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Let's Help sensei8 in His Time of Need

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Hey all,

Like many of you, I know sensei8 (Robert Mitcham or simply Bob) as a member of this community, who has helped countless people, both with his knowledge and in making them feel welcome. He's made well over 15,000 posts, and I think it's safe to say that those posts have reached hundreds of thousands of people. He has left an indelible mark on our community.

For more than a year, Bob has been fighting Stage IV prostate cancer. He has been documenting this battle here in the forums, where members have offered him emotional support and kindness during this time, and I hope that has helped in his fight.

But he asked me to help him start a GoFundMe because he needs help in a different way. If you read his thread, you'll find details about his struggles with insurance and the financial side of navigating a cancer diagnosis. As far too many people who have fought cancer can attest to, surviving cancer is not your only battle. You then have to tackle the bills that can pile up in the process. According to a study released by the CDC in 2019, between the years of 2011 and 2016, 25% of cancer survivors aged 18 through 64 struggled to pay their bills.

This is the position that Bob and his family now find themselves in. He told me that even though they have tried everything they can think of to have as much of the cost covered by insurance and other programs as possible, their savings have been drained. And it is reaching a desperate point, where he was finally willing to ask for help in this way. Bob believes they may no longer be able to afford their current housing in 7 months.

In this fight, the goal is to survive. But mounting bills not only make it difficult to pay for treatment, they make it difficult to pay other bills that don't stop just because you have cancer. This is a case where anything can help.

If Bob has helped you, this is a great opportunity to let him know that you appreciated it. If you can't afford to donate, consider spreading the word. Given that I manage this community and Bob is a moderator, neither of us would want you to spam anyone. But please share it in any space where you are sure it is okay to do so!

If you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to contact me or reach out to Bob directly. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Donate to Bob's GoFundMe


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Thanks for sharing Patrick, I'll share what I can considering i'm currently not working due to my own health concerns.

But to the community, we all know the value of Bob and his contribution to this community and to the Martial Arts Community in his region.

I have had many conversations with him over the years, and would be devistating to lose such a soul to Prostate Cancer.

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Done! Must be fate or the will of god, or whatever you want to think of it, I managed to get onto the forum today. Bob, I look forward to seeing you again in 2022, now that we can start to travel again. OSU! (Japanese style, what can I say!)........

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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Thanks for sharing Patrick, I'll share what I can considering i'm currently not working due to my own health concerns.
I cannot donate right now, but I can share on social media. I hope this helps.

That's very kind of you, Liam and John. Yes, this absolutely helps and is generous. Everything helps. At the same time, no pressure on anyone.

Thank you, as well, to Colin and Anonymous (who I know to be a KF member, but has opted not to be identified) for their generous contributions.


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As I post this, I'm overwhelmed across the board for what has been posted so far. THANK YOU!! If not a donation, and like Patrick has said, there's no pressure whatsoever on anyone, perhaps by just informing whomever you can about my GoFundMe campaign, is as important as the donations themselves.

I struggled to ask Patrick for his help because I'm a very proud man, and it took my wife, Linda, to convince me to seek out earnestly Patrick's counsel by reminding me that pride comes before the fall. Words can never ever express my sincerest appreciation to Patrick for helping me with my GoFundMe campaign.

Nor can I ever properly express my sincerest appreciation to you, the KF members, who've been there right by my side supporting me as I fight the good fight. Donations or not, you're all top notch in my book, and always in my heart; I truly thank you all for being there with your time.

To all of you, I greatly appreciate your heartfelt kindness now and always. There are far more worthy people than myself, in that, I'll never take your love, support, and advice for granted.



**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm happy to help, Bob. :)

Thank you for contributing, Ramona. Thank you as well to bushido_man96 and DWx for contributing since my last post on this thread. This is all very generous.


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Thank you, Ramona and Patrick, so very much!!

I’ll be forever thankful to all of you for being by my side in the toughest days of my life. You are all the most loyal that I have ever met. Everyone here and afar have helped me to get through this difficult, but yet blessed time, and I will be forever humbled by your kindness.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I'd like to repeat some of what Patrick spoke about in the OP...

If you can't afford to donate, consider spreading the word. Given that I manage this community and Bob is a moderator, neither of us would want you to spam anyone. But please share it in any space where you are sure it is okay to do so!

This is as equally important as any donations; either are greatly appreciated as well as needed. I thank each and everyone here at KF across the board.

This fight is far from being over; I will beat the survival rate, God willing!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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