Himokiri Karate
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Taking money from Sensei?
Himokiri Karate replied to cheesefrysamurai's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Perhaps you can suggest some private lessons as a form of payment. I say private lessons because then you guys will strengthen your bond and have a better understanding of one another. -
I mostly train in boxing gyms but if someone comes in for a challenge they either have to do two things: 1. Sign a waver that includes medical history,emergency contact as well as a copy of recent medical test that shows the person is HIV free or does not have any transferable diseases in the recent time. 2.Must be registered with an amature boxing org or have a pro boxing licence and most importantly, the challengers coach must be in present or aware of the situation to avoid conflicts. Its pretty much it, if you beat us then we can learn from you.
Traditional MA; No Longer Respected!?!
Himokiri Karate replied to sensei8's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
To: Andy Mma can cost up to 250 dollars a month which attracts the typical rich "hollywood" type personality who are in to partying,fast women,drugs and liquer. Basicly the "Bling Bling" crowd who will have one waterd down mma fight, quite the sport/training and then go around telling ppl they are fighters for the rest of their lives. Again these ppl are looking for a "Fast" solution to their insecurity problems. It can be frustraing because real mma folks are pretty cool to be honest and they too are not crazy about the person that was trying to wrestle you since it reflects poorly on their school seeing a student of theirs conduct themselves like that. -
Curios to know, how often do you stretch and in your personal perception do you feel that you stretch enough? I ask because in my personal perception I don't stretch enough, I know it and yet my inner voice likes to come up with excuses like "I don't have enough time" even though I acualy do. Am I alone here or do ppl also feel the same?
Traditional MA; No Longer Respected!?!
Himokiri Karate replied to sensei8's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
This statement bothers me due to the fact that I hear it alot in the TMA as well as in the boxing circle almost all the time. Traditional martial art has itself to blame to be honest! (as does boxing) Its not mma's fault that tma circles began to manufacture rainbow color belt Its not mma's fault that every 8 year old and their grandmother is a blackbelt Its not mma's fault that we have a mcdojo culture that was a result of many instructors in the tma community abusing their position for profit These bad behaviours that occured in the tma world surfaced before the rise of the mma culture. Blaming mma is alot like the rap genre blaming rock and roll for its lack of popularity. Also on a last note, to the poster who was insulted by a kickboxer, I have been involved with the boxing/tma world and I will say that every martial arts/combat culture has its bad apples as well as its unsung heros. I agree with all of your points. To be more exact about my statement: The introduction of MMA into society allowed people to see there was something better out there. It exposed the multitude of schools that falsely claim to teach self defense when all they really were was a glorified daycare. That's what I mean when I say, "It's MMAs fault." So all the things you mentioned, and some, are included in my statement. It opened people's eyes to being more skeptical of what their doing. Oh I hear what your saying and forsure mma was the alternate choice for those who are looking for a different martial art culture since everyone was fed up with the martial business that was the mcdojo. To be honest with you, few years back I use to hear boxing ppl complain non-stop about mma and how its not "Real" fighting. I would cringe by their statement it since I have trained in some judo and judo ain't no joke. Sorry about the misunderstanding. -
Traditional MA; No Longer Respected!?!
Himokiri Karate replied to sensei8's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
This statement bothers me due to the fact that I hear it alot in the TMA as well as in the boxing circle almost all the time. Traditional martial art has itself to blame to be honest! (as does boxing) Its not mma's fault that tma circles began to manufacture rainbow color belt Its not mma's fault that every 8 year old and their grandmother is a blackbelt Its not mma's fault that we have a mcdojo culture that was a result of many instructors in the tma community abusing their position for profit These bad behaviours that occured in the tma world surfaced before the rise of the mma culture. Blaming mma is alot like the rap genre blaming rock and roll for its lack of popularity. Also on a last note, to the poster who was insulted by a kickboxer, I have been involved with the boxing/tma world and I will say that every martial arts/combat culture has its bad apples as well as its unsung heros. -
Check out Roy Nelson vs Cheick Kongo! One guy is a short,overweight heavyweight with mullet vs a 6,4 Lean,muscular muay thai practioner from France and the fight blew everyone away on how amazing Roy Nelson is. Fight happened in april of 2013 and on last year of december this thread was the most active and few months later we got to see Roy Nelson vs Cheick Kongo... Also check out Fedor vs Kevin Randleman as well!
Man! Its been a year since I was active an it was on this thread! Funny thing is, now I know who Roy Nelson,Fedor,Karo Parisyan,Bj penn,cole Konrad are and how good they are in the mma world. Heck even Butterbean beat a Ripped/Muscular pro wrestler by the name of sean o hair in an mma fight, granted he is a boxer but still neither are a full fledged mma fighters but hey some boxing skills beats TONS of muscle/low bodyfat!
Any Kalaripayattu practioners?
