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May the force be with you :idea:

Thanks, Tyler!

Last night's class was really good. For some reason I felt pretty gassed during hojo undo, but I felt my techniques were pretty strong throughout the beginning of class. One of my favorite training partners was back -- he's recovering from a dislocated shoulder, so I let him control the speed and intensity during kote kitae. He's a lot of fun to work with and we tend to work at about the same intensity, so it was great to see him there. We then worked ashi kitae (leg conditioning), and he's one of the few people that actually kicks me hard enough that I get real benefit from it. Good times!

Individual sanchin was pretty crazy. During individual sanchin training, we perform sanchin with shime testing, and the instructor calls out the sequence of moves we're supposed to do. Typically it is four steps forward, pivot, four steps back, pivot, four steps forward, followed by the double strikes and the wa-uke strikes. Last night I performed this with our CI's father (kyoshi 8th dan). Well, he decided to really mess with me by changing the sequence, all while pushing/pulling/striking me to try to throw me off balance. He caught me off-guard on the first pivot, and I didn't do it as cleanly as I would have liked, but all in all I felt I did pretty well.

Afterwards he told me that was the best Sanchin he had seen me perform -- and I told him, "You really were messing with me there, weren't you". His response was, "That was your Sanchin test. What you're doing next Sunday is for the audience -- as far as I'm concerned, you just passed it."

After that we broke into groups. We had a really good balance yesterday -- four instructors and eight students, so each instructor worked with a pair of students. I worked with one of the stronger junior black belts (testing for adult black belt next week) on Seisan bunkai. It was a lot of fun and we both did pretty well. Our CI watched the whole thing, and gave us minor corrections throughout. I did get clocked a couple times when he got a bit overzealous (once on a tettsui-uchi to the temple, once on a bear-hug grab where he went high and brushed my left eye). Our CI did mention that in a black belt test things are wired to eleven and if your partner accidentally hits you, keep going. However, if the judges feel you are abusing your partner they may deduct points. All in all it was a really good session and we both were able to make some fine-tune adjustments.

After that, the JBB had to leave so I worked with my CI and his younger brother on dan kumite. I felt that the one I did with my CI was one of the best ones I've done so far. I understand there are still areas I'm not perfect, but I'm feeling that I'm at a really good place for the test. I then repeated it with his brother (godan, super tall and strong), and he told me that felt really good as well.

After that, we worked kata and then finished for the evening.

4 days to go, and I'm feeling really good.

Shuri-Ryu 1996-1997 - Gokyu

Judo 1996-1997 - Yonkyu

Uechi-Ryu 2018-Present - Nidan

ABS Bladesmith 2021-Present - Apprentice

Matayoshi Kobudo 2024-Present - Hachikyu


Afterwards he told me that was the best Sanchin he had seen me perform -- and I told him, "You really were messing with me there, weren't you". His response was, "That was your Sanchin test. What you're doing next Sunday is for the audience -- as far as I'm concerned, you just passed it."

This, is awesome! A good thing to know going into testing!


Hello Aurik,

glad to her your Sensei is praising your Sanchin and he said you already passed in his opinion.

By the way when I was going for my San Dan Belt test..........I asked the sub sensei......a few questions as I was a bit nervous and we would be going to Tokyo Buddokan where there would be about 500 people within the organization there. I said do you think i can pass?

especially since I was doing a Kobudo demonstration. He said to me, something, I always remember..........He said you have already passed as your Sensei wouldnt have invited you to display your techniques to the organization unless he truly thought you deserve to be promoted to the next level

Maybe some other members can jump in on this note: Is it said to be true if your main sensei invites you to display your Kata and other skills in front of the Panel.......

I got my third Black Belt but was always so nervous, so with what I was told....surely I can relax mo,re from now and it makes me strive to be even better!

I think You will pass Aurik

best of luck,



..........He said you have already passed as your Sensei wouldnt have invited you to display your techniques to the organization unless he truly thought you deserve to be promoted to the next level

Maybe some other members can jump in on this note: Is it said to be true if your main sensei invites you to display your Kata and other skills in front of the Panel.......


Yeah I have always heard the same thing.

The only slight caveat i would put on it is that if your instructor is relatively junior for an instructor ,and as your grade is approaching theirs, there is a (slight) possibility that they may not identify some minor issues that the grading examiner would pick out (am envisaging here a 2nd dan instructor somewhere, student grading for 1st dan with the examiner being an 8th dan master etc.)

