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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. Sorry this took a while to get back on bushido man. As for my compliaints about PPCT some have to do with the striking portion. It's pretty light on the time spent doing this. I think part of this is the adversion in the LE admin offices to actually considering that an officer might have to hit someone in the head. On the flip side of this, very few defensive options are considered or practiced under the program. Certainly, no live drilling agaisnt and armored baddie is emphasised. Next on the technique side of things, we have the handcuffing section.I personally despise it and don't know of a single officer on our dept that actaully does it in the prescribed manner. It's all hands off until the first cuff is on. I prefer having a hand on the moron before I start mess with trying ot cuff him. The acutal hands on control with the joints is ok. Not great, not bad. Certainly I've seen better schemes that worked more intutively for people without loads of trainng time. There is no consideration in the basic porgram given to ground defenses or being thrown to the ground, despite the fact that about every time you hear about a cop getting killed in a DT setting it's after an offender takcles him and takes his gun. Additionally, the overview couse offers no solutions to removing violaters from vehicles or edged weapons assults. Stuff that's kind of important. On the up side, the weapon retention/disarming is very good. My biggest problem is the lack of live training utilized under teh actual program. It's a largely hypothetical class with no time really spent drilling against an even simulated live attacker. For all the time the text talks about mindset, no time is spent trying to cultivate it on the mat. That's my critique in a nut shell. I think that there are way better products out there.
  2. I'll be happy to, unfortunately, I don't have a ton of time so I'll get back to you on that. Yeasterday One mile run 4, 4 min rounds on the heavy bag. combos, combos to infight, with kicks, to takedown tie ups legs
  3. joe, you can go either route with the strike. just make sure you aren't sending the arm too wide. I have MAJOR problems with PPCT. And I'm certed to teach it. But I like this strike. I also think that it's weapon retention is very good. Today- 1 mile run 3, 4 min rounds on heavy bag 2, 10 min mega rounds of free roll. non stop
  4. I'd get used to dropping center maybe from the knees to shoot lower, but I'd stay off my knees unless you're shooting in, and even then I'd move thru the posture as quickly as possible to lock up and conduct the takedown. It limits you're mobility and puts all your vital area in danger. Stay up and work on movment and evasiveness would be my advice.
  5. The brachial strike that I utilize is the one on the outside of the neck. It's more properly the brachial plexus orgin. I strike it with palms, foreartms primarily. But I will also practice putting other weapons there as well. ce the effect of shutting the upper arm down, but I usually throw it with the intent of ko-ing someone, or at least taking their head off via kenetic force. BOB really excells at this type of training. Today- 1 mile run 4, 3 min rounds on the heavy bag back and bis
  6. Could be just you're body adapting to a new activity. Give it some time. If it persists, get checked out by a doctor to be safe. By the way, welcome aboard.
  7. Ahh, Walker:Texas Ranger. I'm putting a reunion show on my wish-list for Christmas.
  8. Good question. Warm up. Run or mitts Mitt work and/or kicking shield work Skill building work on either: trapping/clinching striking strategy ground fighting small joint manip. weapons live training including either (or more): sd sim training sparring of some sort free roll kind of depends on who's in class and what we all feel like doing.
  9. Almost forgot- 10 min of working stikes against thier BOB dummy. Mainly eye gouges and throat shots, some brachial nerve work as well.
  10. Off at training all week at the State Police HQ, nothing cool. But they do have fitness facilities. 1 mile run 3, 4 min rounds on the heavy bag. Punching combos, add kicks, elbows and knees, last round slid into takedown positions. 10 min bike cool down chest/tris
  11. Ought to be pretty good. Hopefully the adaptation comes across well. I think it's the weakest of the books, but it's still very worthwhile. At the very least it sets us up for the deathly hallows finale, which should be just increadable.
  12. I agree, not much should stop someone from training. Certainly not mere age. However, if you have a broken hand, then some time off to let it heal is fine. Conversly, modifying your practice to accomodate it is perfectly acceptable as well. Gettting it injured furter will only make training less than optiamal and end up making you take more time away in the long run. Train smarter and it will let you train harder.
  13. tallgeese

    Fa ging

    Agreed. It's primarily about physics and utilizing proper movement that allows a good transfer of energy. That's about it.
  14. joe is right, over here it's more of a catch all term now than anything. I've done kempo based arts since the beginning, after awhile I stopped trying to explain the difference and just told people I was going to karate. They don't know the difference and most don't care, the one's who do, now you've got a chance to recruit new talent. Even though I teach a lot of mma type stuff these days, it's still referred to as "karate night" at my house.
  15. First off- thank you to all who nominated and voted. It's an honor. Next up, congrats to all the nominees and winners.
  16. The concept is very solid. Personally, I'd move the area down a bit to pick up more of the movement from the lower body (hips and such), but that's just me.
  17. Not a lot of my own training today. We went over to the NAGA in chicago with a fighter from my class and a group from the school I help with on and off in Rockford. I did get three warm up rounds on the warm up mat. Just gettting the guys (and gal) loose. That was about it on the physical end. Cornered another three bouts for our people. We had a good showing. Placed a couple, won a few more individual bouts. Pretty good day all and all.
  18. No, but I'd work on it under increasing "live" conditions, even on the first day. I usually try to immediatley incorporate some sort of negitive as well, that afore mentioned hook, say. To start the trainees thinking about the potental consequences of real fights. There is alot of good training ground that can be covered between no realism and full on assults. It's kind of off topic, but too often I see practitioners not make any progess to the latter after learning the former.
  19. I'm jealous...my wife finally put and end to my whining for a dog. However, she did consent to a new motorcycle .
  20. I'm no t sure he had a first career to be honest with you. Although I do admit to watching bloodsport and cyborg quite a few times in my younger years. Given the clips I've seen from his recent outings I'd be suprised if he managed this. But stranger things have happened. Shatner still has a job for instance. j/k- kirk is still the man
  21. Agreed, sounds like you handled it well given the circumstances.
  22. However, let's look at how seriously these attacks were fed to her. It's anything but a realistic simulation done agaisnt a determined adversary. Pain compliance is one thing, but it dosen't mechanically stop a big pain-filled hook punch from countering. I'm not saying the stuff has no application. I'm just saying that I rarely see this kind of thing demonstrated against attackers whose sims are even close to determined. And I do think that there is a good arguement to be made that other highly-valuable sd skills can be learned in a much quicker, more intuitive to the weatern mind and experiance, fashion. This isn't to say that study of pressure points is not a valid sd outlet. As time goes on and I can't bang as hard as I do now, it's on my list of things to signifigantly delve into. But I just don't see this clip as awe inspiring.
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