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KarateForums.com Senseis
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Everything posted by sensei8

  1. Here's what this ATA school does. You walk in, you discuss your Martial Arts background with this instructor, you sign up for a 6 month commitment with the ATA, you'll be given a 1st degree black belt on your first day of classes, you'll achieve NO RANK ADVANCEMENT until you've met all requirements for 1st degree black belt in whatever time that may take, at the end of the 6 months this instructor will only then want to see your certificate(s) to pass on to the ATA HQ as well as to this instructors teacher. This is all that's needed! No prior evaluation of any time is required and/or needed before you get your ATA 1st degree black belt. The worlds gone crazy!
  2. I know of a few ATA schools that will GIVE you a 1st degree black belt when you join because you say that you're a black belt in some thing without ever seeing your certificate. They want to see 6 months commitment first. oh brother!
  3. The student will prob pass anyway...because it means more money and alot of what I see at ATA is that students perform sub-standard techiques and/or forget the forms and they STILL get promoted!
  4. The previous master made the forms. With help of people like CM Clark. Correct?
  5. 1 bat? Check this out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eq3fGYtH3Y
  6. In return I as well meant no disrespect. I was trully interested in your ranking system and what the system is. I have been on Okinawa for around 21 years and always welcome new information. This is a rough place to hang out if you have grown tired of questions. For it is through the questions we ask eachother from which we learn. That is all I was asking. Thank you for the information. Nah! I've been in rougher forums! You both caught me on a bad day dealing with a sick son! I hope that my info was informative for you, and I too am always seeking new information. I agree with you on it's through questions in which we learn! I've had a fruitful life with the martial arts and I wouldn't want to change anything; for I've loved to have served the martial arts. I'm just a student-master! Friends?!?!?!?!?!
  7. You're very welcome as I'm glad you enjoyed our rank system! Yes; ALL 43 years have been great to me, thank you!!!!
  8. ????????? I couldn't have agreed anymore for you're absolutely correct!!! Perhaps, perhaps!?!?! The display of the external indicators of rank level has been a negative focus. To many are concerned with someone's rank/title and not with the skills of the Karateka! I've always said that the proof will appear on the Dojo floor!!!!!!
  9. Hello to Nago and Seizan, I will attempt to answer your question as to the best of my ability! I've learned over these past 43 years in my style to not boast and/or brag about one's Ryu, Ha, Soke, Kaicho/Sensei, Rank, Titles, and/or anything, including myself. This is due to all of the naysayers, doubters, and/or non-believers in the world largely and mainly because you and I can't/don't know all there's to know within the martial arts, matter-of-factly, we don't know everyone who's involved in the martial arts. Either of you probably haven't heard of my style, founder, lineage, my Sensei, and/or myself...That means nothing to me at all!!!! The thousands of practitioners of our Ryu know 'it' to be true and so!!!! I probable haven't heard of either one of yours' styles, founders, lineages, your Sensei's, and/or of yourselves...That should mean nothing to either of you and/or myself. I'm not curious and/or interested in knowing of either of yours and/or anyone's for that fact. I've never asked anyone about their Ryu/Ha because I've always felt that it's private to them as it's private to me. If someone volunteers the info of their own choosing, then that's their right, even though I didn't ask of them. Therefore, it's my right to not volunteer that type of private info due to the way my Kaicho instilled that belief in all of us. I just want all of us to improve within ourselves as well as increase in the betterment of the martial arts and its practitioners! Yours is as true to yourselves as mine is true to me. I've nothing to prove to anybody in the world of the martial arts. If you say "I've never heard of this, that, and/or anything;" I truly don't care, if I may be as bold to say. I'm complete in my totality!!! I'm what I claim because my Soke and my Kaicho have said so...end of story! I mean no disrespect to either of you...NONE WHATSOEVER!!!! If I've offended either of you in any shape, way, and/or form I do sincerely apologize to both of you!!! Please forgive me!!!!!!! I know that both of you were just curious and that neither of you meant any disrespect or the like! I believe in my heart that you've meant no harm and I took no offense. Again, If I've offended either of you I ask for forgiveness for I'm truly sorry! After 43 years of the question, I've grown tired of it! To me it denotes disrespect if not asked properly. I hope this satisfies your answer! If not, I'm sorry! We all have to learn to live with disappointments from time to time!
  10. I possess a Hachidan within an Okinawan style that I've been involved with for 43 years thus far. Our Soke is a Judan and wears 10 Gold Stripes on his left (heart side) tail. He's a Hanshi and wears 3 angled upward Gold Stripes on his right (humble side) tail towards the end just below the name of the style in Kanji. Our Soke says that all Yudansha from Rokudan to Judan will wear Gold Stripes for both Rank and Teaching Titles! Shodan to Godan will wear Red Stripes for Rank! My "Kaicho" is a Kudan and he wears 9 Gold Stripes on his left (heart side) tail. He's also a Hanshi and wears 3 angled upward Gold Stripes on his right (humble side) tail towards the end just below the name of the style in Kanji. I wear 8 Gold Stripes on my left (heart side) tail. I'm also a Hanshi and I too wear, per the instructions of my Kaicho, 3 angled upward Gold Stripes on my right (humble side) tail towards the end just below the name of the style in Kanji. My "Kaicho," Head Representative of our style, is also my Sensei; I love him with all of my heart and soul! I'm quite familiar with the photo examples as presented in posts earlier than mine. I know that the difference is WITHIN each individual Okinawan style. Some Rank belts are plain up to Godan, and therefore that's due to the decision of one's Hombu! Also, the Teaching Titles of Renshi, Kyoshi, and Hanshi do differ from Okinawan style to Okinawan style as far as how it's denoted, if at all, on ones Yudansha as well as to what Rank is allowed to possess a certain Teaching Title. Remember that the Teaching Title is SEPERATE from earned Rank. You can't earn a Teaching Title like one can earn a Rank. Nothing is given and Rank is earned! Tiltes are bestowed upon NOT ALL Karateka's!!!!
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