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Want to get a second opinion on my workout routine.

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I'd like to get a decent work out routine going, starting tomorrow, so please answer ASAP :)


I want to start with some stretching, though I'm pretty new to the world of stretching, so any advice I can get for stretching (to the limit to where I can kick straight up ;), would be very appreciated!


Here is my weight training schedule:




Bench Press – Warm-up: 3 sets of 10 Medium Reps. 6 Sets of 6 Heavy Reps.


Close Grip Bench Press – Warm-up: 3 sets of 10 Medium Reps. 4 Sets of 10 Heavy Reps.






Curls – Warm-Up: 3 sets of 10 Medium Reps. 4 Sets of 10 Heavy Reps.


Military Press – Warm-Up: 3 sets of 10 Medium Reps. 4 Sets of 10 Heavy Reps.






Leg Extensions - Warm-Up: 3 sets of 10 Medium Reps. 4 Sets of 10 Heavy Reps.


Leg Extensions – Warm-Up: 3 sets of 10 Medium Reps. 4 Sets of 10 Heavy Reps.


This is my "Less is more" routine :), I also run every morning for 3 miles, so that should be my cardio. I also plan to do a greay deal of sit-ups and various types of crunches for my abs every other day.


I'd like to focus on strength, speed, and agility, while managing to bulk up a bit in the balance. If you think I'm doing something wrong or need to be doing things a bit differently, feel free to let me know. I want to have a perfect work out schedule. Thanks in advance!!! :D

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I want to start with some stretching, though I'm pretty new to the world of stretching, so any advice I can get for stretching (to the limit to where I can kick straight up ;), would be very appreciated!



The stretches in this article have worked fantastically well for me ... (even though I've only done them twice a week instead of the recommended amount).

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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Alright, I'm going to give you some constructive critism.


Your workout is plain bad.


You say you want to bulk up? I suggest cutting down on the heavy Cardio quite a bit.


Here is a good example/sample workout for your "less is more":


Sample 3-Day Workout


If you want to look for another one then here is a link to a Workout Database:


BodyBuilding.com Workout Database


And here is a link to the Body Building Forums. I suggest posting any workout questions/opinions there, the guys on that forum know their stuff and are always glad to help (especially with new people).


Remember, nutrition is key also, if you want to get big, eat big!


Good Luck! :D

-Boxer Scott

  • Boxing
  • Iwama Aikido

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Hehe, Thanks BoxerScott!! :D


I'll be sure to check that out! I'd also like to thank iolair for the spiffy stretching link, looks really interesting! :D


But you feel I should cut down on the cardio? I would think the cardio would burn the unnessicary fat away, I want to bulk up my arms and chest, not my stomach :P


Edit: WOW! That database link is AMAZING! I suggest everyone that checks this thread out check the link out, it has a LOT of useful information, and you can choose how many days, how many excercises, etc!! Very nice stuff!

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Here's a rough draft of an average workout schedule. This is just to give you an example.


Monday: chest and triceps


Wednesday: Back and biceps (include shoulders)


Friday: Legs


Use cardio as a warmup. Lifting weights as a warmup will generally decrease what you can do.

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simple answer is what im doing in weight training.


3 days on 1 day off


day 1 chest and tricepts


day 2 back and biceps


day 3 legs and shoulders


day 4 off


dymanic stretchs at 6am and 12pm everyday


isometric stretches Tues, Thur, Sat and Sun


If you are after a more detailed training,


I have all this on a word doc and can send to you.


This is a proven fact to work.

Learn and u shall Teach

Teach and you shall learn,


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