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Everything posted by sensei8

  1. Solid post!! And yes, our perspectives are different, thusly, so are many, many others, and in that, perspectives are reality to that person/group/etc.
  2. If one wants tomatoes, then, they have to go to a tomato vender. Same thing in the MA world: if one wants rank, then they have to succumb to the governing body that awards rank. It sucks, I know, but that's just the way its been for as long as I can remember. The SKKA is the governing body of Shindokan Saitou-ryu, and if one wants to earn rank from it, they'll have to adhere to the SKKA's Testing Requirements. Having said that, if any examiner from the SKKA is of differing ideologies and the like, they can keep them to themselves because our Soke made it perfectly clear as to the exacting measures of the curriculum and the like, and this is transitions into any Testing Cycle. How an examiner teaches Shindokan is one thing, but to not bow to the exacting measures as the Soke has laid them out isn't acceptable, nor is it tolerated.
  3. I've not ever been in the same predicament, but a somewhat similar predicament. First, our Soke passes away...things are affable. Second, our Dai-Soke passes away a few years later...things are affable. Thirdly, our newly appointed San Dai-Soke, the son of our Dai-Soke, closes the original Hombu for his own selfish reasons, in which he "almost" moves the entire Hombu and the like back to Okinawa...things are no longer affable...not even close. First thing we do is PANIC!! We were a ship suddenly without a port; no direction, and no longer a soluble future for the displaced student body of just over 10K. The panic was short-lived because the core of the SKKA was still intact, even though it had been momentarily disheveled; a temporary setback. But had it not been the pure loyalty as well as pure genius of our Legal Team, a team that's independent and away from the SKKA, the reestablishing and reopening of the new Hombu, wouldn't have been possible. First thing Hugh, and his legal team did was, with the assistance of the core of the hierarchy of the SKKA, a complete rewrite through amendments of the By-Laws, so that they were ours and not of the San Dai-Soke's in any shape, way, and/or form. Much of the original By-Laws, as written by Soke were amended, instead of being discarded, a map, so to speak, for us to soluble under our umbrella...our OWN umbrella. The new By-Laws had to be strong, as to preventing San Dai-Soke from reentering through even the smallest crack, therefore, he was given a lifetime expulsion from the SKKA, in which he no longer had any proprietorship conclusions with the SKKA. At the conclusion of this phase, our legal ownership of the SKKA was assured. Secondly, the SKKA's upper hierarchy had to be confirmed through elections. Thirdly, governorship of the SKKA had to be established through proxies and the like. Fourthly, the Shindokan Shield as well as the styles name, Shindokan Saitou-ryu, was reaffirmed; neither were changed, nor were they amended. The style that we train in hasn't changed, just the SKKA, and the SKKA is NOT the style; just the governing body. The Shindokan Shield, per our Soke, "...belongs to every Shindokan student", and in that, the Shield isn't the style and the style isn't the shield; it's OUR brand. Neither are broken, so there's no need to fix them!! Fifthly, resuming Testing Cycles that were once suspended until the SKKA was reestablished across the board network wide. That's a very small glimpse, but large enough to give you an idea of what we had to do to weather the storm. A storm, not caused by anything we did, but by an unfortunate and despicable man full of his own self aggrandizement. Not every minute detail we endured is written here for two reasons. One, proprietary reasons prohibit me from disclosing them. Two, as important as the legality material is, it can be...well...boring to the Nth degree. We found no need to change the name of Shindokan because we still embraced it wholeheartedly...now and always!! But, that's us. What we've experienced, and what you or anyone else will experience just might be different. Embrace what's in your heart!!
  4. Not corny at all. Noting one's own struggles as motivation to continue is great. And more than likely, you are an inspiration to those around you. I wholeheartedly concur with both posts!!
  5. That happens less often now than in the 70s & 80s. More often now it's "martial arts" or "Taekwondo". Things have changed since the 1988 Olympics. And even more have changed since MMA has become popular & many MMA fans have come to view tradition MA of any sort as "less than" BJJ or "MMA." Solid post!!
  6. Whenever I stop, it'll be my choice, and my choice alone to make. Therefore, I don't need to give anyone an explanation as to the details in my decision. What about my students? What about them? Don't they deserve an explanation? NO!! My decision would be both personal and private, and I would seek for their understanding as well as in their respect for my privacy. It will be the most difficult decision, but necessary, to make of my entire MA journey.
  7. I've owned my share of belts over the many, many years, some regular width, if regular is a good word, and some wide. Currently, my regular belts range anywhere from 2" to 3", and while the belts are stiff when new, I've never really had any difficulty of any sort. Perhaps, it's because I tug the tarnation out of the darn thing and the knot stays where it's suppose to stay. Hereupon, I'll break-in a new belt like I hate the darn thing. I'll tie it to a pole and twist it...beat it...pull on it...just about anything to rid it of its stiffness. Takes patience, but soon, the belt's behaving itself!!