Himokiri Karate replied to Himokiri Karate's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
See thats whats so puzzling, I know so many ppl who are in to yoga and there is such a big Yoga culture in canada as well as america which made me wonder as to why Kalaripayattu is also not big in todays day and age. I mean really since mid 2000s Yoga and MMA have become so mainstream and it made me think why there are no kalaripayattu schools in todays western culture. -
Its an indian martial arts older than Shaolin Kung fu and possibily the first historic martial arts. Althogh its much less popular than chinese/japanese martial arts. Curios to know if anyone has trained in Kalaripayattu or perhaps sparred or fought againts these martial arts whether through friends or mma competition? I have not been active in this forum since...well last december so I look forward chatting with you once again
To change or not to change dojos?
Himokiri Karate replied to MAMom78's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
See this is the problem I have with this logic, the whole "family" logic. When I was with my old boxing coaches, they would "Forbid" people from training at other boxing gyms and they would shame us if we got caught training at other gyms by yelling,screaming and belittling people. Then I met my current boxing coach aka boxing master Tony Pep and former junior lightweight world champion. I made more improvement in 6 months under his tutelage then I did 4 years of boxing with other coaches. I also found out that, he ENCOURAGES students to train at other places as well as other styles. He always tells us before picking a coach/gym that, every person should try other places for 3-6 months to see how gyms are truly run. I learned from him that, student-teacher relationship should be about Professionalism NOT about Friendship. This is why I respect him so much, he keeps things professional at all times, that freddy roach is also like that as well. Freddy roach said earlier in his coaching days, he befriended a boxer of his and there relationship went down hill due to friendship getting in the way of professionalism. -
To change or not to change dojos?
Himokiri Karate replied to MAMom78's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Same here! Also, I am very very DISTURBED by the fact that not just op but people have that cult like devotion to there instructors as well as having intense fear of leaving there martial arts instuctor. Heres is some fact: 1.Your instructor does NOT own you 2.This is not the old days when students lived with instructors and you paid him back with loyalty and devotion and little bit of house work 3.The only thing you owe to your insturctor is training fees...Thats It! 4.In chinese martial arts, kung fu practioners are encouraged to try other styles like Chin na, hung gar and many other styles and have many instructors so they can get different perspective. Same with boxing, boxers sometimes have more then few coaches so they can get different perspective on boxing technique. Since some coaches specliaze in out-boxing some in in-fighting. Same with catch wrestling as well... 5.Instructors that forbid there students to train elsewhere obviously are insecure or know that there is better training out there and thus they dont want to lose your "business" 6.Your loyalty is to your self and the passion you have for martial arts maddam...Thats it! -
if your timing was off and head too low then perhaps try squating with weights. Have someone teach you proper squating with weights and aim for 10-12 reps performing in them at a steady pace which willl help with your timing. Hope that helps!
How long does it take to earn a Black Belt?
Himokiri Karate replied to SingaporeSling's topic in Karate
For me, boxing, Thai boxing and wrestlings are sports, they have goals like trophies, money and ranking. So, dont fool yourself into thinking that a "Black Belt" is not something that they look for...its just in the form of a strop made of Tin and leather that says "Champ". As for Kung fu...dude...they have rankings. Ever hear of a white and gold sash or a black and red sash. They have ranks as well. No physical endevour that I know of that man has created is with out a "goal" such as a Dan ranking or a title of some sort. sorry to me its all the same! Your comment on the bold is flawed. As a guy who boxes, I can tell you that there are TONS and TONS of none-competive recreational boxers that have INSANE boxing skills that puts pro boxers in to shame. You wanna know why? Because there love for boxing is PURE and SINCERE, these guys train boxin for the LOVE of boxing. They are not concerned with ranking,reputation,money,traveling to fights,dealing with managers etc... Overtime pro boxers might lose there passion and there style might suffer and they end up becoming point fighters to protect there boxing record and ego, thus quality goes down because they are afraid to fail because there self-worth is shifted from the quality of there art to there boxing record These guys have one task to do, just train boxing and some of them make decent money being sparring partners for pros. But in the end they keep there art pure and they avoid politics of boxing that pro boxers have to deal with which lots of pros fall out of love with there boxing because there are so many greedy blood thristy managers in the "sport" of boxing. In short, I can write a book on how there are AMAZING unknown boxers who are the backbone of training camps. Can I assume that there are people in world of martial arts like that as well? People who dont concern themselves with ranks and only focus on performing 5000 repitions? When I train, I train. No thoughts of rank, promotions or titles. I know we've gotten a bit off topic but this is important to me. But thats the thing though we are not off-topic. This is a very very important topic at the heart of it, when you enter a world of culinary arts,doctors,mafia,law enforcements,martial artist,bodybuilding or sports, we tend to become cultured in its customs. Sometimes you need to take a stepback and ask yourself has my priorties change? Am I in this for the right reasons like in the beginning or have a strayed from the path? In the world of boxing, there was so many many many amazing talented boxers that got some local fame on the amature circut and they started to value themselves in terms of ranking>skills. This evantualy destroyed many boxers passions because they associated there self-worth with there ranking as oppose to skills and there skills took a nose dive because they got obbessed with winning that they lost sight of there boxing style. What I mean by that is, sometimes you need to place yourself in places that your getting scored on (but not hurt) to learn a new skill like counter-punching. When these guys didnt wanna risk losing, there boxing skills no longer progessed because they didnt try learning new techniques like a new defensive skills or counterpunching. -
How long does it take to earn a Black Belt?
