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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. Just Older by Bon Jovi. I know, Bon Jovi. Still, it's a nice tune about being happy where you are and with what you've done. It's up beat enough to keep you pressing forward after realizing that. It tells me that training might be a bit different now that I'm starting to grow up but I'm still at it. Just older. Great question.
  2. yesterday pm- BJJ: Drilled half guard recovery to spider, followed by gi chooke submission series from half. 45 min free roll. today- 3 mile run chest/tris abs
  3. Loved it. At least as good as 1. Maybe better. And I personally think that Iron Man is a contender for "Best Super Hero Move Ever". War Machine was not a let down, nor was the smaller roles of other Marvel charaters. Very well done.
  4. John, I tend to agree with your wife. That's not to say that minutia isn't nice in developemnt. I think it was handled well in the first few. Lots of details that brought the world to life and such. Let's face it, Tolkien is themaster of using it and Middle Earth is richer for it. The same initially held true for Jordan. However, as it progresses, the minutia seem to be more focused around less contributing factors and thus, became more of a headache than a device to flesh out the world. I too have heard that the series will be finished by another author. Depending on who it is, I might (let me stress again- might) pick it up after doing a Cliff's Notes scan on events up to that point on the internet. I'd like to see how it all ends. He did really have some great things that we hadn't seen in fantasy before. That's hard to do in a setting that has been dominated by Tolkien clones for so long.. I also have to give the guy props in another area. Despite the criticism that his battle scene often get, I really liked them. It really gave a nice sense of the confustion and calamity of the situation, and passed on a real desperation of the charaters involved.
  5. Cool, thanks. I have seen those motions before, just never studied to know teminology. am workout- 2 hour free roll.
  6. Great to see someone else jumping on board here. It's a great place to get training ideas. I have a very rudimentary grasp of what the sinawali is, but I'm unfamiliar with the kadena de mano drills. What are they?
  7. It really depends on what I'm working. But it's a great question. For basic low contact controlled sparring it's goves (anywhere from MMA to boxing to kempo) and a mouthpiece always. I usually go shin gear here as well, if I don't, it's on at then next step for sure. Once the contact goes up more, I go to the headgear. If I'm only working boxing, I'll use that. If knees and elbows are flying, I'll used caged. I'll optionally get on knee and elbow pads here. If we're slining weapons, certainly. I'll only get body armor on if it's a full on, high contact, self Blauer High Gear helmet is a must. You can crank on it pretty good with stirkes and it's got eye protection that will keep bb's out of your sockets. They say it will stand up to simunition rounds, but I've never trialed it. All that being said, the most fequent I use is gloves, shin, mouthpiece.
  8. Right, get the headgear. If you're routinely doing heavy contact to the head in class it's almost self-destructive to not wear it. I agree with boxing head gear, or depending on what you do, padded chaged headgear. I come out of a system that likes to train/spar hard. BUT, it's done as safely as possible. No use in getting hurt in training if it's preventable.
  9. I think you should set your personal goals in the arts basedon what you want to get out of them and persue them. If that's 1st dan, good for you. Just don't be afraid to modify the goals down the road if your mindset shifts.
  10. today- 3, 2 min rounds of the mits of: jab, cross, knee to the quad add elbow to end of combo add coverage from hoots at front and double leg takedown at end, drill pass at end of takedown. Ladder work on the bag with the knee strike from above. Drilled over arm triangles from mount to side and then from guard. 45 min free roll.
  11. I think it's a fact that advanced movements are simply basics applied at avery high level of competence. On the secret thing, I think it sounds like you're talking about each individual application of whatever they system is and making it their own. In other words, taking it and using it optimally based ontheir own mindset, physiology, and structure. I don't know that this rises to the level of "secret" or not or simply falls under individaul application. I tend to favor the latter. However, I often take time to show people what works for me or what I've sorted out of my primary art after years of training. Maybe it will short cut their learning curve and therefore, increse theri survivability in a fight. Evan my BJJ coach will share his "game" with students he trusts/likes/have shown a commitment to the art. This game is his personal interpertation of how the art is applied. Still, is this "secret". I guess if he never told anyone, but the connotations feel different to me.
  12. If I felt it were a good tactic or tool, I would. The fact is, there are tools that do the same job without the unneeded motion. I'll continue to work on those instead.
  13. Congrats, Heidi. It's a pleasure working with you.
  14. I agree, it's a factor sensei8. Also a factor is movement choice. Some are just better or worse, when talking about telegraphing, than others due to the mechanics needed to execute them. Hence, my dislike of working from a step thru punch.
  15. today- BJJ: Closed guard arm bar to sweep to triangle. 45 min free roll.
  16. George, I know what you're saying about the "Wheel of Time". I read up to 5 or so as well and enjoyed them. I struggled thru the next 3-4 because I felt commited. I hated myself for reading the tenth or so and then I was done. The cast grew too large and the time frame for each book grew to compressed. Not enough happened to advance the story after awhile. The main three charaters you actaully wanted to follow just seemed to get lost and the world, which was fantastic, just seemed to get smaller at the writing moved in that direction. I won't read any more. Nor will I read the prequal. It's in protest, even if it is about one of my favortie charaters. No author who has been making me follow a story for decades has a right to do a prequal before the series is even finished.
  17. You might try PMing Justice Zero. He has a great deal of knowledge about some of that subject matter.
  18. sensei8, I can see your train of thought here. But, regardless of experience level, one will always see attacks coming more often from further away. Hence, when stepping to deliver a punch, one is more likely to see if regardless of skill level. That's why jabs will always land more frequently at all levels of skill. Then, for power, crosses are favored by most people I train with becuase they don't rely on any large steps to be executed. I get the same effect without the transit time and hence am more likely to land this sort of blow.
  19. Welcome to the board. We look forward to hearing from you, regardless of rank.
  20. today- BJJ nite: Arm bar work, move to sweep, triangle. 60 min free roll.
  21. I don't mind talking about it and haven't had a problem. A dude that is that intent in starting a fight will probibly find a reason to one way or another. Besides, how else are you going to talk new people into joining .
  22. yesterday- full day of CT teaching followed by the team doing force on force up and down stairs.
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