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Everything posted by GoldDragon

  1. i have wanted to see NINJA SCROLLS for a while. I think i wil check it out tonight:) Thanks TKD
  2. wow, way cool patrick:) can i shake your hand?
  3. well.since he quiz is almost done i will let you all post again for a second chance
  4. HOwang is my fav character on Tekken. What moves are you talking about? Some are real moves just like that Jamaican dude that does Caporeia.
  5. np striker:)
  6. There's these three guys and they're out having a relaxing day fishing. Out of the blue, they catch a mermaid who begs to be set free in return for granting each of them a wish. Now one of the guys just doesn't believe it, and says, "Ok, if you can really grant wishes, than double my I.Q." The mermaid says, "Done." Suddenly, the guy starts reciting Shakespeare flawlessly and analysing it with extreme insight. The second guy is so amazed he says to the mermaid, "Triple my I.Q." The mermaid says, "Done." The guy starts to spout out all the mathematical solutions to problems that have been stumping all the scientists of varying fields: physics, chemistry, etc. The last guy is so enthralled with the changes in his friends, that he says to the mermaid, "Quintiple my I.Q." The mermaid looks at him and says, "You know, I normally don't try to change people's minds when they make a wish, but I really wish you'd reconsider." The guy says, "Nope, I want you to increase my I.Q. times five, and if you don't do it, I won't set you free." "Please," says the mermaid. "You don't know what you're asking...it'll change your entire view on the universe...won't you ask for something else...a million dollars, anything?" But no matter what the mermaid said, the guy insisted on having his I.Q. increased by five times it's usual power. So the mermaid sighed and said, "Done." And he became a woman.
  7. *doodles on patricks head* yea, i like to draw......lol *licks thumbs and erases the pic from his head and begins again.." LMAO!...sowwy
  8. no, not tarantino---Uma...roflol!
  9. oh oh--i think I will protect your sister so you wont beat her up:) Now, you will have to get through me...heehee!
  10. hes da man ....i mean moo rofl
  11. hmmmmmmm Never heard of that movie? When is it comin' out?
  12. not only you for you kicker but for all who wish to give it a whirl:) Times almost up---15 more days to go.....
  13. Yep. TKD students do focus on kicks cause TKD is a very quick and flexliable art when it comes to the legs. Karate basically runs the basic punches, and kicks. Kung Fu deals more with stances
  14. wwww--anthony is a cute kid! Is that a recent pic? Loks good bud!
  15. kicker--its from LIAR LAIR
  16. I have used it once in the street all my life. I was assaulted by a dude and I took him down with a sweep for defense.
  17. GodBless Sutton:)
  18. lol awwwwwwwwwwwww ((((((((KICKBUTT)))))))) feel better? How about this one: When Jim Carrey talks funny when hes trying to say "BlackMail "and he begins to squeal and make those funny noises..lol
  19. lol i still say 2Pac was and will be the best:)
  20. Nov 28th
  21. c'mon dont be bashful now friends:D
  22. roflol u nut:)
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