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Everything posted by Slim

  1. Very well said OxygenAsh, Ive got to agree. Also, the huge ammounts of money at stake in professional boxing is bringing out what I consider to be the great warriors of our time, from accross the globe, and finding the best of them. Many examples can be found of kickboxers crossing over to compete in amateur boxing, and vice versa. Does one discipline always dominate? No.
  2. I have seen some people wrap between the fingers as well.
  3. "If people say Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or from "that", then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for thats all it is, just a name. Please dont fuss over it." Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do
  4. Sai is right, approval is a sort of basic human need. Would I be correct in assuming those who say such things as "I do not seek the approval of others", "there are few peoples opinion I value" etc. are actually surrounded by a group of friends, colleagues, teachers, and/or family members who are supportive and give approval without judgement? Sure you didnt ask for their approval, they gave it willingly. But you gotta admit it's a good thing. And frankly I wouldnt like to be part of a team with a member who claims to put no value on the approval of the group or individuals. A team would operate more effectively without that member. Karateka: the self is not faultless; consider the negative effects of the ego. [ This Message was edited by: Slim on 2002-01-31 15:50 ]
  5. Bee venom?
  6. What, you dont like the guy because he boasts about being a good boxer? Then say that you'de like a peice of him? And tell me, if Muay Thai guys are so great, why arn't they there winning and earning the big bucks in the boxing ring? Actually here in NZ this is happening, except for the kickboxers-kicking-everyones-ass part. Sure they're good, but no better or worse than the boxers. Having a big mouth is not a Mundine thing, its a fighter thing, from before Ali up to today, why in this very forum you hear some wild claims, the difference between hearing them across the net and hearing it from a real life prize winning fighter is..you know where Im going with this. Its easy to boast on the net. I like Mundine, I hope he does well. Hes a tall poppy, there will always be people who dont like him. At one stage Ali was very unpopular for the nation of islam thing, and being black and outspoken. Next thing hes a hero. I thing a fighter is a fighter, not a politition or spokesperson, or religious figure. As far as I know Mundine hasnt been inside for beating weaker people, so he must be living by the code at least a little. Nothing personal, its my opinion.
  7. I think you should go to a prison and see how many murders were committed for trivial and stupid reasons. See how many of them say "I didnt mean to kill anyone". Talk to the family of someone who was beaten to death. Talk to a docter or ambulance driver about how easily a person can die.
  8. Are you implying that adreniline in the bloodstream will protect you from strains and other injury? I have found that after the event, and the body has returned to a tired but normal state, then the pain starts, and I start to realise what damage has been done, and say things like "Damn how did that cut get there?" Then the next day I start saying things like "Damn that really freeking hurts". Have you got adreniline mixed up with Chi?
  9. I do weight training by myself, at home. Not having a partner hasnt been to much of a problem yet, I think the only exercise that I cannot do to failure (which is until you cant do anymore reps) is the benchpress, otherwise the bar would pin me to the bench.Getting the bar back on the bench after the incline ended up being to hard and not very safe. I can make up for this by working the chest with other exercises, starting with benchpress while Im not to worn out to get it back up, then dumbbell flies (or use a machine) then pushup, soon Ill work in some dips on parallal bars.
  10. Hey I downloaded a clip, and installed a new version of quicktime I had on a demo, in that order, and was impressed with the quality. But then dammit when I went to go back to the site a few hours later and clicked on another clip, it comes up with a tiny square in the corner of the screen, with a little square, circle, triangle. I right clicked and went properties, and it said Not Available quite a lot. Please tell me its not my computer, I want to download the whole lot!
  11. Has anyone seen those training videos advertised around the Muay Thai sites? It would rock to see some of those fighting-since-ten-years-old Thai guys giving tips, even just to see their form. Can anyone recommend good or bad ones, and reliable mail order companys? (Please, no "no I havnt seen them but would like to" replys, if that is the case watch the posts instead, thanks)
  12. Your not gonna let him get away with that are ya boxer? May be time to get the tin opener out of the drawer, and dust of that can o'whoop ass!!