Himokiri Karate replied to SingaporeSling's topic in Karate
For me, boxing, Thai boxing and wrestlings are sports, they have goals like trophies, money and ranking. So, dont fool yourself into thinking that a "Black Belt" is not something that they look for...its just in the form of a strop made of Tin and leather that says "Champ". As for Kung fu...dude...they have rankings. Ever hear of a white and gold sash or a black and red sash. They have ranks as well. No physical endevour that I know of that man has created is with out a "goal" such as a Dan ranking or a title of some sort. sorry to me its all the same! Your comment on the bold is flawed. As a guy who boxes, I can tell you that there are TONS and TONS of none-competive recreational boxers that have INSANE boxing skills that puts pro boxers in to shame. You wanna know why? Because there love for boxing is PURE and SINCERE, these guys train boxin for the LOVE of boxing. They are not concerned with ranking,reputation,money,traveling to fights,dealing with managers etc... Overtime pro boxers might lose there passion and there style might suffer and they end up becoming point fighters to protect there boxing record and ego, thus quality goes down because they are afraid to fail because there self-worth is shifted from the quality of there art to there boxing record These guys have one task to do, just train boxing and some of them make decent money being sparring partners for pros. But in the end they keep there art pure and they avoid politics of boxing that pro boxers have to deal with which lots of pros fall out of love with there boxing because there are so many greedy blood thristy managers in the "sport" of boxing. In short, I can write a book on how there are AMAZING unknown boxers who are the backbone of training camps. Can I assume that there are people in world of martial arts like that as well? People who dont concern themselves with ranks and only focus on performing 5000 repitions? -
How long does it take to earn a Black Belt?
Himokiri Karate replied to SingaporeSling's topic in Karate
Boxing,Kungfu,Muay thai and various wrestling styles dont use a belt system and the practioners dont concern themselves with the ranks but only skills and fighting ability. I dont see why its such a big deal with be a black belt? -
Awesome response guys, I now will have to check out master pains kung pow movie! Always been a big fan of martial arts villains
Most username in these forums are martial art inspired including myself. So out of curiosty I would like to know what made you choose your username? My story behind "Himokiri karate" is about an anime character name shinogi kousho who is an opponent of baki hanma from baki the grappler.He has mastered an unknown style. His master tells him " It begins with the knoweldge that the severity of the impact is amplified by the smaller area" So his master has him do forearm,wrist and finger excercises obbessivly until he grows up and develops fingers,wrist and forearm that can pierce and penerate through any solid object. The reason I picked it is because my hand was brittle from boxing and this anime sparked my interest to do various forearm,wrist and finger excercises which helped me recover and develop strong forearm,wrist. Hopefuly you guys enjoyed it and feel free to share your story.
How long does it take to earn a Black Belt?
Himokiri Karate replied to SingaporeSling's topic in Karate
I am shocked to hear 3-4 years, I have heard it takes 7-12 years to get a black belt in kyokushin karate! -
Emphasis on stretching?
Himokiri Karate replied to Himokiri Karate's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I agree warm up before stretching, some push ups or shadow boxing would do in small places if no room for running. That being said, I am kind of suprised, I thought martial artist stretching as much as contorsniost! -
Emphasis on stretching?
Himokiri Karate replied to Himokiri Karate's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Its crazy I thought martial artist stretched as much as contornoisnt who stretch 3 hours a day (NO JOKE!) -
Curios to know regardless if your a student or teacher as well as style...How often do you guys stretch or have your students stretch? I was SHOCKED to hear a karate friend of mine say he only stretches two times a week. I thought he stretched all day everyday to be honest...
A Kyu "Challenges" A Dan!!
Himokiri Karate replied to sensei8's topic in Instructors and School Owners
I dont see anything wrong or disrespectful In boxing gyms it goes like this: Me:Hey bro could you spare me a round or two of sparring? Douglas:No worries dan, we can start of doing lead left sparring then go all out the second round No harm no foul and if the guy is sore then no worries you ask someone or you just go back doing your technique training/push ups and situps... -
What I mean is, there are so many many kung fu movies and in bruce lee movies. The Karatekas where the "Bad Guys" I never understood why there wasent as much as karate movies as there was kungfu. Keep in mind kung fu movies Blew up in early 60s and it was at its height in 70s. By mid-80s it died down. I know people are going to reference bruce lee, but wasent bruce lee a wing chun guy who "Mixed" his wingchun with boxing and grappling (courtesty of gene lebell) Cuiros to know why karate was never as big as kung fu in the cinema?
My advice to you op is, find a reputable boxing/muay thai gym and learn your timing,distance and basic techniques. Once you have done so, see if you can find a good kung fu instructor perhaps through networking in yoga studios,meditation meets and once you do. Your Sifu can incoportate his kungfu in to your boxing/kickboxing!