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Everything posted by PhilM1

  1. poison the well - nerdy poison the well - blotcha (i dont know how its spelt) zao - autopsy zao - resistance zao - a fall farewell a life once lost - disease
  2. yes i have used it i havent been in full on stuff going on because of it. but ive used it just to take people down and show them whats up. ive kicked very little ass outside the dojo in a real situation. but if you do karate for long enough it will become a second nature and you will not have to think. if you do karate go for black belt.
  3. if you want some good hardcore check out poison the well. they are also pretty good.
  4. there are lots of different kinds of hardcore. what your thinking of is hardcore punk. hardcore is somewhat like metal. the drumming is a lot difvferent, being its more complicated and they use more china symbols and such. the songs are also a lot slower and the voice is just pure screaming. its great.
  5. yes minor threat is indeed crescent fresh. if you download music download some music by zao. they are excellently crescent fresh.
  6. anyone like hardcore music? if so let me know. HXC!!!!!!!!!
  7. yeah that sounds prettycool but im not familiar withany of that. im looking for more a mixture of jiu-jitsu , judo, and muay thai kickboxing.
  8. i am looking for a martial arts studio that teaches more than one style. somewhat like a fighting academy. a place that would teach mma type stuff. any suggestions?
  9. face your fear head on. its the only way.
  10. im from sunny san diego, and i reside in an upper city of it called Encinitas , its a small surfer town on the beach.
  11. PhilM1


    311 is all types of music. they are the best. funk,rap,reggae rock. they have tons of stuff and all of it is good. their music is about being chill having a good time and loving life. there is nothing wrong with their messages. you should download some music by them or check out https://www.311music.com
  12. PhilM1


    does anyone like the band 311? i love the band 311 they are the best. if you havent heard them get some stuff by them they rule!
  13. i was wondering if anyone knew where to find carlos newton seminar tapes or older tapes of him besides the obvious pride and ufc stuff. haha this face is so funny
  14. thank you very much for your advice. to answer some questions i would have to say i dont know how we get into this position all the time. he doesnt do bjj so i have to make do with a wrestler. and i dont even do bjj i just know some from my dojo. how this is usually performed is he gets his legs around me. one under my back and the other on top of my stomach and he puts his ancles together and he sqeezes.
  15. i dont know a lot about jiu jitsu but i know a tiny bit so when i grapple my friend he always puts me in scissor lock (where both his legs are around my stomach and he squeezes so i run out of air) he has never made me tap out because i have only one defense for it. i take short quick breaths so my lungs dont expand so far that his little submission works. i do it until he is tired of squeezing and then i bust loose. but i would rather have a better way of escaping and expecially one that would catch him way off gaurd. if you could reply with any that would be greatly appreciated!!
  16. where would i look for posts on judo? this is one zany site.
  17. if you would like to be an all around great fighter with lots of skills I think it would be best to learn brazillian jiu jitsu,judo,a style of karate and muay thai kickboxing. you would school everyone
  18. PhilM1


    i studied shoren ryu and have seen its very effective in a fight. why doesnt anyone from a shoren ryu fight in ufc or any other full contact fighting? by the way IKO KARATE KICKS @$$
  19. the protein powder sounds good. because i had bad acne and a lot of it has gone away and i only have some on the places i shave. so i think it would be bad for me if i took creatine.i dont think web md said anything about acne though. if there are any other supplements let me know.
  20. i am not currently attending a dojo right now so i have to keep my skills sharp. so currently me and a small group of friends go out in the backyard put on my sparring gloves and grapple and stand up fight. somewhat like ufc. but a lot weaker. we try and do rounds of 5 min but if we are really into it we just go until someone is done.
  21. i am about to get some creatine. does anyone take it? have any advice? pros and cons?
  22. i live in southern california. like north county san diego and im looking for a good jiu jitsu dojo. ive found 2 but i dont wanna drive up to irvine every time i wanna go train at the next generation fighting academy and the other is in del mar and its a little pricey. any suggestions on finding a dojo?
  23. yes very wise saying, and i agree i would rather have peace then violence. but there are those @$$holes running around F***ing up the world. making everyone fight and all that mumbo jumbo. those hardheads dont learn from talking. the only way they learn is by having their face bashed in. i know its not great but its the truth. thats how the streets are and if you dont like it tough cuz thats how it is.
  24. alright if you have that mentality then i may be able to give u some good advice. i dont know but when i dealt with it i have anger problems and if something pisses me off really bad i freak out and i get bigger and i have tons and tons of strength and i dont even know what im doing. so when u do go dont just give up just keep going take all the anger and stress he has ever given u and put that into a good elbow to the face. well this friday i did some sparing with a guy bigger than me , he can whoop me in boxing so i did a little and then i took him to the ground. i ended up beating him. but the only problem is with a bigger person its really hard to get out of positions so if you are on the ground be constandly checking where u can knee elbow punch him.
  25. im sorry i cant help you very much on helping you out to avoid him. but the way things go where i live you have to stand up for yourself or else your gonna be picked on forever. this stuff goes on so much at my school we have a class in our scheduale so we dont go crazy and shoot the school up. what i say you do if it comes down to it you be cheap i would use headbutts,elbows,knees any limb you can hit him with. i was in a very similar situation and the guy was taller and had longer arms. lets just say after 3 times of him calling me out and me standing up to him he pusses out because he just was doing all of it to act like he is a badass. i just go crazy on him. like turn into the incredible hulk style. im sure everyone on the site will disagree with me but thats just how stuff goes and if you dont like that then tough coookies.
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