  8. Being honest with oneself is difficult, with no exceptions, imho! While I've been "judged" by both my Sensei and his Sensei, as either meeting or exceeding their expectations daily, as quarterly and annually, through their testing cycles. I must say, I am my worse critic, without any doubt. Either of these great men would share their thoughts as to my shortcomings as well as my triumphs with an honest display of truths, in which, some were kind and some not so kind, but directly honest! Seeing that we're imperfect from birth, and all the way to death, I will, at times, depending on my mood, tear myself down over the smallest details. And if for no other reason(s), I never wanted to let them down or my students or my fellow MAists or, for that fact, anyone. And because I'm imperfect, I'm prone to make my share of mistakes. Btw, if anyone thinks, even if for just one second, that high ranking MAists don't make mistakes, let me be the first one to simply say...oh yeah, I've made my share of mistakes, more often than I care to speak about or towards, and yes, I'll make more than a few in the future. A mistake is a mistake, no matter how infinitesimal or how large and noticeable, and while no one else might not point the mistake out, I knew, and that, for me, was/is enough. I pride myself in being extremely strict with myself when it comes to the details, nonetheless, I seek that which can't be retained...ever...by anyone...perfection, or at least, the near perfection, as one can be. I drive myself endlessly, and it causes me at times to think... ...just who am I to question the findings of my Sensei and his Sensei?!? Isn't it an act of disloyalty?!? Is it a slap in their faces, no matter the venue being regular class or a testing cycle or wherever else?!? Am I better than them in their evaluations?!? No! But because I am my worse critic, I must do my utmost best to erasing my unshakeable doubts about myself, both as an individual as well as a MAist...especially as a MAist!! So, trodden I will go in order to increase my MA betterment; while I'm complete in my MA totality, I still doubt myself from time to time. Which is better because I use to doubt myself all of the time. I don't doubt myself as much as I use to because...well...I still make mistakes. Yesterday...today...tomorrow...I've doubted myself before...I've doubted myself today....I'll doubt myself tomorrow!! Why? I'm imperfect; I just can't help myself.
  9. I personally am glad that you're spending more time here, as of lately. You add a touch of excellence with your thoughtful posts and the like provide here at KF; you're a consummate professional, and I thank you!!
  10. Ah...no!! I'm a product of big city living; alas a member of the rat race. I'm spoiled by the many conveniences that the big city provides by living in the big city, no matter how many inconveniences might exist. I've been to a few mountains in my life, mostly for recreational purposes, and many of the mountains I've visited had snow or a waterfall or both, however, I've never trained of any degree at any mountain. Please understand, and believe that I, in no way, are making fun of those who've trained or want to train in this fashion; to each their own. I say this, if it, whatever it is, improves ones MA betterment, then do it, and do it well by completely submerging oneself in that commitment totally without any reservation and/or ambiguity.
  11. Yeah, why not! After all, the one dominating word that ordains most TKD dojang's is... KARATE ...blazoned somewhere on the store front!!
  12. As corny, and as predictable as it might be...it's always been the smiles at the times of my students' AHA moments...that has always been my motivation!!
  13. OK...even though I stated that I've no interest in ever watching this movie, well, I just finished watching it...I've lost an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back...ever!! As I've also mentioned before, Mr. Wilson is of his belief, therefore, his opinions, even though, I do not share them with him at all. Not because he's wrong and I'm right or because he's right and I'm wrong, but because, I've travelled on my MA journey these near 52 years, and I've not experienced similar things, nor even close to what Mr. Wilson has; different MA journey's, this is to be for sure. I've absolute no problem with separating the physical from the spiritual things of the MA!! The spiritual things of the MA are for others, but in truth, and because I was raised in the church, they're not for me, and they've not ever been that way. I believe in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit...above all things. I believe in the physicality of the MA because you can't learn the MA without being physical. Sure, I do the meditation before and after class, but it has no significance other than to relax before and after class. I don't chant...I don't have a fancy stick...I don't even light candles...well...except for birthday candles...I don't have an alter or a little house or a little statue or any pictures of ANY MA Master...no way...no how...not today...not tomorrow. As Mr. Wilson reminds the viewer..."You can't serve two masters. If you do, you'll end up hating one, while loving the other", and this is so true. I serve Christ...he's my Master...and the things of the MA...the spiritual things of the MA have no bearing or control over me. The MA is a thing that I do. Christ isn't a thing; I've a personal relationship with Him. I believe in things of the MA!! However, I don't believe in the spiritual things of the MA. I do believe in the physical things of the MA. I believe in Mizu No Kokoro and Tsuki No Kokoro, as well as Bushido...as well as Shugyo...to mention just a few, but I draw the line, and this line isn't a faded or fading line, no, but it's a sharp and crisp and defined line, when it comes to the spiritual things of the MA. Perhaps that's why it's so easy for me to separate the physical from the spiritual. I serve Christ, and Him alone, and nothing that's MA spiritual! Does my meditation that I do before and after class counter what I've just stated? NO! Why? While I'm "meditating", I might be thinking about the class I'm about to teach...going thru a mental check list, and sometimes, I'm praying a quick and simple prayer. Soke and Dai-Soke had their beliefs, and yet, their beliefs were not mine, nor did they ever force their beliefs on any of their students. They were both very private men, and they exercised their beliefs in the privacy of their homes. Although the Hombu was a fallback to a long ago time of Okinawa, and this includes the things of importance to them and their beliefs, we were never once directed to perform Shomen ni rei as they did. When we bowed...we weren't forced to ever bow to the Shomen...no...we'd bow to them, then they'd both walk to the corner and bow to the Shomen...which was in the corner and not in the direct front. Guess what...after they both passed away, the Shomen...their Shomen, was dismantled and removed because it wasn't our belief, and we didn't want to emulate that anymore. Some have told me that I was in a Catch-22, and I'd strongly resent that because it's easy to disregard things that are not of Christ when you follow Him, and only Him. The training that Mr. Wilson received in the MA was, imho, quite strange, to say the least. And as it has already been said, it was akin to a cult following in so many ways, and I'm just so glad that I was never in a MA school like that...not in Shindokan and not in TKD!! When I can find part 2, I'll watch it, and if for no other reason(s), it'll simply be for the sake out of curiosity, and that alone. OK...I now return you to your regular reading!!