  13. I have same problem as KSN Doug. No links work, not even the one to Karateforums.com.
  14. Bart Simpson talking to the cop:"Wow is that a club? Cool" Cop laughs: "No son thats a baton" Bart: "Whats it for?" Cop: "For clubbing people"
  15. Im waiting for the day we can order MT fights on DVD. I dont think anyone has done it, as far as I know.
  16. Don’t worry about it, you may be surprised to see women training at the same time as guys, if gender isn’t an issue age wont be either. In fact you have an advantage starting young, you'll have years of training behind you if you start competing say around 22-23. Wish I’d done that. Hopefully they put you into a beginner class for a month or two though, teach you the basics and get you up to speed.
  17. I had a similar experience where I hit a guy right on his elbow with the top of my foot. It hurt like hell! I put that one down to shocking technique. It should have been my shin, so Ive got distance problems, and ideally my kicks should be economic, that is to only fire kicks when they are sure of hitting the target. So Ive got to work on timing, and while Im at it I may as well work on speed and power! Improving the technique to as close to the ideal as possible will prevent these injurys. And make for awesome kicks to stike fear in heart of our enemys! (Or something..)
  18. It could be some sort of European rules, which dont allow certain things like elbows in competition.
  19. Dont they train us, as you say, in Muay Thai to follow a roundhouse kick right around, if it misses, turning our back to the opponant? Cos one day a kick is going to miss those ribs. I downloaded a clip of a MT Thai dude ko'ing a guy with a spinning elbow, it was fast and he made it look effortless. I actually agree in principle, but have been taught, and have seen, techniques (like the elbow) that do turn the back to the opponant. Drop to the ground? I dont understand,why would you do that?.. Would the ref stop the fight so you could start again from standing ? [ This Message was edited by: Slim on 2001-11-11 15:09 ]
  20. "Attack by deception, especially, is the attack of the master. The master boxer has at his command techniques that bewilder and confuse the opponant, thereby creating many openings. He feints his opponent into "knots." He combines hitting with feints in such a manner that both appear to be the same. He draws his opponent towards him, forcing whatever he desires. Through defensive hitting and judicious movement, he keeps his opponant off balance. The master boxer has the ability to get in close and understands the value of in-fighting. He has so perfected the shift that it is used for attack as well as defense. Finally, he is the master of counter-fighting, for he knows when to attack and when to allow attack. Scientific attack, then, is no simple matter, but requires years of study and practice for its successful use." Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do, p72 [ This Message was edited by: Slim on 2001-11-07 23:21 ]
  21. Tonight I learnt how to escape when someone grabbed your leg during the roundhouse: you have to turn your hips so that you are in a position to just pull out by pushing your knee in the right direction.You are not pulling your knee up to your chin, its more like you have your back to them, and just slip out. After a few practices this was fast and easy, quicker than a battle of strength if you try to plant your foot hard on the ground. I hope that makes a bit of sense.
  22. Yes they are one and the same.
  23. Sounds like you have quite a history there Jiggy9, good on you. You obviosly have a reasonable understanding of the subject. Wouldnt someone taking the best parts of a couple of arts and combining them be creating a new style?
  24. Last time I looked into diet for weight gain on the net I was reading mostly about increasing calories, so the protein thing was new to me.It seemed that to gain weight, you must put in more fuel (calories) than you use. I looked again for high protein foods and found fish, chicken and turkey and eggs seem to be best. A large egg has about 6 grams of protein, half in the white and half in the yolk, but the yolk is very high cholesterol. I think two eggs give more than recommended daily intake of cholesterol. I also found that we can use 100% of the protein from eggs, where with other foods like nuts sometimes half the protien is used. So lets gulp down those egg whites!! Is there an easy way to estimate how many calories one should eat to gain weight though? All I found was very complicated tables where they wanted you to work out how you spend each half hour to figure out how many cals you are using up.
  25. Didnt you say that you saw the clip who's link I posted up there?
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