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Everything posted by hiddendragon98

  1. sorry for the bad definition of the 360 sweep i was talking about i just dont know what to call its not to unusual of a thing go here to see what i am talking about
  2. My friends sometimes ask me to show them martial arts moves and sometimes i do like not showing off just teaching them how to do a move but when i do i feel like i am giving to much of what i know away for instance if they stop being my friend and we get in a dispute and they know a lot of my moves or they will be playing around and use the dangerous moves i have taught them irresponsibly
  3. I am almost a black belt i isshinryu and jiu-jitsu but just starting out in shotokan the isshinryu and jiu-jitsu stance has more of a wide base so you don't get sweeped very easily but my shotokan sensei is always telling me that the shotokan stance is better which he does have a point kind of because he did an odd sweep that worked when i was in my isshinryu stance but i think the shotokan stance is narrow and a 360 spin sweep or osodogari would take a person in that stance down very easily any higher belt ranks care to state there opinion?
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