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Everything posted by sensei8

  1. Why should a style be updated? This makes no sense. What's wrong with what the style is right now? If the style was good enough for the creator of said style when said style was created, then why does it need to be updated? Is the human body any more different now, then when the style was created? Are our supposed attackers body's built so much more differently than ours now compared to at the time of said style was created? Let's see...I'll answer my own questions: Never Nothing It doesn't No No Sounds to me that there's no reason to fix the wheel and/or reinvent the wheel. Wheel seems to be rolling just as great now as it was before. If it's not broken, then why fix it? I don't know, but, others like to "update" just to "update" because it's popular and/or it's the rage of the page. Since when is the Martial Arts like a car that changes each and every new car year? The Martial Arts isn't a car, it's a way of life!
  2. Use of belts and their stripes can get out of hand, imho! More of each/either is for one reason, imho, no matter how the reason might be explained away...MONEY$$$ This is not to say that my style's way is the right way, it's just our way; no stripes except for Sankyu to Judan. There's no vailid reason, imho, for any style to have a camo belt...no reason!
  3. In the current global economic downturn thats closed 3,500 Martial Arts schools this year; I'd say that nothing ventured is nothing gained, just as something ventured is everything gained. Providing that the owner/landlord/property manager allow and/or don't come right behind you taking them down. This won't work in most Wal-Marts because if Wal-Mart Management find out, they'll just take them down and if you're still on property passing them out/placing on windshields then Managment will ask you to leave private property. I once passed out flyers at a 5 story parking lot to only have security take them down and toss them in the trash right behind me. Great ideas but I just caution so that you're not wasting money and time and getting in trouble with whomever.
  4. I'm in my Dojo 6 days a week unless I'm out of town.
  5. I'm not bias towards sweeps and throws, in that, I was just offering some Bunkai possibilities to consider in ones everlasting search. You're right when you say that the techniques I listed would be more familiar to Judoka's than Karateka's but, they're still possibilities nonetheless. I, as a dedicated Karateka/Martial Artist needs to open as many doors and then some in order to cover all possible scenarios; eventhough I'll never find every possible scenarios. Therefore, the "doors" that I've opened for our discussions are just a possible beginning in our Bunkai journey, IMHO!
  6. Aha! We're at the very end of this Kata. One possible application(s) for the sequence(s) at the very end of this Kata after the Hiza Geri (This is where we're at in this topic, right?): Mae-Geri Keage aimed to the mid-section, followed up with a Jodan/Chudan Gyaku-Zuki. >>Right from that combination one could utilize several of the following Nage Waza's depending on one's Ashi Sabaki: (No particular preference as to one over another) * Deashi Harai * Harai Tsurikomi Ashi * Okuriashi Harai * Kosoto/Kouchi Gari * Yoko Otoshi * Tsubame Gaeshi * Hiza Guruma The above list are some, yet not limited, possibilities and therefore nothing more should be read into this. Tuite also avails itself to this ending sequence of Pinan/Heian Yondan as well. Hopefully I've opened some doors to consider as to POSSIBLE Bunkai. Remember, Bunkai/Oyo is an interpretation of the practitioner through discoveries revealed in training. There's no incorrect in Bunkai; only ineffective technique(s)! IMHO!
  7. And I've seen and practiced it where this move in Heian Godan is taught blocking a Mae-Geri. The Gedan Juji-Uke blocking a Mae-Geri is an introduction to almost any grasp/grapping/throwing/etc, already often mentioned in this thread. Some Martial Artists have even told me that this is an incorrect application. Says who? Nobody holds the license to say what's incorrect and/or correct concerning any aspect of Bunkai and/or the Martial Arts. Bunkai/Oyo Bunkai are, at best, just ones interpretation(s) of any POSSIBLE technique(s) within any given Kata. Oyo practically demands one to be free in self-expression and discoveries within ones own interpretation. Only the practitioner, when being truthful and honest with oneself, is the best to conclude what is effective and what isn't. Therefore, saying this Bunkai/Oyo Bunkai and/or that Bunkai/Oyo Bunkai is incorrect, is like someone saying that this style of the Martial Arts is better than another style of the Martial Arts. Saying that an application is ineffective, as discovered through training, is more appropriate than incorrect. IMHO!
  8. Well, Unsu is diffently a challange for a Purple belt, that's to be certain. Stay with it [unsu] and be positive on this big jump. You'll be fine!
  9. I'm sorry, but, this challenge is the most ridiculus thing that I've ever heard. There's no such thing as "superior" and/or the "best" style of the Martial Arts. Sheech and good grief! This serves no purpose on the betterment of any Martial Arts!
  10. sensei8

