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Christians and the Martial Arts

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I don't remember saying that there was a need for a Christian martial art. I am saying not all MA will be compatible with the Christian way of life, due to religious influence through the centuries. Taoism, Shaolin mysticism, Buddhism all espouse ideas and practices that greatly influenced the martial arts. They are also practices that are incompatible with Chrisianity. That is what my article tries to point out so that Christians can make an informed choice about the art form they study.


You didn't hurt my feelings, :) but the staff here doesn't care for the style with which you write. I am just trying to keep the discussion open and fair. This is not a religious discussion either. It is an article to help Chrisitans decide if the art they have chosen is compatible with the spiritual journey they are taking. I still hold that some arts are compatible and some are not. That is the secondary idea in the article. The first being whether it is okay for Chrisitans to be martial artists. The answer is still yes.


Also, Christ was angry at the Temple because they were using it, not to worship God, but to buy and sell goods. they had turned a sacred place into a market square. Just fyi. :)

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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Yes that is why he got mad, so there goes the whole turn the other cheek idea, let God judge them for their acts.


I really do not care what religion some one is. IT does not need to be in any of the MA. It is that simple. Why should I go to a MA and get religious rehtoric be it buddism or christianity. In no other sport is there such a thing. Why should there be any now in MA? There is no need. You can still learn a decent MA and avoid the religious rehtoric all together.


That is all I am saying.


Again I did not attack your beleifs. I gave my opinion of what I thought of christain karate. Once you open that religion can of worms you have to expect guys like me to sooner or later make a comment other than "nice article"

Because I said so, and I am that damn good.

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Ahhhh, but did you think it was a nice article?


I never said I was part of a Chrisitian karate or MA. I said my Master Instructors were Christians. They don't even bring Chrisitanity into the dojang. But we do discuss Christian things after class and before.


PM me and we can carry the discussion further if you like. I love to verbally joust as long as it is done in a civilized manner.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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Good article! I am a Christian and a Martial Artist --- maybe one day I'll be a Martial Arts Christian! Meaning that I could use my zeal for MA to minister to other people like groups like K.I.C.K. and Karate for Christ do.


Eastern religion teaches to find oneself, and to in essence empty your soul --- I'm being very generic here. Well my soul is FILLED with the gift of the Holy Ghost and I will not allow it to be emptied! I do believe there is a difference between meditation and concentration. I don't have a problem focusing or concentrating on a technique -- in fact, when I'm on deck at tournaments I usually close my eyes and go over my form in my head.


I would not be part of a school that enforces spirituality into their curriculum.


I don't see bowing as worship ---- its the cultural equivalent of a hand-shake, and a form of respect, nothing more.


My first post on the boards --- figured I'd jump right in!


Thanks for listening ---



KarateForums.com Sempai
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I think martial arts can help you be a better Christian...


the patience and self-discipline that you gain will help you through hard times, and keep you from doing something you might regret.


Also, your knowledge of MA can help you help others in the community! I always thought it would be seriously cool to take a group of self-defense instructors to a few shelters for battered women, and teach a few classes.


I'm sure there are other examples that I can't think of right now.


Just a reminder: let's keep it friendly in here. You can present opposing points of view, just keep it respectful and civilized. If you expect everyone to be open-minded to your point of view, you must be open-minded to theirs! :nod:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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Any other Christians here who offer up the various aches and pains and bruises that result from training?


Our class opens with a non-denominational prayer. I'm not sure about my teacher's religious beliefs; I think he may be a Shintoist since he claps when he prays. (I think, but am not sure, that Shinto is the only religion that does that.) I usually direct the prayer either to God, Jesus, or Saint Michael. I don't know if there's a patron saint of Christian budoka, but if there is, it's probably Saint Michael. Don't know who my teacher or classmates (also Christians) are addressing the prayer to, and don't care, that's their business. My point is not to get too wrapped up in religious issues. Just learn what you're there to learn.

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  • 2 months later...

I really appreciate your article but I must disagree on the last point you made stating that not all MA are compatible with Christian way of life.


I think that every MA can be made compatible with our religion if you


use the filter provided with your christian culture. Using that you can


either adapt or in extreme case reject the phylosophical aspects, your art


will be not degraded by this process. You should not passively absorb


what your sensei teach you but actively use this filter to adapt or reject


those elements that cannot be adapted.


You gave already an example on how you can adapt the meditation


you make at the dojo in order to be christian compatible.


I give you a more complete example of what I'm saying.


Yoga is deeply connected to indian religions and pantheistic vision of the world but today we have many


books and teachers that teach the christian way to yoga and this is possible only because someone has done this filtering cultural operation.


I hope I clearly explained my point.

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I agree with you, but with one caveat. Most Christians today do not know how to properly use this "filter". Therefore my warning still stands. Just to err on the side of caution and not put yourself into a compromising situation and keep yourself safe from undue influence. But point well taken. Thanks.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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I see your point. Did you or sombody else here have some experience about martial arts used as a sort of 'troyan horse' to convert people to oriental religions? Expecially to kids.....
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No. It is just a topic that I, as a Chrisitan, feel should be addressed. So many things in this world can tempt us to stray away from Christ that MA'a do not have to be one of them. Also, I saw many topics talking about this very thing. Just wanted to give my two cents.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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