  14. So...the College IS the governing body of the degree?? And is the degree turned into some type of rank?? In lineage terms... COLLEGE as the governing body-----> College Professor------>Student Hhhhmmmmm... The College Professor is the "Sensei"? After all, anyone who teaches, per the name, is a "Sensei"!?! Once someone earns said MA degree, who provides the new "Sensei" with certificates? And who administers the testing cycle?? Dumb questions...I know...but... In addition... http://www.bridgeport.edu/academics/undergraduate/martial-arts-studies-b/faculty/ From reading their bios, it appears that they're more than qualified to teach their MA discipline!! Check out the video(s)! So, it takes about 4 years to earn a BA, I think...so, will the graduate be earning a 1st Degree Black Belt...or god forbid...more...or just a diploma from the University?? I can only assume that any MA rank would be given separate and away from the University. After all, the Co-Director is a 7th Dan in TKD!! Surf around the links provided throughout this thread...interesting...but of interest, check out the "Learning Outcomes" provided by the University. I'm still surfing the info provided, and it appears that there's a lot of reading...maybe...there's 10 pages of information!!
  15. It is said, both worldwide as well as in Okinawa, that Higaonna Sensei is considered the most dangerous man alive.
  16. Didn't watch the fights, but did watch highlights, and to be honest, I saw the choke, and it was well executed, and not surprised at it. That, to me, this is quite an easy thing to apply especially for those who forget about its possibility, and it can be easy to forget about when ones defending this and that, and the more inexperienced the practitioner is, the more easier it can be to manipulate in this type of game of chess. Imho!!
  17. I'd love to learn how to do that!! Looks amazing and quite relaxing to create something like that!!
  18. To the bold type above... The length of a Dan testing cycle changes according to the Dan rank. Whereas, a Shodan testing cycle last but mere minutes compared to a Hachidan testing cycle which will last a good part of a week. Averages: Shodan - Sandan testing cycles will take 1 day. Yondan testing cycles will take 1.5 days. Godan - Hachidan testing cycles will take 3 days. These lengths vary due to many situations. Rest time...Number of candidates testing per se the Dan ranks being tested for...so on and so forth. I believe in my answer because that's what our By-Laws said so, hence, it's what Soke said so!! Was your Kudan 3 days or more than 3? 3 days. I didn't include my Kudan testing cycle length because anything above Hachidan aren't testable; it's bestowed upon once one's been elected to the Kaicho post, per our By-Laws. Please forgive me, but in my heart of hearts, I'm still a Hachidan, and hold little value, if any, to my promotion to Kudan.
  19. Haha, yes, we agree with you on that! It is "complete" in the sense that it covers applications for every movement in the kata, but of course, nothing is ever truly "complete" Thanks, Bob! WHEW!! Thanks, Noah, for understanding and having a sense of humor!!
  20. To the bold type above... The length of a Dan testing cycle changes according to the Dan rank. Whereas, a Shodan testing cycle last but mere minutes compared to a Hachidan testing cycle which will last a good part of a week. Averages: Shodan - Sandan testing cycles will take 1 day. Yondan testing cycles will take 1.5 days. Godan - Hachidan testing cycles will take 3 days. These lengths vary due to many situations. Rest time...Number of candidates testing per se the Dan ranks being tested for...so on and so forth. I believe in my answer because that's what our By-Laws said so, hence, it's what Soke said so!!
  21. Btw, I've no idea, one way or another if Higaonna has ever been in a fight or not. I surely didn't want to leave the impression that he'd not ever been in a fight before. We hear, quite a lot..."What skills/experience does he/she have? They've never been in a street fight before, so, they've nothing to compare to in order to teach; blank slate." Again, it's their opinion, and they've that right, however, I'm of the opinion that their assumption is quite unfair, especially when the opinion is from afar without personally knowing anything about the person.
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