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Open minded

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Everything posted by Open minded

  1. never done krav maga Done MMA and teach JKD Know Krav maga is taught in military I was in the british army myself Royal enginneers a sparky MMA is different to Krav Maga but there is no clear winner I say they are both as good as each other
  2. Yeh your probable right the reason said that coz tai chi is relaxing but i get what your saying doing a MA straight after another MA with different principles especially in one day it would be counter productive but when I was younger I practiced about 6 MA in one day and it wasn't always the best thing to do. Now I do one MA a day if i get the time to practice
  3. I was very flexible when I was young well now don't ask I still practice flexibility though
  4. Get professional lessons of course they cost money and that don't fall of trees just get a nice little job you might have a job already and save up
  5. Never done it Would it be effective or is it only good in films?
  6. Am I going colur blind the colour of the belt under my name looks orange and they it's a yellow belt, Am I actually going colour blind?
  7. Good Boxer= Frank Bruno= Millionnaire Good Puncher= More secure on a Friday night out without being too drunk lol I'd rather be a good boxer as a millionnaire but ended up a sparky oh well still do well for myself
  8. Judo good for wresting as they are both grappling sports and throwing sports
  9. The best one in my opinion very good MA Fluid and sensitivity Chi sao blindforded is a incredible skill- Done it alot of times Sparring in Wing chun is dangerous and very quick like a blind of a eye
  10. Learning weapons is easier surprisingly than open handed well I found it easier
  11. Answer your question earlier I mean a linear punch or any form of attack you can still release powerful energy of it
  12. Tell me something have you ever done chi technique like the unbendable arm chi is there of course you have a point you still need stance, positioning and technique ect
  13. I didn't know yoga was that new something new I've learned. But I did say I didn't know this answer I just used the chance to make another post. Hi you again well at least you know your stuff can't knock you from that any way what MA do you actually do? Did you read that up or internet or what?
  14. I read once most of MA come from mimicking the yoga moves inside the shaolin temples to a fighting art so it could be from yoga, never know No one actually knows this answer The best things in life are the ones that can't be explained
  15. Like you say all a belt is something to hold your trousers up the colour of your belt don't give us magicle powers It's about one self and belief in yourself rather than focusing on colour of belt or title you hold
  16. Copper.... Alot of Aikido is used by the police force which I'm a black belt in Could use bits of BJJ submission holds Some karate but don't use too much force remember don't wear the police uniform to have power just wear it to do your job
  17. A instructor can still be a good fighter even though he has never been in a fight You are fighting in everyday live mentally, physicle and spiritually Along the instructor is competant on what he is doing that is good enough for me Even if the person didn't have a belt to his name as a belt is only a grading not a magicle power so along he's competant that is the key
  18. Any block is my favourite block if it defends me! The best way to defend is attack
  19. Definetely do some MMA give you a wide range to your kit I have done karate, judo, jujitsu, mma, tai chi, boxing, JKD and so on An done all these for a very long period of time good to learn of all different people that just one person to get a whole wide range of opinions of the arts Some instructors don't like you training in other arts while training in their art But it is your life and how you want to play it My karate sensei didn't like me doing other acts at the time I was at karate but I told him it is my life and how I want to play it Good luck and do a bit of Boxing as well that is fun and very physical
  20. All about Simultaneous movement You keep doing something that will become your natual reaction without thinking Thinking delays you
  21. People probably say it because it isn't you can make money from unless you are a MA actor Alot of your life unless certain situations you are never going to use which is good, you don't want a GBH charge especially if you are looking for work! But along MA runs through your veins and you belief in it like I do then that is all that matters
  22. Depends on what MA you want to be Being a MA is not being able to do everything in the land If you do Karate or Tae-Kwondo Flexibility is ideal Aikido or wing chun kung fu you don't need it
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