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I need to gain weight PLEASE HELP! :)


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Hey everyone! Let me just say that I am 24 years old and about 6 foot tall. (maybe slightly taller actually)


Anyway I once weighed as much as like 175 lbs with steel toe boots on :D But now I am down to 145 lbs! I have like anxiety and stress alot but I EAT A TON!


I eat so much I would have thought I would be gaining like mad. But I think I am so nervous and gittery that I burn all my calories worrying or something. Can anyone recammend some sort of diet to gain wieght? I do not need to be a muscle man or anything but 180-200 lbs is the range I would like to be in.


I think at my height and body structure that 185-200 would be an optimal range for muscle withotu sacraficing any quickness. I have searched on the wbe but all I get is link to buy books on the subject. Should I eat a ton of eggs, meat, and potatoes or what?


Thanks guys and gals!

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Protein, protein, protein! Weights, weights, weights! Carbs, carbs, carbs!


Check out






I'm not saying get huge and ripped, but there might be something about getting some "bulk" on that frame of yours. 8)

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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absolutely. it's not just how much you eat, but what you are eating.


go to your nearest health food store and ask them to show you what they have for bulking up. my fiance who is trying to add mass as well, supplements a weight-training program (matrix) with a range of protein shakes and creatine drinks, daily.


i'm going for the cut-down so i don't have as much protein and carbs as he does.


good luck!




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From the little research I've been doing lately, I think you should be doing compound exercises, bench press, squat, military press, deadlifts. Building up your biceps won't add as much mass and building your legs up.. :) But, most compound exercises seem to work minor muscles as well as major muscles.
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I have had blood work done to see if I have any hyper or underactive thyroid problems because I have high anxiety but they came out fine.


I also have a post going about howw I feel sick or exsuasusted if I weight lift. I do not know why really. I am trying to ease into it as slowly as possible but it is hard when you feel like crap every time you do it :)

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Like many people have said already, I would join a training program. In a lifting program, try to do more weight with less reps. I would suggest to have a protein bar for breakfast, I recommend MET-RX Protein Plus bars, they are a great source of protein and other nutrition. If you don't have enough money to join a gym or whatnot, try to look on the net for a workout plan that fits your needs. Watch the sites that you look at, though, the net has a lot of useless fitness crap on it! IMHO I would stay away from anabolic steroids. The only type of "steroid" (using it loosely) I would ever use would be Creatine Monohydrate.

"Which one is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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There are many ways of gaining weight through ways of weight-gain diet. But far and the best way is to map out your day and eating habbits,so that you can pack in as many calories as possible. I am personally 206lbs at a hight of 6ft4 and have a strict diet. If you can buy a tub/tubs of weight-gain formula, found in most bodybuilders shops or gyms. And if possible buy calorie burning watch very useful to find out how many calories you are burning and how you can increase you allowed amount average for a male 2500. Also if you have a stress problem try a trick of mine sit down legs crossed and picture all your stresses on you mental screen then picture a dumpster and put your stresses in it and then push it off your mental screen. Hope i was of some use
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