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Help with motivation


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I'm fat and I'm starting to get really depressed about it, so I researched about losing weight safely, and now I know what to do.. But my problem is that I can't get motivated. I seem to have trouble just getting up and exercising, or to stop myself from eating the bag of chips, etc. Has anyone ever faced this problem and how should I motivate myself to stop doing this? Thank you, your help with my appreciated.
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short term goals are a good idea. you won't see dramatic change overnight, so don't set yourself up to get discouraged. set goals that are challenging, but not overwhelming.


i quit smoking a while ago and it was a similar thing. i couldn't fathom going the rest of my life without another cigarette. so i made myself focus on getting through the day without one. and then the next day, and the next. soon a week had passed, and then a month. next thing i knew, i couldn't even stand the thought of smoking again.


next time you want to dive into a bag of potato chips, see if you can stop yourself for just that one day. you don't have to think about never eating junk food again. but see if you can resist just one craving. and then the next time it happens, see if you can do it again. and don't let yourself make excuses not to exercise. you don't wake up every morning and "decide" whether or not you're going to work/school. you just DO. make exercise the same kind of thing - leave choice out of it and make it mandatory for yourself. if you can keep this kind of discipline up for about 6 weeks, you'll notice that it won't take nearly as much effort as it did at first.


my yoga instructor also told us never to try giving up more than one thing at a time. maybe changing your diet and excrcise routine all at once is too much right now. so change one or the other first, and then add the next component in a month or three. you'll find that as you start to feel healthier, you'll WANT to do things that are good for your body.


good luck!

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One normally assumes that action follows motivation, but I've found that (with regards to exercise anyways) that motivation follows action. ie: find some way to make yourself do something, anything even when you're not motivated. You may then find the motivation to continue the action.


Having said that, I often have trouble getting motivated. The nice thing about a structured karate workout is that I don't want to 'disappoint' sensei by not showing up for class (or suffer the consequences next class) Of course, that only goes so far, eventually you have to do it for yourself.



Shitoryu Itosukai

Tsuruoka Karate

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I also used to have motivational problems. You have to set your self goals but also when it come down to it it will always require will-power. Remember 'starting is half done' 'a body in motion tends to stay in motion'.


'If your not training someone else is training to kick your ass'. Take resposibility for your actions. If you are anticipating whether you should eat junk food or not think about the consequences. Whene my alarm goes off at 5:am to go for a run all I want to do is turn it off and go back to sleep. Especiaally when its cold and dark and I know what the hard work lies ahead. But I also know that if I don't get up I will feel bad about it and say why din't I do it and so I do it.


Set one goal at a time. One step foward is just that, a step forward. Begin today to slowly change your diet. first start to slowly eliminate all the junk food. Then start to get rif of processed foods. And then finally start to elliminate all the starchy foods from you diet which is keeping all the weight on. Then start to do something aerobic every day, even if its walking for 10 minutes.


I'm going to remmend a sight to you to help you to lose weight. I am doing this becasue this guy has brialliant knowledge and the diet he suggests actually works since I have used it and within lees than a week it got rid of my love handles!




eat fruits, vergetables, lean proteins, natural fats (butter, oil, fish, nuts),

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Hi again! So I'm going to take it one step at a time and follow all the advice that all of you have given me. Thanks for taking your time to reply!


One last question though- Neil, from what I know Matt Furey says to eat anything natural, like meat, fruits, and veggies, but don't eat unatural processed foods, am i correct? how much weight did you lose on this diet and is it healthy? i'm wondering since it goes against the food pyramid.

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The food pyramid is right. Matt Furey simply sais to cut way back on starchy carbs. You are still getting carbohydrates from vegetables and fruit. This is not the Atkins diet where you eliminate carbohydrates as a whole, you simply cut way back on the starchy carbs. My teacher is still burrowing my 3 Matt Furey books combat conditioning, no bs guide, combat abs. I remember the diet Matt Furey listed in combat abs which he used to drop 20 pounds in 6 weeks.


Morning: Fresh fruit or yougurt mixed with fruit


Mid Morning: Raw almonds


Lunch: protein salad, or roast chicken with vegetables, or stir fry (with no noodles obviously, just the vegetables and meat), anything basically with vegetables and lean proteins - be creative


Mid afternoon: Fresh Fruit


Dinner: Pretty much the same options as lunch although on a day to day basis it would be best to have a different meal when having lunch and dinner so you give your body a bit of variety.


remember to follow natures laws.


eat only that which you can pluck from a tree, pluck from the ground or get from an animal. Eating natural food will produce a lean, strong and healthy body full of vibrance and energy.


I strongly suggest you sign up to his free newsletter on his website. Also I would recommend you by his book on how to cut weight for wrestling, just go onto his website and search under products and look for that book or simply find one that is specific for you. But this book is specifically about losing weight while maintaing strengh so I strongly suggest you buy it. Remember I have bought 3 of his books, I don't work for his company, I am an individual who honestly swears by his methods, simplky becasue of the results.




this link goes staight to the weight loss book.




ps I don't know how much weight I lost, but my love handles where I had almost an inch of fat disapered in less than a week!

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I had the same problem with motivation, what helps me is to invision what I want to look like and try to get my blood flowing. Make your exersizes a routine. What I like to do is write down my routine then do each on and check it off it really does help. Maybe next time you want to pick up that bag of chips get an apple or something healthy instead. Goodluck!
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thanks Neil, I plan to follow the diet you gave me until I am able to get the weight loss book. however, I was wondering if it's ok to replace "raw almonds" with salted pistachios or boiled/salted peanuts? or is that bad since it has added salt to it? and boxeador, thanks for your advice about that invisioning thing!
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