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Open minded

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Everything posted by Open minded

  1. Japanese MA- Sensei Chinese- Sifu Boxing- Bob that is my instructor by the way in Boxing
  2. Belief me mate I have put faith in Karate in early life then done other martial arts now I would be class as a mixed MA. The best style would be not to have a style To be Open minded not bias and that is people problems these days to much faith in the MA and not enough on themselves Along you have the right state of mind, commitment and open minded you are there allready Belief me you can be fully trained but if you don't have any understanding on why you do your MA to someone with no experience with full understanding on why he does the MA the 2nd guy is better in my opinion Alot of people would disagree so you probable won't be the first but I'm am open minded thinking anything is possible
  3. Karate power comes from the hips Some martial arts say punching from the centre line is more powerful Chi used in tai chi and aikido, arts that don't punch alot of the techniques have alot of power in it. I actually use chi inner energy in a punch I like to put my spirit into the punch so I don't focus to hurt the opponent but to release my energy on to the opponent that does alot more damage and a punch like that don't have to come from the hips or centre line just belief and inner energy- I'm very spiritual that is years doing Tai Chi
  4. Reply to Justicezero You are saying everytime you go into a fight you have a game plan Sorry mate I don't think so Anything is possible I have done all different martial arts and that has made me very unprictable over the years Bruce Lee JKD teachings say a empty cup is better than a full one means rather than having a style you depend on Depend on your naturall reactions
  5. The most effient style is to have no style Enough said
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