    Favorite Kata

    Don't be mad and/or hate me but, I love Wankan. Yes, it's short but such a powerful Kata.
  11. Whoa! The Unsu jump! This jump has been both a wonderful thing to practice, as well as to perform. Very exciting Kata, yet one of the most challenging for those new to Unsu. Due to one bad and old knee, I no longer perform this Kata, whether in the Dojo or demonstrations. Why? Because it hurts to much to jump/leap, land, and then get up. For testing, I'd do it, but, man, I'd rather hit myself in the head with a sledgehammer. What drills I did to reach the needed height, for both the turn and the kick, is I jumped over a stack of folded mats, one for the height, but also to cushion the land when I missed, I did and so will you, achieving the height. Once I achieved the height, then I worked on the crescent kick while in the air, and thus keeping my posture proper. I still had the stack of mats during each and every phase to ensure proper height. Once the kick is achieved with the proper height and posture, all I had to do was land in the prone position. Easier than it sounds because nobody in the world can fly/float in the air, and there's alot to do in this movement alone. Don't rush the leap, turn, and kick! It'll counter the goal in which you're trying to achieve...not falling down and go boo boo. Bushido-man96 is dead on when he suggests the the knees are tightly tucked. This is true through the leap and turn into the crescent kick. Posture will be key in allowing one to reach out with the left hand to smack with the crescent kick. Keys: >Height >Posture >Knees tucked >Tight/fast turn at the apex of the jump into turning into the crescent kick Hopefully, this will help you. Oh, BTW, I do a step spinning Outside Crescent Kick, instead of the traditional jump crescent kick in Unsu. It's the best I can do at my age with my poor old knee.
  12. Sorry, but I came into this thread late in the discussion. Can you catch me up to speed as to what it is that you're wanting and I'll contribute anyway that I can to this discussion. Please and thank you!
  13. My condolences to you and all his students and his family ,Shotokan world lost a great master . RIP The entire world, not just Shotokan, has lost a great Martial Artist! RIP!
  14. You say you're learning Unsu and you're just a Purple belt. Funny and/or cool depending on who asks. The JKA syllabus has Unsu as a Yondan level Kata.
  15. Any Soke association will take an act of God with what you're telling us here. Soke associations and the like have VERY STRICT requirements for awarding Sokeships. Anyway, good luck Boris!
  16. Omedetou gozaimasu to Sensei David Grice for his Rokudan.
  17. Huh? What? Possible in KEMPO. But Songahm Taekwondo/ATA is governed by a 9th degree black belt. The number 9 is significant to the Korean people. This being said, ATA has NO 10th Dan! My style IS governed by a Judan (10th Dan), but I'm a Okinawan style.
  18. This is simple! If the student doesn't meet the requirements for promotions, then its your obligation to fail the student. Never lie to a student. Never build up a false sense of security. Never allow the student to think they can when they really can't. If you lie and pass the student who hasn't meet the requirements...how can you sleep at night? How can you call yourself a Martial Artist? How can you look at yourself in the mirror? If you're afraid to fail your students then you've already failed them...as well as yourself! If you're afraid to fail a student...then close your dojo down! I've only one word...INTEGRITY!!!
  19. I hear your concerns and gripes! But.....are you the Sensei? No? Then don't worry about it. Do you respect your Sensei? Yes! Then worry about yourself and your upcoming Yudansha test! The decision for her to test is none of your business, it's the business of the Sensei...and the Sensei ONLY!!! Yes, you've been working your butts off and this will be evident on the floor during the test. A black belt is suppose to be a model of Bushido...so act like it! I've my own Dojo with hundreds of students. I've been in the Martial Arts for over 43 years. I've been teaching for over 36 years. So please trust me when I say...it's none of your concern! Talk with your Sensei and express your concern but do it respectfully...most Sensei's hate to be criticized on their teaching and testing manners; just be careful when you do appoach your Sensei. Now me, I've an open door all the time with my students...but they know what's cool and what's not cool with me.
  20. Are you the Sensei? If not, then say something to the Sensei. This behavior needs to be controlled by the parent(s). If you're the Sensei, then YOU need to control your dojo both off and on the floor! This mom needs to respect everyone, Sensei/Instructors/students/parents/guests! If you're the Sensei then you have to know how to manage customers. Yes they're paying customers...but these paying customers have to know that you're running a dojo not Romper Room. Customer service is essential but who needs this particular customer? You don't! Take her into your office, sit down with this mom, lay out all of your expectations, your do's and don'ts, instruct her to control her kids because you're running a dojo which is a business. If she can't follow the plan...dismiss her, her kids, and your student(s) (her children). Be the consumate professional at all times. This advise also applies to noisy babies and loud visiting parents...respect the dojo, Sensei, and the students who are training and learning. If not, there's the door! Your bottom line will not be affected if you remain respectful and professional!
  21. My hats off and tons of respect to the instructor of The California School for the Blind Karate team!!!! Nice article and I wish them the best in their Karate-Do!
  22. sensei8

    Socks ???

    I echo this sentiment!
  23. Within my style and particular within my Dojo, we teach how to defend against the Axe kick. This is a tenacious kick; if you get hit with it you'll know it. I teach to my students that one of the best defenses against the Axe kick is to intercept the kick early and then jam it, this is my favorite tactic. Now, I also love to throw a jump spinning inside cresent kick or a jump spinning back kick as the Axe kick is still traveling upward. The Axe kick is subjected to close in Tuite; get in tight then grab the kicker and slam them to the ground, this move is in many Kata Bunkai. The Axe kick isn't in the syllabus nor is the kick taught in my style.
  24. Kumite at times isn't for everyone; although everyone needs to engage in it as much as possible. Kumite is essential for any and all Martial Artists, particularly the kyu levels. The more you engage in Kumite the easier it will become. If nothing else, fear of getting hit is diminished through...getting hit. Time heals all wounds. Thus, time allows Kumite to grow within you. The first thing one must do is BELIEVE in themself. After that, it's all down hill.
  25. Why would the tourny match a purple belt against a black belt? That's stupid in many ways. This could've been avoided if proper assignments per rank would've been followed. Love can make people do crazy things.
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