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wolverine uskf

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Everything posted by wolverine uskf

  1. I love front kicks, they are powerful, fast, simple to do, and there are alot of ways to use them.
  2. I've used thumb up and thumb down, and it depends on what my next move is and what the range is, which way i do it. I've never been really happy with horizontal, for many reasons, but i believe in using what feels comfortable to you.
  3. It is just for my profile, i don't teach classes for money, just friends and family for the love of the martial arts.
  4. I studied under some very good martial artists, for over 10 years, i was 8-1-1 as a kick boxer competing against other gym's, and was offered a chance to train for the olympic trials as a boxer when i was in my early 20's, but i put my family first and said no, because i felt i was to old to start a boxing career, plus my wife and boy's were more important to me. I learned a combination of the different grappling, and striking styles i talked about from people i very much respect. I was trying to make an easier description for my profile, not name or create a new style to sell to the public. As for proving myself at yet another gym or dojo, i would love to, but as my introduction post said i teach my boys, because i was nearly killed in a car accident, and my left arm was destroyed. It is still there, and it works at about 60% or 70%, so i can teach them the moves and drills i learned, but i can't compete anymore.
  5. The first place i trained at had thin padding and we used light gloves, but the main gym that all 4 dojo's got together at to compete against each other had hardwood floors, and the only head injuries i remember were from being kicked to the head, not from the floor, so if you kept your guard up you were usually ok. It wasn't muay thai, but it was heavy contact, we used gloves, but head gear was just an option. The floor wasn't the danger, the other fighters were.
  6. Thanks, i think either one would work, so i'll stay with what i've got. I guess i should use dojo or gym, but school is just what came out when i wrote it, does it really matter?
  7. I have been trying to figure out what to call the grappling i've learned? The school i studied at had 2 good instructors that had black belts in several different styles, and they taught them all under one school for the love of the arts, not for money or recognition from one system. We all loved it, but they got in money trouble and had to close. Anyway the one instructor taught kick boxing, karate, judo, boxing, and tia chi, the other one taught karate, kung fu, jiu jitsu, and wrestling. Now this was my second school with karate, and i started out boxing, and kick boxing, so i listed those on their own, but i don't know how to list all the grappling arts, so i changed my profile to submission wrestling, because they combined all of them together into their own system. They called the school American Martial Arts to keep the traditional schools from getting upset with what they were teaching. I want to honor what they taught for the great experience that it was, they called it mixed martial arts, but it wasn't an acceptable term like it is now. They mixed 9 styles together in a time when the UFC was just a tournament that wasn't allowed in the US. I was looking for some advice on what to put on my profile, because i don't want it to look like i'm just writing down styles. Should i just combine it all And call it MMA, or should i list every thing? When people ask me what i teach my kids i just say kickboxing and submission wrestling so i don't have to explain it, should i just use that?
  8. I used a heavy bag without the chains, just balanced on the floor to practice my throws, but that wasn't for traditional judo, so i don't know if it helps.
  9. Take your time, and let it heal, i have only been able to train off and on for the last 4 1/2 years, because of a nearly fatal car accident that destroyed my left arm. I just do what i can without hurting it, and teach my kids as often as i can, and that seams to help me deal with the things i can't do anymore. The martial arts did help me to heal much better and faster than i should have, but you have to listen to your doctors, and not over do it.
  10. Just think, your team has more SB wins as the ravens, than they did when they were the browns. I know you hate the steelers, but i respect and fear the ravens whenever they play against our team. I don't think either team would be as good if they didn't have to play each other 2 or 3 times a year. Thats just me though i love a good hard hitting defence, and the steelers and ravens are always ranked at the top on defence.
  11. Well, i finally felt my shoulder was strong enough to sparr again on saturday, and i did better than i did befor i got hurt. My striking was much smoother and faster than it has been in a long time, and in grappling i never had to tap, and taught the boys some holds i had nearly forgotten. I guess i needed a reality check, to make me step up, and be the teacher not just a sparring partner. I guess i was still seeing them as the little kids i used to teach without them really realizing it, because i made it like a game when they were little, but now they are 135lbs and 175lbs, and they lift weights 2 days a week, and they wrestle with their friends all the time. I guess 4 years of physical therapy for me, ment 4 years of growing and maturing for them. Did i mention i hate getting old, and realizing my babies are becoming men.
  12. I agree, there's nothing to it but to do it. Seriously though, try doing sets, do as many as you can, take a minute break then do another set, do this 3 or 4 times, at least 3 days a week or more.
  13. I would just like to get my arm strong enough, and stay healthy enough to teach my kids for the whole year straight, not just 2 months at a time with big gaps.
  14. Merry Christmas, have a safe and happy holiday.
  15. (The punchers chance) It just means that even if you are out matched in skill, you can still win if you have enough power and can land a lucky shot.
  16. How did this thread end up this way? You know what, i was going to explain my situation, but it's not worth the frustration, so all i'm going to say is. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! OR WHAT EVER YOUR HOLIDAY IS.
  17. Ok, so i should turn my 30 minute drive into a 2 hour bike ride in the snow. Not everyone lives in the urban sprall, but everyone has bills to pay. If you want to ban something try banning cell phones, they have doubled the amount of car accidents since they were created, and people lived for a long time without them just fine. Not to mention you can buy american fuel, instead of terrorist fuel, if you are smart enough to check it out.
  18. Boxer = jabs, combos, movement, and winning by points. Puncher = power punches, standing toe to toe, brawling, and going for the knockout. Sorry for the confusion i thought that was still a common term for boxing styles. I was always considered a puncher, because my foot work, and style was more for power than speed.(in other words i was slow, but powerful)
  19. Which do you think is more fun to watch, and more effective in an actual fight. I think in a boxing match the boxer will win by points, but the puncher will win by a knock out. In this case i would say the puncher would be more effective in a real fight, and more fun to watch, but the boxer will have a longer more successful boxing career.
  20. There is no defence against accidents, but you can improve your odds. I wear my seatbelt, i don't smoke, i don't drink, and my cell phone is turned off in the car. With all of that i was still in a car accident that destroyed my left arm and nearly ended my life. The point is i did everything the way i should and i still got hurt, because someone else lost their focus for a second and looked off the side of the road. Just remember it's better to be safe than to try to be tougher than a truck.
  21. I go with lower weight, and higher reps, and i do a total body program 2 days a week. This helps me build my strength back up, and still keep from hurting my bad arm.
  22. The pittsburgh vs baltimore game lived up to what i've come to expect, and i think both teams should scare the rest of the nfl, accept maybe the patriots who just drive me up the wall. Has there ever been 2 teams that were that well matched for so long a time frame?
  23. Sounds like fun to me, besides who cares if it's not perfect it would be fun. As for not being real belts, who cares, i've known to many (real black belts) that didn't deserve them, and this would be a way to reach the people that live in a cyber bubble, and maybe get them to try the real thing.
  24. Yea, i guess i need to remember, that i'm not as strong or as fast as i was, and the boys are just getting stronger and faster all the time. I guess thats what happens when you get hit buy a truck, and then you get old to boot. Honestly though, they are improving faster than i think i ever did.
  25. Cheering for the Steelers huh? Just kidding! I'm just jealous that these two teams are fighting for 1st place and the Cowboys, well, aren't!! Maybe we'll get some fine 1at or 2nd draft picks out of it!! Co Cowboys or someone!! This should be a really good game, if pittsburgh doesn't fall a sleep at half time, like they did this week. 2 great defences + 2 good QB's + 2 good running games = alot of fun!!!
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