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Knee bonked good!! Now what??

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Boy did I do a number on myself this time. Last Wednesday I was kicking a heavy bag and due to bad timing and poor distancing I ended up jamming my knee really good. I might have done a mild hyperextention as well. It didn't hurt TOO bad right after it happend but the next morning...OH MOMMY my knee hurt!! I couldn't straighten it all the way and I couldn't bend it all the way. I kept it on ice and elevated and rested and stayed away from class. Sunday I did mild exercise on the eliptical strider machine and some weights. Today (Tuesday) I thought I was ready to go back to class. Well, I was wrong. One little twist and my knee twisted out collpased and boy that REALLY hurt.


Has something like this happened to you? I didn't rip anything but I have a sense of instability laterally and any twisting really hurts. How long did it take you to get going with classes again? I'm thinking I'm going to have to wait out 2 or 3 weeks this time. Oh man, I'm so disappointed.


Anyone have a messed up knee story to share with me? I need some comiseration right now.





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Please tell me you went to see a doctor.


Knee problems can be very serious...torn ACL's and whatnot. Trying to wait it out and let it heal could be very dangerous...you risk re-injuring it again, which could lead to more permanent damage. The sooner you see a doctor, the better. :nod:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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I did that with a side kick. Bad timing and poor distance, like you, and OUCH! I didn't hurt mine that bad. I stayed away from training for a week. Iced it and soaked in hot water. I wore a knee brace for about two weeks in training, but I didn't use that leg for kicking drills or anything. I guess mine was a minor injury, cause it healed pretty fast.

Laurie F

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Hey Monkeygirl,


I didn't go to the Doc after the initial injury, but I'm going to go now. I have an appointment with an accupuncturist, but I'm also going to go to my Western Med. guy because if there is any tearing he's going to need to be in on it, also.


I'm hoping it's just strain...hope hope hope....



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Go to the doctor, rest until you've seen him/her.


I carried on training on a hip injury 12 years ago, and made it so bad I couldn't train for a year and still need to be careful what I do with it now.

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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Go see an orthopedic if possible. They are able to diagnose and suggest rehab better than a general practicioner. In the mean time, do the r.i.c.e thing...rest, ice, compression, elevation.


And yes, I had a knee problem last year. It really sucked. But not as bad as my current ankle injury. Found out yesterday I have a bone chip in addition to slightly torn ligament.

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Motrin started to rot my stomach after a few days. Didn't help anyway. Supposed to start warm water soaks to reduce the stiffness in the joint, but all that does is make it swell, so I've gone back to ice. Thought about pouring a cold beer in my shoe also.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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Try some Windex! (Sorry, I just saw Big Fat Greek Wedding yesterday.... good movie!) :lol:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Windex will make quick work of that injury! Try icing before you soak ZR440. Ice to bring the swelling down and then warmth to loosen it up. Had a neck injury a few months back. That is what they told me to do.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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