With small kids you have to change activity every 7 minutes or so-otherwise they lose focus. You can do the same piece of curriculum but change it up, for example: Do your forms in a line by the count, then run to the other end of the dojo (or do a few laps) and make a single file line-everyone does the first 3 moves of thier form one at a time and then runs to the other end of the mat to form a new line, then have them pair up and watch each other do their form-making one positive comment and giving them one thing to correct, then do one or two techniques from their form gaianst a blocker, etc. Breaking up the class with spontaneous bursts of physical activity will help the ADHD crowd as well. Another tactic I have used is to have the ADHD kid in the class come in a few minutes early and have them run laps-or give them extra things to do during warm up because the extra activity gets them engaged in class sooner.