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Hints , Tips, for perfecting the Perfect Side Kick

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We will use a chair and work the kick in 3 stages.


One knee up


Two kick out


Three pull the kick back


We hold each step for a few seconds. With time you can hold it longer.


Also you just do it over and over and over. Hitting a bag is as good of a way as any to build power and know your hitting something solid.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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concentrate on slow kicks and *hold* them at the end.


Other than that, practice repeateadly until failure


A small tip though, don't count your kicks but rather look at the clock ;)



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This is how I was taught....


in your fighting stance, bring your front leg up, leavig your knee bent and foot pointing towards the ground perpendicular....


Extend your kicking leg.


As your foot is almost to the point of impact, turn your hip 90º into the kick, basically roll your hip over so that your butt is perpendicular to the kick, thus.


Do that all in reverse as you retract your kick back to ready stance.


Back leg, basically the same thing, knee up, kick out, roll your hip, retract, reset.


Do this slowly at first, until you can do it without thinking about it...then speed it up a little. You'll be able to tell if you're doing it wrong.

Any hints and tips on perfecting a Great Side Kick. Any Good excersing that can be performed each day other than stretching, that is already on a daily basis.


You can run....

...but why die tired?

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We will use a chair and work the kick in 3 stages.


One knee up


Two kick out


Three pull the kick back


We hold each step for a few seconds. With time you can hold it longer.


Also you just do it over and over and over. Hitting a bag is as good of a way as any to build power and know your hitting something solid.


That is how I learned to do all my basic kicks in MDK TKD when I first started. I think it is the best way to ingrain the technique in your brain. It is very tiring as well. You can tell, somewhat, from the snap of your pantleg what kind of power you are getting as well. Just don't hyperextned you knee. Ouch! :o



Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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All very good replys but I will add some tips that will bear more toward exercise and sidekick drills to "work" the technique (I mean you should already know how to execute the basic kick ... what you need to perfect is the "power" and "snap"in your sidekick technique. More on technique here in this thread http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4279


The best way to develop the specific muscle groups that are involved in executing a good sidekick, it is important to use the exact body movements that are used while performing the kick, and then to apply resistance. Using a heavy bag as a target (as G95 posted) is the best way to accomplish this. Strengthening the specific muscles that are used in this kick to further increase its effect is very important and standard leg strengthening exercises although helpful, really don't work the exact muscle groups that are involved in this kick.




If you have a partner you can also use a target bag and partner will supply the resistance. Fully extendyour sidekick against the target held by the partner. Try and push the partner back by thrusting the hips and not by fully extending the leg. With kicks that require power to be developed with the hips, this type of two person resistance drill will isolate the hip movement allowing you to make corrections to increase the power of your kick.


Hope these tips help you out!

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