawa. Any suggestions on where to go??
  6. Of course to everyone. It's silly not to. (Silly is a nice word for what I wanted to say)
  7. Wow good topic! Deep. after pondering the definitions, I've come to this conclusion. It is both a style internally, expressing outward and a doctrine externally going inward. Does that make Sense?
  8. Lupin, don't sweat it. Seriously. I feel like that with each individual promotion. It takes a little time to grow into the rank. Your Sensei made the decision based in his perception which is what matters. In a little bit of time, you will (in your mind) fill the roll well. Don't give up. Your development is important to becoming the shodan you are meant to be.
  9. I agree with much of what Nidan Melbourne said. You have to push through these times. if karate meant nothing and was a waste of your time, you wouldn't see it as a hurdle. It would be meaningless.
  10. I'd only use it in a close struggle.across the face- not as a strike from punching distance.
  11. Right now shisochin. If my Saifa was better it may be a favorite. Between the unorthodox movement and the ever deepening complexity of its technique and purpose... I'm not sure it will ever gain my favor. I like seiyunchin very much but I feel its very physically demanding. Gotta love Okinawan Goju. There's way more then could be captured in a video or learned from a book. is there one one you just love to train?
  12. I take okinawan Goju Ryu from a phenomenal teacher in New Jersey if you want to check it out. He's truly world class. Good luck regardless!
  13. The kata I've had the shortest is shisochin. My Saifa is my weakest.
  14. Just an update - the bag is going strong! I use it solidly 3 times aweek, take it gashukus and all - no noticeable flaws. wow its been almost 2 years since it was written. So much has changed but everythings sort of the same too. Still seating, still training.
  15. We do knock down style with pretty significant contact to the body, unless its light kumite. Higher ranks also do (if sensei specifies) controlled strikes to the head. lots of fun
  16. Okinawan Goju Ryu (IOGKF)
  17. I too love kihon. My instructor doesn't like the term basics. I have to agree. Basics implies white belt techniques to me. the term he prefers is fundamentals. Kihon like kata is is something you hone over a lifetime.
  18. We all go through ups and downs of motivation. I have a simple trick to get through it. I don't think about it. I put myself at the dojo. I don't ever debate it.
  19. I'm not qualified but I thought it looked great! Great focus, precise, and confidence. great effort!!!! For the record I cut my sleeves short - I love it
  20. From what i have experienced, I can come up with a few different things that helped me. Kiihon, kihon, kihon. Practice properly and very often. You can never have too much kihon in my limited experience. Hit things. Makiwara, pads and heavy bags, people (just kidding) visuallize the opponent. Range yourself properly so that your strikes terminate at the intended target. Kata, kata, kata.
  21. I was wondering what people knew or felt about the differences between Okinwanan Karate. I previously studied at a dojo that switched from Goju Kai to Okinawan. I do know the Okinwawans tweaked the kata a bit but i dont know much else. Then when I switched to another school where that was strict Okinawan, it appears there are more differences then I knew. Different focus. Anyone have anything to say on the subject. Thanks
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