I've always taken two views on it as a student :

1) my instructor wouldn't let me take the grading unless he/she already knew i was at that level

2) as long as i give my best on that day, then that is all i can control. If i do that then i come out with the grade i deserve for that day

@ Aurik : sounds like you will be fine though - the CI wouldn't be wasting his time telling you he thought you had already passed that section if he didn't have confidence in your ability


The only slight caveat i would put on it is that if your instructor is relatively junior for an instructor ,and as your grade is approaching theirs, there is a (slight) possibility that they may not identify some minor issues that the grading examiner would pick out (am envisaging here a 2nd dan instructor somewhere, student grading for 1st dan with the examiner being an 8th dan master etc.)

I've always taken two views on it as a student :

1) my instructor wouldn't let me take the grading unless he/she already knew i was at that level

2) as long as i give my best on that day, then that is all i can control. If i do that then i come out with the grade i deserve for that day

@ Aurik : sounds like you will be fine though - the CI wouldn't be wasting his time telling you he thought you had already passed that section if he didn't have confidence in your ability

DP, fortunately that caveat does not hold here. My CI is a 6th degree Renshi and his father is an 8th degree kyoshi. The other members of the board are 7th, 5th, and 4th degrees.

Shuri-Ryu 1996-1997 - Gokyu

Judo 1996-1997 - Yonkyu

Uechi-Ryu 2018-Present - Nidan

ABS Bladesmith 2021-Present - Apprentice

Matayoshi Kobudo 2024-Present - Hachikyu


Ok Aurik,

If that is the case you passed!

Omedeto :P


So the test is over and I passed.

I’m one word, it was intense. There was a possibility that I was going to partner with a JBB who was testing for his adult shodan, but he was unable to test today due to other commitments (baseball). Instead I tested with my Ci… and he kicked things up to 11. I had planned on pacing myself during the bunkai, but he brought such intensity to the attacks and defenses that I had no choice but to kick things up a notch as well. By the end of the bunkai I was pretty seriously gassed. Fortunately the bunkai is the last of the technically difficult items on the test, and with the number of examiners, I had at least 5-10 minutes between sessions to recover. I was able to hit every segment strong and I am proud of what I did today. I know a few areas I flubbed slightly, but I never heard that dreadful, “can I please see that again” (which means you failed at something).

After the test was over and I got home I crashed hard from the exhaustion and adrenaline let-down.

Now on to the next step!

Shuri-Ryu 1996-1997 - Gokyu

Judo 1996-1997 - Yonkyu

Uechi-Ryu 2018-Present - Nidan

ABS Bladesmith 2021-Present - Apprentice

Matayoshi Kobudo 2024-Present - Hachikyu

So the test is over and I passed.

I’m one word, it was intense. There was a possibility that I was going to partner with a JBB who was testing for his adult shodan, but he was unable to test today due to other commitments (baseball). Instead I tested with my Ci… and he kicked things up to 11. I had planned on pacing myself during the bunkai, but he brought such intensity to the attacks and defenses that I had no choice but to kick things up a notch as well. By the end of the bunkai I was pretty seriously gassed. Fortunately the bunkai is the last of the technically difficult items on the test, and with the number of examiners, I had at least 5-10 minutes between sessions to recover. I was able to hit every segment strong and I am proud of what I did today. I know a few areas I flubbed slightly, but I never heard that dreadful, “can I please see that again” (which means you failed at something).

After the test was over and I got home I crashed hard from the exhaustion and adrenaline let-down.

Now on to the next step!

Congratulations!! You've worked hard for it and sounds like you deserve it

Now you get to enjoy it for a bit then start working towards that Nidan!

So the test is over and I passed.

I’m one word, it was intense. There was a possibility that I was going to partner with a JBB who was testing for his adult shodan, but he was unable to test today due to other commitments (baseball). Instead I tested with my Ci… and he kicked things up to 11. I had planned on pacing myself during the bunkai, but he brought such intensity to the attacks and defenses that I had no choice but to kick things up a notch as well. By the end of the bunkai I was pretty seriously gassed. Fortunately the bunkai is the last of the technically difficult items on the test, and with the number of examiners, I had at least 5-10 minutes between sessions to recover. I was able to hit every segment strong and I am proud of what I did today. I know a few areas I flubbed slightly, but I never heard that dreadful, “can I please see that again” (which means you failed at something).

After the test was over and I got home I crashed hard from the exhaustion and adrenaline let-down.

Now on to the next step!

Congrats on passing the test! a huge achievement! sounds well deserved!

Ashley Aldworth

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