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Everything posted by PhilM1

  1. Has anyone choked someone out to the point of passing out? I would like to know i can use this on the street for self defense without having to worry about going to jail for manslaughter/murder. Can you kill someone with these chokes if they just simply pass out?
  2. haha whats funny is when i used to lift a lot i would never dead lift or squat but i would do curls and leg press everytime.
  3. Well im going to start lifting again and this time around i'd really like to beef up my legs. I am a skinny guy at 5'7" 125 so beefing the legs wont be that easy but i sure as hell would like to make them stronger and bigger. I hate having twigs for legs. What exercises would you guys reccomand for beefing up my legs?
  4. was it a skinny person? im skinny and in order to kimura me you have to push wayyyyy far back. and i also wiggle out of things its my only advantage
  5. where do you live in sd?
  6. Anyone know portugese here? When i was rolling with a fighter from brazil he looked at my teacher and told him i was a muchizmo....anyone know what that means? (sorry if i butchered the spelling of any words)
  7. let him in a little put your feet on his chest and push him as hard as you can with both legs ...stand up as he falls down and turn the tables...
  8. hey everyone ive been thinking about looking into taking some muay thai kickboxing. Ive got karate and kick boxing experience when it comes to stand up. Anything i should know about the thai kickboxing that i should know about before enrolling in it?
  9. how does going to your side help? (just curious) I cannot see how that could benifit me at all. wanna explain?
  10. ha i feel ya. I love grappling and im a small guy. Even when im getting my butt kicked because everytime you get whooped learn from the lesson and think about how you can escape it. What you dont realise is sometimes you have the upper hand in situations. You can squirm out of posisions/submissions and escape and turn things around real fast with your quickness. Basically be the first one to try and attack. Always have a plan. If you cant be the first one to attack dont try and muscle the guy whether it be a take down or whatever. Sometimes the situation calls for a little struggle but even if they get the takedown/offensive don't fret. Get really good at defensive because you will be there a lot. Try and work on your defenses a lot get good at that. My old bjj teach was extreemly good and has won many compitions and he's not a big guy. He said to the class once that he always likes to be on the defense because he can control the guy. Try and work on your back and get comfrotable. See what works and what doesnt. Keep your gaurd tight and when theyve got you in side mount keep that knee up and verry tight to ther ribs!!!! That is key .....dont want them to get mount now do ya? Also what ^ said work on popping your hips out and pushing whatever is on you away. Also what we little guys have an advantage on is rear naked chokes . I love em cuz once you get on a big guys back they really struggle. If you can try and sneak it in with explosivness and the art of suprise haha. when your standing try to quickly zip under his arm turn around and as your turning jump on his back put in the hooks with your legs and apply the choke. i love that one. Try it also on the ground. As soon as that opening is there charge it. It's an easy win. Well hope that helped let me know how your next class goes.
  11. haha yeah i got the same crunchy noise on both my elbows. My teacher was really good but i still got it. Oh well i dont train karate anymore so its all good.
  12. I'm just wondering if i could use a rash gaurd that can be used at the beach for bjj. My teacher was trying to sell me some 45 dollar rash gaurd thats the same material as a 15 dollar one i can get down the street at a surf shop. think it will work?
  13. some people at my studio were talking about it . i heard its budget was so low that it was like a "high school production". i also heard the acting and dialect wasn't so great either.
  14. alright well my contract with my bjj studio runs out this month and i dont want to continue there although i would like to keep training with a couple buddies of mine and supplement that training with some good instructionals. now im into the nhb stuff and unfortunatly in my area there are not any close to me so i must combine all my martial arts experience to form my own style. but like i was saying i want to know what u guys think are the best instructionals... i was thinking of getting chris brennans tapes. what do you guys think?
  15. i wouldnt say hes THE toughest but Carlos Newton is pretty tough. did you see him against dan henderson? i give that guy my full respect.
  16. id say shorin ryu being i did it for 5 yrs. its a good variety. they will teach you good fighting/sparring strategies you can use on the street, regular karate and combatives. its a good all around martial art.
  17. yep happend to me all the time in bjj. he showed me how to do it so you can avoid that. really duck down and freaking fly at them so your shoulder hits their stomach and they go flying off their feet. its pretty much a tackle.
  18. what is the german suplex???
  19. What are you top 5 takedowns for nogi or gi?
  20. hey everybody at my dojo we have a gi class most all the time and one no gi class and i never get to train in it. i need to know for a street fight what are some good chokes, (similar to the X choke or basic gi choke). and im talking about being on top in a mount or something like that. i think forearm would do pretty good, but does anyone know anymore?
  21. yes i cross trained in kickboxing at my old karate dojo.
  22. do you ever do any sparring?
  23. hey now i only train bjj. and i punch my bag to keep up in techniques. any good exersizes i can do to make my stand up skills as sharp as a tac?
  24. no i mean if like a striker is coming at you punching you just slam them right in the stomach and show them whats up. how come no one ever does this?
  25. how come they never throw front kicks? ive found them to be very effective when someones trying to advance and you knock the wind out of them with your kick.
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